Reality Steve


Daily Roundup 6/5 – A Story From Jenn’s Season, Golden Bachelorette Filming Later This Month, The Valley Season Finale, & An Unwanted Reality Show Coming To TLC

Let’s talk about the Valley finale last night. I absolutely loved the Valley finale last night. You know why? Because for about. A month and a half now, we had heard probably about midway through the season that the Valley was not having a reunion show. I don’t know why, but they just weren’t. And then knowing it was going to be a finale last night.

I was like, well, how is this thing going to end for those that don’t know? I don’t know the exact dates, but the, but the Valley that season that we just watched film, I believe July and August of last year, we’re literally coming up on a year since they filmed all that stuff. So much stuff has happened since then.

So when I heard there wasn’t a reunion show, I’m like, well, that sucks. We’re going to get an ending from something that happened last August. Is that really going to happen? Well, kudos to the Valley and their producers for basically fast forwarding to three months ago. I thought that was great. The fact that we got to see footage that was filmed to mark the first week of March and updated us on basically the two couples that we needed to know the most about Jackson, Brittany.

Jesse and Michelle, they did us update us on Janet and Jason. They had had their baby angel and we got a little bit there because Brittany went over to their house. So it got everybody that was on the show this season in the same scene, but this was all about fast forwarding to March. So we could see where Jesse and Michelle were at and where Brittany and Jacks were at.

Before we got to that. The show ended with Jax’s bar opening last summer. And Alex, once again, getting in the middle of things, wanting to talk to Janet and then Janet going off on him because he was going off on her. It’s just like everything on this show literally escalates in five seconds. It is just the craziest thing.

These people cannot have civil conversations with each other. It escalates so quickly. And I just don’t think any scenario where. It’s somebody else’s soft launch for their bar, but you know, just time, just like any other show, whether it’s a housewife show, whether it’s New York or Orange County or Beverly Hills, I don’t even watch those shows, but I know that anytime everybody attends an event, there’s drama producers.

Tell them to create the drama. I’m sure. Because why can’t you just go to an event and nobody says anything wrong and nobody pisses somebody off and nobody yells at somebody because that’s not interesting television, Steve. So I’m sure Alex was egged on with his fake hair. I know it’s not fake. I just like to call it fake because it looks like it’s painted on, but come on guys.

You know, I shouldn’t even say that because it doesn’t matter if I say, come on guys. This is what the show is. This is what sells that every time there’s a get together, there’s shit talking going on. There’s screaming going on. There’s finger pointing going on. I mean, that’s what these shows live off of.

So. I guess we can expect it. The other thing that I liked other than the fast forward to three months ago was the fact that they really did break the fourth wall on this show. And I like it more and more when reality shows break the fourth wall, which was they’re addressing the headlines in us weekly.

They’re addressing what the internet rumors were. They’re showing Brittany being. Talk to by TMZ Jack’s being talked to by TMZ and what they said back in, I believe, maybe it was January or February when those videos were happening because Brittany had moved out. And then Jack’s literally telling her, I never said that we were still together and her literally pulling up a video of TMZ catching him as he, I think he was leaving work.

And he said, yeah, no, she’s still at the house. She hasn’t moved out. And it’s just like, And just like Brittany said, why does he continue to lie? You realize that once you lie once and then you just keep lying, they compound and it’s just like a snowball. Just ask Laura Owens anyway, but that’s what I’m talking about with Jax.

It’s like the coverup is almost worse than the original lie. Even something as small as, Oh, I never said that Brittany. And then she literally calls him out with evidence, with receipts. Jax, here’s the TMZ video. What are you saying? He’s like, Oh, I just, yeah, I, but you literally said 10 seconds ago. You never said that.

That’s what I mean. Like. After watching, because there was already questions, the second we heard before The Valley started this season and started airing, we had heard that Brittany had moved out. And everyone’s like, oh my gosh, this is just a publicity stunt for the show. Is she even serious? And for those that have followed their relationship, I hadn’t.

I had heard about it through the tabloids, but I was not A Jackson, Brittany watcher. I did not watch them on Vanderpump rules. So not that I thought it was a publicity stunt. I just didn’t know anything about them other than what I read in the headlines and how Jax is just a horrible human being. So when I saw, and I heard it playing out before the Valley.

Yeah, of course you might think like, Oh, is this scripted? Is this just done to get people to tune into their show? Is season two going to be all about redemption or whatever? Look the way they ended it last night, which was footage from three months ago, not. The whole season that was filmed back last summer.

It really looks like to me that Brittany is standing her ground, which she should. We all watch Jack’s this season. And those of you have been following Vanderpump rules for 11 seasons. No way more about Jack’s than I do just watching him this season. You’ve heard me say it on a couple of the last few interviews I’ve done.

He’s literally one of the most unlikable people I’ve ever seen on reality TV. And that’s saying a lot. Guy is just not all there, but I do agree with him when he says he needs help. There’s something wrong with him to treat his wife the way he does on camera. If Jax is talking to his wife like that on camera, how do you think he’s treating her when the cameras aren’t around?

Obviously I can’t speak for it. I don’t have cameras in their house, but when Brittany says, Oh, he yelled at me for two hours. Is it really that hard to believe? Look at the way he treats her when America is watching, when a national audience, when he knows cameras are in their face. Look at the way he talks to her.

Look at the way he treats her. Look at the way he disrespects her. It looks like to me that season two, which I can’t wait for even though it looks like we’re probably gonna be seven or eight months away before we even see season two. It really looks like Brittany is going to stand her ground. And I think there’s going to be so much pressure for her to not go back to him.

I don’t see her doing it. And I don’t think even if Jack’s had the best therapist and Jack’s says I’ve done a one 80, I realized I don’t want to lose my wife and kid. I’ve been selfish. I’ve been this, I’ve been that I’ve been drinking too much. I get out of hand. I yell too much. I have a short temper, all this stuff that everyone has said about Jack’s over the years.

Even if Britney says, you know what, Jax has changed, you haven’t seen it, he’s really improved, and all this stuff, I think anybody watching will say, yeah, but it’s just temporary. He will go back to being Jax. He’s had ten years to change his behavior, and he never has. Do you think he’s going to do it over one summer?

Yes, it’s small steps. Yes, it’s going to take a while for someone like that to change. It doesn’t seem like he’s willing to. So we’ll know next summer or we’ll know next year when they start filming season two this summer and we get to see it probably in February of next year. Whatever March, I don’t know.

I don’t know what their plan is. Maybe they’ll give it to us at the end of 2024. I don’t know if I hear anything about. Jackson. Brittany are trying to work things out. She’s taking him back. Boy, that’s going to be a kick in the nuts because I’m not going to buy it. And I’m a guy that has a one season of Jax Taylor on my television screen.

You guys who have been following this forever, no way more than I do. I’m aware, I’m aware of his past behavior. I’ve seen clips, but just this season alone, that’s all I needed to see about this guy. He’s not going to change. In my opinion, he should, he at least needs to get help. He’s got a son. Be a good dad.

Maybe you can’t save your marriage, but your son’s going to see this one day. When he’s older, he’s going to look at how you treat his mother. It’s going to have an effect on him. I’m sure not to mention, I don’t know what, you know, what he sees right now. Obviously he’s only two, man, that guy is a piece of work and I’m not going to buy anything.

I hope season two is about them just living separate lives. Obviously they’re going to have to interact on screen. Obviously, Jesse and Michelle are going to have to interact on screen, but we saw Jesse on watch what happens live. I think it was last week. Where he has said, yeah, I’ve met Michelle’s new girlfriend, Michelle’s new boyfriend.

They came over for Isabella’s birthday or something like that. There was a party and Michelle and her boyfriend stayed the longest out of anybody. So they seem to be co parenting fairly well. There’s probably some issues there that we’ll see in season two, Jackson, Brittany, I don’t know. I just, I don’t, I, I really hope she doesn’t take him back.

And that’s just a one season opinion for me. Who’s watched Jax. It just doesn’t seem healthy. Any change in his behavior, to me, would seem to be a short term fix. I just don’t buy it. Finally, did you see what TLC announced yesterday? Alec Baldwin and his wife, Ilaria, are going to have a show on TLC that follows their family.

Here’s the thing that interested me the most, and shocked me the most. Again, I feel like I’ve got my ear to pop culture pretty well. I knew Alec Baldwin and Ilaria were married. I knew that she was like, he met her in New York and she was like a yoga instructor, she’s significantly younger than him, yadda, yadda, yadda, I knew they had some kids.

I had no idea they had seven kids. Like, if you were to ask me before I saw that story yesterday, Steve, when do you think Alec Baldwin and Hilaria got married? I would have said, I don’t know, 2017, 2018? They have seven kids! The fuck? I got married in like 2012. I had, that shocked me. So then, after I read that, I was like, well let me go to Alec Baldwin and Hilaria’s Wikipedia page.

I went to Alec Baldwin’s for some reason cause I want, oh yeah, cause I wanted to see when they got married. Cause all the story said about the show was, it’s gonna follow them and their seven kids. I’m like, when, when did they get married? And then I, you know, Wikipedia’d it. And I saw it, and it talked about Alec Baldwin’s personal life.

And It said he briefly dated Lori Loughlin, he briefly dated Lori Singer, and then it said he also briefly dated Jennifer Love Hewitt. What? I don’t ever remember that story. And you know how obsessed I was with Jennifer Love Hewitt in the 90s. I’m assuming that’s when he dated her. When she was at her peak.

I’m not saying that she’s falling off. I’m, you know what I’m saying? Like when she was all over our TVs and movies, I don’t remember that at all. So I just thought that was interesting that I found out yesterday, Alec Baldwin used to date Jennifer Law Hewitt. I’m sure it wasn’t serious. I’m sure they were probably seen at a few dinners in Hollywood or something like that.

And you know, he’s probably 20 years older than her, which is not surprising in Hollywood. We see it all the time. Older men with younger women, especially younger women that are popular and part of the scene. I just don’t remember that. Headline ever. And it could be just cause I forgot it. I, maybe I was jealous of it at the time when I was obsessed with her, but.

Alec Baldwin and Jennifer Love Hewitt never, I just don’t remember that at all. Anyway. Thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts. Also rate and review, but you got to hit play. That’s the only way it counts as a download. I’d really appreciate it. If you did that, miss any episodes, go back and hit play for me, please.

And the sports daily will be up in an hour from now. Go check that out. Again, thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. And I will talk to you tomorrow.

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