Reality Steve


Podcast #395 – Interview with Megan Fox, Journalist, Author, & YouTuber (And Transcripts)

So I wanted to get to today’s podcast, weekly podcast, that’s coming 395. It is with Megan Fox, who is an author, a journalist, and also a YouTuber who started covering this case once Laura Owen started going after Dave Neal and basically saying, look, Leave me alone.

You’re harassing me. Stop talking about this case. I mean, just you’ve you’ve heard me read the last two days emails from her. You kind of know where her mindset is at. But this is a woman who went to the sun and gave her story. So then it became a public case and she is basically tried to go after Dave for harassment because he was making videos.

Talking about a public court case. Again, do you understand how insane this is? How insane she is for thinking that Dave, I don’t care if he made one video or over a hundred videos, and he’s well over a hundred talking about this. I don’t care how many he did. Laura, how do you not understand the second this story went public, anybody is allowed to have an opinion on it and anybody is allowed to have a negative opinion about a public figure.

You’re gonna hear Megan Fox absolutely obliterate Laura, just like D’Andra did in cross examination on Monday. It is so bizarre and crazy that this woman thinks Dave was harassing her by making videos. And not only was he making videos, he was making informative videos. The reason why she thinks it’s harassment is because Dave wasn’t defending her.

Dave’s narrative wasn’t, Hey, Clayton’s the bad guy here. Laura Owens, we should be on the lookout for, we need to defend her. No, because if you don’t believe her side, that means you’re against her. And that means you’re harassing her. And that’s totally 100 percent factually inaccurate. I’m allowed to talk about Laura Owens.

I’m allowed to have a negative opinion about Laura Owens. I’ve personally dealt with her in emails. So yes, I even have more of a reason to have a strong opinion towards her one way or another. So has, so does Dave Neal. So does Clayton Eckerd. So does Megan Fox, my guest on the weekly podcast. Number three 95 this week.

It’s a public case, Laura. We’re allowed to give our opinions. And just because our opinions aren’t pro pro Laura Owens. That’s why she thinks we’re all the bad guys and we’re all out together. And we’ve caused all of this. It’s all our fault. No, it’s not. It’s your fault for being an absolute compulsive liar.

You’ve been a liar since the beginning. The very, one of the very first things I said about Laura Owens back in September was she was a very litigious person. And in her, one of her first emails to me, she said, I heard you call me a very litigious person. That’s not true. Here we are. And this was before I knew about Mike.

And this is before I knew about Greg. When you are 33 year old woman and you have three orders of protection out against men, maybe just maybe you might be a litigious person. And look, I already know what Laura’s response to that is going to be. They’re the ones that harassed me. They’re the ones that. I was involved in a sexual assault and they were the ones that emotionally and verbally and physically abused me look Laura You’ve lost all credibility in terms of what you tell us things that are supposed to be true We’re not just going to believe it because you say it happened and I’m sorry Just like you got an order of protection against Clayton when he did absolutely nothing other than get two blowjobs from you That pretty much shows it’s very easy to get an order of protection.

So just because you have an order of protection against Greg, against Mike, against Clayton, that doesn’t necessarily mean they are a menace to you and a threat to you and they assaulted you in any way, shape, or form. It doesn’t necessarily mean that because we know Clayton didn’t, he’s been with you literally one time you guys hooked up, he told you the next day he didn’t want anything to do with you.

He crossed the professional line and you lost your marbles after that. Just like you do every time a guy rejects you and then it turns into this giant court case It’s just it’s unreal. She’s a menace to society in my opinion, and I hope John Judge Mata rules in that way I don’t know how it’s going to come down, but I want you to listen to Megan Fox on the podcast today, coming up in a couple hours, some really good stuff.

Maybe some things you haven’t heard. If you’ve been following along since September, you probably know all the stuff that Megan and I are talking about, but if you’re just more of a frequent listener to me and don’t listen to Dave as much, or don’t listen to Megan as much, you will get filled in on a lot of things that happened on Monday.

Since Megan was in the courtroom. A lot of stuff to go over. I want to end with a couple bachelor related things. One of the worst kept secrets in all of bachelor nation, sort of one half of bachelor nation. We all knew just by Instagram posts and Instagram stories, putting them in the same location, in the same hotel rooms.

Sometimes. Over the last three or four months, Jason Tardik was dating TikToker Kat Stickler. They hard launched yesterday on both their Instagram feeds. So, there isn’t really any news there. It’s like, okay, we, we knew Jason. We all knew. I think everybody knew. It was just so obvious that they were together.

But, it’s official now that they are together. Gens. First 32nd trailer came out yesterday. A lot of quick shots of what’s going on in the season. I’m going to kind of put that together and show some things. Hopefully I’ll have that tomorrow. If not Friday, maybe even Monday of next week, but I just want to make sure I have everything.

But they do give away quite a few things in the trailer. Like they do every year, because it’s impossible not to, you know, you show a quick shot of Jen sitting with a guy, we pretty much not very hard to figure out where it was and who the guy is. We have all the guy’s faces. We know what they look like.

So if we see him in a clip and he’s sitting with Jen probably means it’s a one on one day, you know, it’s not very hard to figure out. So thank you ABC for releasing your first trailer as a, it allows. Me to kind of fill in the blanks for a lot of the stuff that I have before final four. Anyway, thank you all for listening.

Please follow me on Apple podcasts. Also rate and review. If you can, got to hit play. That’s the only way it counts as a download sports day. We’ll be coming up in an hour from now. And then, like I said, in two hours, podcast number three 95. With journalist, author, YouTuber, Megan Fox. Thank you all for listening.

I really appreciate it. And I will talk to you tomorrow.

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