Reality Steve


Podcast #391 – Interview with Kristen Baldwin, TV Critic for (And Transcript)

Now this is somewhat sports related, but it is something that I found very interesting because of who this guy’s teammate is.

If you haven’t heard by now, the Kansas city kicker. Kansas City Chiefs kicker. Harrison Butcher gave a commencement, commencement speech at Benedictine College, graduating class in Kansas on this past Saturday. During his speech, he was very ignorant, very misogynistic, and a lot of people are calling him out online.

He said, if you haven’t heard this, I, I’m sure you’ve seen this story by now, but for those that haven’t. He said, for the ladies present today, congratulations on an amazing accomplishment. You should be proud that you have all achieved to this point in your young lives. I want to speak directly to you briefly because I think it’s you, the women, who have had the most diabolical lies told to you.

He then went on to say, while some of the women in the audience may go on to lead successful careers in the world, he would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world. He claimed that his wife would be quote, the first to say that her life truly started when she began living her vocation as a wife.

And as a mother, he added that homemaker is one of the most important titles of all, he also took aim at the LGBTQ community and pride month saying. Quote, the true God centered pride that is cooperation with the Holy Ghost to glorify him rather than the quote deadly sins sort of pride that has an entire month dedicated to it.

Now we can sit here. Obviously there are people listening right now that absolutely are probably standing up and applauding him saying this because you believe in a certain religion and this is what you follow, which is fine. I’m not saying you can’t believe in a religion. I just have an issue with the people who someone like Harrison saying this at a commencement speech.

Like. Harrison, if you were to say this and stand up in front of your church, that would make way more sense because everybody there already believes this stuff, invoking this on a bunch of strangers that you don’t know. And coming across like that, that women belong in the kitchen basically. And their only job should be to be a wife and a mother.

And I just, I don’t know what this guy was thinking, but here’s the interesting thing, obviously he plays for the Kansas city chiefs, his teammate is Travis Kelsey. A lot of what Harrison Butker just said is literally 100 percent against what Taylor Swift stands for. So, I’m not saying Travis Kelce is ever not going to speak to this guy in the locker room anymore, but this is an issue.

I can’t imagine it isn’t. If Travis sticks up for his girlfriend, like he has seemingly done since last year and is a hundred percent supporter of her, which he seemingly has been since they started dating, he’s going to have an issue with this. How can he not? Because what Harrison said is a slap in the face to what Taylor stands for and other people in this world.

But I’m just saying, I’m relating it just to the team aspect of it. He’s been called out online by everybody a lot of people. And this is, again, you know, one of these things. I sit, I, look, Harrison can believe whatever he wants. Personally, do I believe in anything that he said? No, I don’t. I don’t agree with anything he said.

But as I said when I was just talking about the Lala and Katie fight. It’s like, okay, I don’t agree with this. But I’m not going to sit here and write Harrison Butker a letter. I’m not going to DM him. I’m not going to write all over his Instagram page. What an idiot I think he is just whatever I don’t agree with you I’m moving on and I think that’s what you know A lot of people if you want to speak out against him obviously plenty of people plenty of celebrities have spoken out against him and Called him out already, but something like this.

It’s just Just because you know, this is what he believes in and this is how he’s been raised fine, but I guarantee you Anybody that opposes Harrison, if they were to speak with him, he would think they’re in the wrong and that’s the problem with someone who is so hell bent on their side of a religion.

It’s like nothing else matters. They, they’re not open to what other people believe in. Those people are wrong. And it’s just. If he ends up apologizing for this, we’ve, he’s already shown his ass. We know what he believes if he apologizes for this, we know it’s fake because he’s just going to say, Oh, I realized I shouldn’t have said that.

So unless this guy goes to sensitivity training or talks to somebody, we all know what we all know how he feels. He made that perfectly clear during a fucking commencement speech. Nothing he says in an apology is going to make me think that this guy actually doesn’t believe what he said. He would only be apologizing because the team is going to ask him to, or maybe they won’t, I don’t know.

Maybe he won’t even apologize and maybe be like, Hey, this is what I believe. It’s like, okay, that’s great. But you don’t need to impose it on a bunch of college students that probably not every single one of them sitting in the audience that day is waiting for the day to be a wife and a mother. It’s just ignorant to say that and it’s very tone deaf of him to do that and I’m really really curious to see what this does in the locker room, especially with Travis because we know that Taylor is a huge supporter of the LGBT community and Harrison Butker basically just shit all over it.

So what does Travis say to him? I mean, he’s not going to get in a fight with him, but does he pull him aside and say, Hey man, what are you doing? And be really curious to see what happens here. Are the chiefs going to cut him? No, because you can separate his thoughts from him being a kicker. He’s one of the best kickers in the history of the league.

And he might be the second best kicker. Currently in the NFL, but man, very, very tone deaf. If you ask me survivor last night, we’re going to end with this. We thought was very, very interesting because

Liz first off announced to everybody, she went to the bathroom for the first time in, I don’t know how many days, 22, so it brought back bachelor in paradise season nine with. Sam and her poop baby. Thought that was interesting. Ben having panic attacks, I thought was interesting because this is the second time we’ve seen him like waking up in the middle of the night and basically scared out of his mind and kind of just rambling if you’ve listened to enough interviews with people who have been on survivor, once you get off this show, even if you had a great experience, it takes a while.

To adjust back to normal life because you are used to being out there and just getting back and sleeping in your own bed. I’ve heard a very much a PTSD from this show of people that had a really hard time adjusting once they were back in the real world because you just have this sense of paranoia that you’re out there still.

So. The fact that they have focused on Ben and his panic attacks these last couple of days, last couple episodes are, are, are interesting to me because I know this is a thing. This isn’t just like Ben’s the only one that’s ever had this. So I, I, I hope he’s better now for sure in the open. I mentioned, I have an indirect connection to one of the contestants this season.

Anybody that knows my background in sports talk radio knows I used to be a caller to the Jim Rome show. I worked for the Jim Rome show. I called the Jim Rome show after I started, stopped working for him and Jim Rome has his annual once a year smack off and haven’t called it in a few years, probably won’t ever again.

I just don’t see the need. I don’t really want to listen to the show anymore. One of the best callers, if you, if you’re familiar with the Jim Rome show, one of the best callers on the show is a guy by the name of. Sean Pendergast. He’s currently a talk show host in Houston. He went by the name The Kablin Asian on The Jim Rome Show.

Don’t ask if you don’t, if you don’t know, it’s okay that you don’t know, but his name is Sean Pendergast and him and I were basically enemies as callers to a radio show back in, I’m talking late 90s, early 2000s, years ago. And this is before social media. So I had no way of knowing he was a caller from Houston.

I was a caller from LA. It’s just, it was just a weird thing, but we would always take shots at each other. And we had never spoken to each other because that was part of the Jim Rome show talking trash about other people and other callers. Okay. But I had never spoken to in my life. As we get older, as social media becomes a thing, him and I got in touch and we’ve become we hung out one weekend in Houston.

We’ve become very cordial with each other. We all know it’s kind of fun and games. And for a while there, when Sean went into his own radio career, he stopped calling the Jim Rome show. And I was the one who broached the idea back in, I can’t remember what year it was, 2016, 2017. I don’t even remember off the top of my head, but I was like, Hey man, why don’t we do a, I’m going to call the smack off and I’m going to bring you in.

And it was a big deal. And I brought him in as like a tag team call. It was one of the better calls I think that we had because it was just such a surprise that the, the guy that had won the most smack off titles, he had won five smack off titles, was brought back in after basically a nine or 10 year absence.

And I thought it was a great call, smart, surprised everybody. And he’s been calling ever since long story short, when I’m watching the show last night, And Charlie gets a letter from loved ones. He talked about how he got a letter from his girlfriend, Judy. And the second they showed a picture of Judy, I’m like, she looks familiar.

I go to Charlie’s Instagram page. First time I’ve gone to his Instagram page all year. And I realize, Oh, that’s Judy Pendergast. That’s Sean’s daughter. I haven’t texted Sean since, let me, let me look the last time I texted him. It was a while ago. It was before last night. It was. January 24th, 2022. So it had been a while.

That was when we were talking Texans football. So it had been literally over 24 months. And I told him last night, watching Charlie’s love letter, I realized that’s your daughter. He’s like, yeah, been a crazy few weeks and he, you know, we get to going back and forth and I didn’t, I didn’t even ask, Hey, do you know if Charlie wins or not?

Cause I don’t want to know. It doesn’t seem like he knows because he’s like. This is my first season ever watching. And he goes, we’ve been, we were on pins and needles tonight. So he could be lying to me. And maybe he knows if Charlie won or lost just the way he was talking to me. I don’t think he knows.

Which is kind of hard to believe because I’m guessing, I’m guessing Charlie’s girlfriend knows if he won or not when I think she would tell her parents, but I don’t know. I have no idea. In his text to me last night, he was basically claiming he didn’t know anything about what happens. So, cause he was reacting in the moment.

And he even said after the episode aired, he goes, you should see the group family text right now. We’re all trying to figure out if Charlie knows how to make fire. That was pretty much the last thing he texted me about the show, but yeah, really, really just funny indirect connection. So a guy I used to call a sports talk show with daughter is the girlfriend of a guy who made the final five in survivor, not as much of a six degrees of separation as I had to Daisy this year with her sister being my niece’s roommate in college and best friend, but still.

Wow. I actually indirectly know another person on reality TV where for, I don’t know, 20 years, I’d never knew anybody for the most part. And then finally, are we serious? Four straight people now have been voted out with idols. What’s going on on this show? Hunter, right? And then Tiff and then Venus last week.

And now Q like, what is going on? How are these people doing this? Like, is this just serious gameplay? And these people are really smart. The thing that surprised me last night was Maria, because I understand Maria thought Kenzie and Liz were voting with her. She thought it was going to be Q Maria, Liz, and Kenzie voting for Charlie.

And. Charlie and Ben voting for who? Oh, Q. So, which is okay. She thought that she had Liz and Kenzie in her corner, but the thing is, she’s the only person that knew that Q had an idol. So why wouldn’t, if she wanted Charlie out as bad as she did, which she clearly did, she voted for him and she thought she had four votes going to him and two votes only going to Q just, she’s been such a smart player this year.

And one of the very, Strategic players this year, just on the off chance that Kenzie and Liz might have flipped on you. Why wouldn’t you just tell Q to play his idol? Then Charlie goes home. I know it’s easy to say after the fact now that four votes went to Q and two votes went to Charlie, but I just, I’m shocked.

And the other thing that I was shocked at was That’s the first time I think maybe ever in the history of this show in 46 seasons where we saw everybody’s vote. So if they’re showing us everybody’s vote and we saw it was four votes to two, Q had four and Charlie had two. I was convinced that when Jeff asked, does anybody have any idols?

We were going to see Q play as idol and then we were going to find out next week on the episode. That she told Q, hey, the vote’s going on you tonight, play your idol. So, the second he didn’t play his idol, we knew he was going home. We knew all the votes. So I thought that was going to be a twist last night and it wasn’t.

So very surprised at Maria, who seems to be a savvy game player. Like I said, I understand why she didn’t tell Q because she thought Kenzie and Liz were voting for her, but she’s always been thinking ahead. And I just thought she would know like, okay, well, I know they say they are, but what if they aren’t, I can guarantee Charlie’s out if I tell Q to play his idol and she didn’t, and now Q’s gone.

And your final five are those are Ben, Kenzie, Liz, Charlie, and Maria. Honestly, I only think Maria and Charlie have a chance to win this thing. Liz has zero chance to win the same with Ben. They have no story. They haven’t won anything. They would get zero votes in the final three. I guess Kenzie could possibly win this thing, but I think if she’s sitting next to either Charlie or Maria, she doesn’t win this thing.

She would literally have to take one of the other two sad sacks. She would have to take Ben or Liz. It’d have to be a final three of Ben, Liz, and Kenzie, I think for Kenzie to win. Cause I don’t think Kenzie beats. Charlie and I don’t think Kenzie beats Maria. So this is a Charlie or Maria thing right now.

So I can’t wait to see how it all plays out. I think they’re very deserving winners. So I just want to see which way the jury leans because Maria has won more. Maybe Charlie has schemed better. I think this could actually be our first close vote in a while. If we have Charlie and Maria both there in the final three, if one of them is out of the final three, the one that is still in is going to win this and probably win this.

Seven votes to nothing, nine votes to nothing. That’s the way I see it. Anyway. Thank you all for listening. Really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts also rate and review, but you got to hit play. It’s the only way it counts as a download sports daily is going to be up in an hour from now. We’re going to talk about everything that happened in the NBA and NHL playoffs last night and then in two hours, podcast three 91 with Kristen Baldwin from ew.

com. Thank you all for listening. Really appreciate it, and I’ll talk to you tomorrow. See you.

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