Reality Steve


Daily Roundup 5/15 – Corrections From Yesterday, Golden Bachelorette Announcement, Vanderpump Reunion, Deal or No Deal Island Finale, & Idol

All right, Vanderpump Rules reunion show part one last night, as I said in the open, I got to imagine a lot of you feel the same way I do. And that’s that. It was just very underwhelming because I think the main reason it’s underwhelming, and I’m guessing part two and part three are going to be just as underwhelming as this is because so many of them have done podcasts since they recorded this reunion show.

And the stuff that they said there was more revealing than anything we saw last night. I mean, Lala has basically said, I’m not friends. I have not spoken to Sandoval or Ariana. I don’t really talk to them anymore. And Sheena has been outspoken about everything that’s going on. Doesn’t seem like she’s friends with Ariana anymore.

So maybe we’re going to see why we get to that point. And maybe it’s that part three where we know they’re going to show the cast in real time when they filmed this reunion show, the ending of the season. And, and when Lala went off and Sheena went off. Well, more so Lala that went off about Ariana thinking that she’s God and stuff like that.

Like that’s obviously going to set Ariana off and that’s probably why Ariana isn’t talking to her, but we already like, no, I almost feel like this is part of the I dunno, it’s like the Kardashians show where their life was so big. I’m talking about in the heyday of the Kardashians, like their life is so big and everything going on in their life.

We already knew by the time the episodes aired, everything that had happened, whether it was Kim getting robbed, or Tristan cheating on Khloe, I mean, Khloe, yeah, Khloe, duh, Khloe Kardashian. Like, we already knew it, because everything that they did, everything about their lives was in the tabloids, you know?

So you’re sitting there, you’re like, okay. We already know this and I’m not saying like it wasn’t relevant last night, but I just feel like everything they’ve said in podcasts post this reunion is way more revealing than anything we actually saw on the reunion last night. You know, maybe, maybe you guys feel different, but I was underwhelmed by it.

And if I was underwhelmed by part one, I’m probably going to be underwhelmed by part two and part three. I did not watch the Valley yet last night. I’ll get to watching that sometime this week. One thing I did notice, and maybe I, you know, again, I’ve being a newcomer to Vanderpump nation. Having only started last year at the reunion show, Tom Sandoval has resting bitch face, right?

Like that is my, remember my introduction to him was last reunion show where he was just sitting there miserable for three episodes. And obviously, and rightfully so, because he had basically committed the biggest boner on reality TV television relationships we’d seen in a while. But he was just, you know, always pouty.

But I noticed it last night. Him just sitting there, even if he’s not pouting or upset at something, he definitely has RBF for sure. And I don’t know if that’s ever getting cured. I mean, I compared to last year’s reunion show, at least part one. Where everybody was screaming at him last night. It was just like cake for him.

Right. What did he have to sit through last night? That was remotely, I don’t know, tough one time they kind of got on his case, but I feel like he’s already dealt with the worst of it during the season. And I don’t know, I’m just comparing last year’s reunion to this one and how 180 degrees different it has been already, at least in one episode of the reunion for Sandoval, because last night was basically nothing.

On Monday night, the finale for Deal or No Deal Island happened, and I should have mentioned this yesterday, but I didn’t, or I should have mentioned it going into Monday’s episode, because remember, last week, they did a To Be Continued at the end of the episode to see if, who the third person was that was going to make the final three, was it going to be Rob, or was it going to be the other woman, the short one, sorry, I forget her name.

To It was so obvious to me that it wasn’t going to be Rob, but because Boston Rob was basically the narrator of this season to keep people invested, it made perfect TV sense for them to do a, to be continued. And. Basically right at the beginning. Cause it gets him another episode. It gets people like, Oh, is Rob still there?

Because I think more people are invested. Even if you hate Boston, Rob, you want to see one it’s he get eliminated or two. If he does make it to the final three, does he make it to the final one? Is he the one that gets to play? Now you’ll hear Kristen and I talk about this on tomorrow’s podcast. I’m really curious because this show was a huge hit for NBC this year.

It really probably surprised all of them how successful it was and how many people have been talking about it. I think next year you pretty much got to do the same thing. I don’t think people want to watch reality stars possibly playing for a 13 million briefcase. Yeah, especially reality stars that have been around the block and have been on five, six, seven shows.

I think they need to do the same thing. Cast one or two. Cast one or two that you think are going to be really interesting, but it’s kind of got to be the same cast as this year where it’s just regular everyday people. Cause those are the people that were on the original deal or no deal. I don’t remember if they ever did like a celebrity version where those people played for maybe a charity, but you know, Boston Rob, while it would have been fun to see if he got to the end or whatever, ultimately, would people have been happy if he won another million dollars in a reality show?

Probably not as much. And with the story for Jordan and struggling conceiving a child, and then we find out they fast forward four months later, we find out that she’s pregnant. It was just very, very positive for them. But. A great first way to end the season that the person that gets all the way to the end ends up winning 1.

2 million. Again, it was a total math thing. The odds of picking the 13 million case, and then having the balls to go all the way to the end, thinking you had the 13 million case. Did you see what Jordan did? She had, I don’t know what round it was. The third round she got to, she only had to pick two cases and the 13 million one was still up there.

So before that round, how we offered her 1. 197 million. I don’t know Jordan’s financial situation, but considering it was the largest offer in deal or no deal history, you would think like, how are you, how in the world are you turning down? Like assuming you’re just an average, you know, married couple trying to conceive a child.

The fact that she even thought about it for more than one second of, yeah, I’m going to turn down 1. 17 million. I, I get it. I get that it’s greed and I get that she thought that she probably had the 13 million, but she chooses two cases and one of the two cases is the 13 million. The other one was another one on the right side, another million.

So I believe. There was like three left in the small amounts and two left on the big amounts, like a 4 million, one and a 5 million one and how he’s offer then goes to 1. 2 to 7 million. And she’s like, deal. I’m like, you realize you literally only gained 30, 000 and it kind of just shows how greedy she got.

Because she thought she had a chance to really win the 13 million. And I, you know, it’s all luck if you do, but even if that 13 million was still there, you got to have some serious balls to take that because what if the final two cases are the 13 million one and a hundred dollar one, how he’s offer is going to be basically 6.

6 and a half million dollars. It’s going to be cut down the middle. Do you have the, does anybody have the balls if offered six and a half million dollars, you know, your offer is six and a half million dollars. You can take it and walk off the show with life changing money or. Well, I’ve got a 50, 50 shot at winning 13 million or I could win a hundred dollars.

Nobody, I’m telling you, unless you’re already a millionaire and money isn’t an issue to you, anybody that continues to play and says, I want to try for the 50, 50 shot at 13 million is an idiot. I’m sorry. If you’re, the only way you do that is if you’re already a millionaire and money doesn’t matter to you.

You take the six and a half million dollars and you don’t blink twice. That’ll be interesting to see if somebody in the future does that, because that’s the only way. I mean, that’s the only way someone’s ever going to beat a 1. 2 million offer by the banker who ended up being Howie is if the final two cases are a small case and a large case of over 4 million because it’s Howie’s offer is just going to split the middle of it.

It’s going to split the difference. It’s going to be like, okay, you have a 4 million case and you have something, you know, under a thousand. All right. Well, your offer is 2 million. Either, either take the 2 million. Or try for a chance at 4 million, or you could end up with a thousand. So, and Jordan’s case had a thousand dollars in it.

So she made a good deal and she made 1. 2 million. The whole point was I was just shocked that shit took her more than two seconds to realize like, what, this is seriously good money. But again, I don’t know her financial situation. So, but I was stunned. She turned down 1. 19 million dollars or whatever it was.

Yeah. 1. 19 million. I’m just like. What are you doing? Anyway, thank you all for listening. Oh wait, sorry. One last thing I want to talk about American Idol. You know, that I went to the Mavericks game. If you watch my social media on Monday night, game four against OKC, literally just talking about American Idol that day on the podcast on Monday and who’s the halftime show of the Dallas Mavericks, OKC game for Jack blocker.

Why? Cause Jack blockers from Dallas and he was there filming part of his hometown date. I’m sure you’re going to see that on Sunday night’s finale when they show Jack blockers hometown date, they’re going to show him singing at halftime in the Mavs game. But I was just like, wow, I was just talking about this guy.

I think he’s going to win. He sang two songs that he’s already sung on the show. Crowd seemed to like him. They seemed to know who he was. They cheered him. So good luck to Jack blocker. I’m glad I saw him perform two songs at halftime of the Mavs game on Monday night. Now, thank you all for listening.

Really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcast also rate and review, but please. Hit play. That’s the only way it counts as a download. So if you miss a day, just go back and hit play sports daily. We’ll be up in an hour from now. You can check that out and we’re back again tomorrow with three podcasts, podcast number three 91 with Kristen Baldwin from EW.

com. We’re gonna have your daily roundup. We’re going to have your sports daily. So again, thank you all for listening. Really appreciate it. Thank you to those who didn’t jump down my throat for mixing up Kane Brown and. Jim Allen. Thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. And I will talk to you tomorrow.


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