Reality Steve


Podcast #395 – Interview with Megan Fox, Journalist, Author, & YouTuber (And Transcripts)

Yeah, well I think one of the other things with, with Gingras just, you mentioned it briefly, his social media game through all of this, again, you’ve dealt with a lot of lawyers, you’ve seen a lot of lawyers, I, I’ve just, I haven’t, I’m not in that world, but I just cannot believe a lawyer who took on this case, I can’t believe how much time he had dedicated to writing blogs about this case in real time, calling people names, reacting to trolls who tweet at him on Twitter, like I’ve just never seen anything like this before.

Who is, who’s talking to people who have, you know, he made it a point to say, well, if you have, if you don’t have a name and a picture, I’m not going to respond to you. It took him a while to even get to that point. And then he became like, all right, if you have an egg on your, in your Twitter account, I’m not talking to you.

It’s like, really? Now you’re, now you’re going to draw the line there. But the amount of times that he just responded to people that, while these people were very knowledgeable because they had been following the case a hell of a lot longer than he had, just the fact that he’s responding to the average Joe on Twitter and calling them names and just taking the time out of his day to do that, I, I, I’ve just never seen behavior like this.

Me either and I’ve, I’m telling you, I follow a lot of lawyers. The only lawyers I know that get into tweet wars are lawyers who are also YouTubers who are not practicing a current case. They’re not, and if they are on a current case, they do not tweet about it. My sister’s a lawyer. She doesn’t have a Twitter account.

Most lawyers don’t have social media. Unless you’re a social media lawyer, like on, like that’s part of your brand or whatever. He, I don’t, I’m not sure he has any other cases besides hers. Well, he’s in

Europe for the next 18 days. So he clearly doesn’t have anything on his docket in the next two and a half weeks.

Yeah, so I don’t, he claims he has other cases, but I really doubt it because he spent, he was up at 3 a. m. tweeting, you know, he, he, he did nothing but this case since he took it on in April or whenever it was, maybe March I don’t, I just don’t believe that. And I also think He is incredibly unwise as a lawyer.

I would never want to hire him because he, he does things. I would say the last lawyer that I saw who was bombastic in this type of way, but in a much smarter way would be Johnny Cochran who did play with the media, you know, he would come out and he would, he would, he did know how to try his case in the, in the press.

But that was the difference between him and Gingras is that. Cochran knew what he was doing. And at the time he didn’t have, there wasn’t any social media. So he would use the platform that he had with the press coverage that he had and go out and make these bombastic statements, but he knew what he was doing.

He, he had, he was basically. giving the press the information he wanted them to have. Gingras, on the other hand, just throws everything at the wall without thinking about it. And, and you have to think about it. You have to strategize. You have to have a plan. And going public with a case that is currently in litigation is very risky.

No lawyers I know actually recommend doing it.

Is he a one man shop? Does he, does he have an office? Does he have paralegals? Like, he just seems like a one man, a one man shop. That’s just doing everything himself. That’s what it sounds like. Yeah. So

he used to work for a law firm and he parted ways with them and then went off on his own.

And I don’t believe that he does have an office front. I think he works out of his house. He has a PO box, which is his mailing address. So there’s no office front to speak of that I know of. And I, it doesn’t appear that he has any colleagues or, or assistants or, I don’t know. They’re not on his website.

I don’t think that he has, I don’t think he’s in very high demand. Let’s just put it that way.

You wonder if he’s in high demand after this. So I think one of the other things about the one of the other giant revelations, there were quite a few on Monday and been over in the last couple of days on my podcast, but I think one of the big ones, especially during the cross examination where Deandra just absolutely obliterated Laura, I thought for the second time she did, she obliterated her back in late October during the OOP hearing, I thought that one of the best things that she did was get Laura to admit under oath on the stand on Monday.

That she never saw her two doctors that she said were her doctors, Dr. McCool and Dr. Higley, that she never saw them in person. And Laura’s just like. Well, I made an appointment with them and then Deandra’s like, do you understand Laura that making an appointment is not the same as seeing your doctor?

Yeah, but that’s not a big deal.

Oh, yeah, she goes. That’s just a minor thing It’s a minor thing So that’s what so I wanted to tell people too because I think there’s been some Misunderstanding about what happened in the courtroom then because the microphones did not pick up any audience reaction But you could tell that there was one.

I was there The reaction was incredibly subtle. It was a couple of people who kind of snickered under their breath.


Very, very quiet. Steve, not disruptive in any way. No one made any, you know, it wasn’t just, it was just like a muffled little collective giggle because she said my, it was just a minor thing.

And I happen to know that everyone is thinking minor perjury because I made it a hashtag a while ago. No, it’s no big deal. It’s just minor perjury. And so everybody giggled. But it was, it was very quiet. People were trying, like behind their hands, I’m talking. Like, people put, clapped their hand over their mouth and just kind of went, like that.


so quiet that it could, it was barely heard. In fact, I don’t even think the judge heard it. I think the only person who did hear it was Greg. Woodnick, who was sitting right there, and, and Gingras, who also was close by. And Greg turned around and told the gallery to knock it off. Well, then she had her little meltdown.

But really what, what happened was really nothing. And you can tell by the judge’s reaction, the judge was not concerned about the gallery in any way. She was harsher on Laura than she was on the gallery. She said to Laura, she yelled at her and said, stop interrupting me. I’m still talking.


because she was having her little tantrum and saying, I can’t go on.

I can’t do this. The JFC crew, you know, they’re reacting. Well, you just said something incredibly stupid, Laura. And when you do that, people can have reactions. The judge just said very calmly and nicely. Said, and those of you in the gallery, you know, maybe you could keep your comments to a minimum or you’ll be asked to leave.

And I thought that was so funny. Keep your comments to a minimum. Well, that’s not the rule. The rule is no comments at all. So it was just funny that she was like, well. You know, just keep it to a minimum.

You know, this was the first, this was the first time I’d ever been in a courtroom during any sort of trial.

And so I have no experience in this, but I’m guessing that a judge doesn’t take too well to a witness who says, yeah, but that’s, that’s, that was, that was a minor thing. I like, she’s giving her opinion on her own lies. And I, I, I got to imagine judge Mata is writing this down thinking like, you know, Don’t tell me what’s minor and what isn’t in this case, Laura.

Like, I cannot believe Laura said that, but then again, I should say, you know what? I can believe it, because she’s absolutely out of her mind. She’s not living in reality. You

know what else is crazy? You know what else is nuts? Is that the judge admonished Laura directly and said, You are to answer yes or no.

No, or I don’t know and instead of saying yes, ma’am. She says that’s not fair


and had another meltdown tantrum on this day. That’s not fair. Oh, I’m sorry Laura, but this is a court of law These are the rules. This is the law you have to follow it and I’m I’m I’m sorry The judge Mata is such a nice person because she clearly is and I’m a little sorry that she’s so nice.

It would have been nice to see Judge Schrader go off on her at that moment. Judge Schrader would have lost his mind. Don’t get brazen with me. He would have been hilarious. I wish, I wish that she had a harsher judge in that moment because Judge Mata just kind of let it go. Has anybody, has

anybody made a that’s not fair pin yet?

I’m sure that’s being made as we speak.

I need to get that as a button on my soundboard. Yeah. That’s not fair.


It was really awful. I’ve never seen, I’ve just, I’ve seen people behave badly on the stand, but this one is, it takes the cake.

Well, like you said at the very beginning, the, the, the chutzpah of, of Laura, this is, this is what we’re talking about.

Like she just seems to live in her own reality. That isn’t the reality that the rest of us live in. That’s just the only way I can see it because she is so far down a rabbit hole of her own lies. You know, you know, the saying, the coverup is worse than the lie itself. Usually that seems to be what she’s in.

She’s on this never ending hamster wheel of lies. That it’s just keep going and going and going or a snowball down the hill. It’s just getting bigger and bigger. And she’s lost track of all of her lies.

And that’s why I think she doesn’t really believe her lie because people who believe their lies don’t usually change their story that many times.

She has just lost track of all the lies she’s told.


And I, I think she’s perfectly aware that she is lying. And that, you know, she’s trying to get out of this by continuing these massive lies, but she’s lost track of who she sent what to and who she said, who she, which judges she told which story, which sonogram she used.

She’s just, she can’t keep track of it all, which to me says she knows she’s lying.

You know, the funny thing is about this case, you know, it all goes back to May 20th, the night of this hookup and Laura on the stand on Monday was asked, did you tell Clayton to stop and when he, and, and she said, yes. So she’s basically accusing him of rape.

They asked Clayton on the stand. What did you guys do? She gave me two blow jobs. Where did you fit oral sex twice? Where did you finish in her mouth? Like it’s very clear there’s, and this is where the, he said, she said comes in because There was no camera running that day and there was no audio of their hookup that night.

So that particular portion, May 20th, 2023, when these two hooked up, we don’t know what happened that night. I spoke to Clayton two or three days after the Sun story came out and everything he told me he has been consistent with since that day. That’s why I believed him from the beginning. And I believe him now.


Owens on the other hand has changed her story a hundred times. Yeah. And she has to make it consistent. She told Reddit that it was consensual. Yeah. She said that. She said everything was consensual, and then under deposition for the first time, she says it was not consensual? Excuse me?


How do you go from everything was consensual to, oh, I was raped?

No, no, no, no, no. That’s not how this works again. Like you can’t keep changing your story and then expect people to just buy it. And to also, you know, what else is really slimy is her saying that this happened and it was not consensual. And Greg asking her during the deposition, well, that’s rape. And she says, yes, technically it is.

And he said, well, did you report it? And she said, no, because I didn’t want him to get in trouble. So that to me is very slimy to say. Well, this happened, but the reason I didn’t do the thing you’re supposed to do and verify it is because, well, I didn’t want him to get in trouble. What? And then you wanted to have a relationship to the, with the guy who raped you?

Really? You wanted to raise babies with that guy?

That doesn’t

make any sense either.

No, none of it makes sense. I mean, I read the email from June 28th on my podcast yesterday and, you know, today on my daily roundup I’m going to read the Tight Vagina podcast or the Tight Vagina Tight Vagina should be the name of a podcast once this case is over.

It should

be. It should

be. Because honestly, it’s the most Unbelievable thing. I mean, and you know, I, I have said this. I don’t know if you’ve heard me say this, you take, I mean, you can take away the Greg and Mike stuff because that’s two completely separate cases and they’re batshit crazy just as much as this one.

But if you just focus on the Laura Owens, Clayton Eckerd and everything that happened just between them, the audacity of this woman who Clayton said the very next day, I mean, he didn’t even ghost her. He actually had the, the, The heart to sit with her in a car and say, you know what? I crossed the professional boundary last night.

I don’t want to do anything further with you. Not that shouldn’t have happened. I apologize. I don’t want to be involved with you. And I’ve, I’ve said from the beginning, why couldn’t her answer have just been you know, to herself, maybe like, man, that sucked. I really thought maybe we could have had something.

I had fun last night, but you know what? He doesn’t want me. Somebody else will. But that’s not the way she takes things. She can’t take no for an answer. We’ve seen that with Mike. We’ve seen that with Greg. We saw it again with Clayton. And my thing is the one thing I would love to do, even though this is, this is clearly a hypothetical cause I’m never going to hang out with her.

I’m never going to talk to her, but I would love to just like, hypothetically sit down with her and show her the emails that she wrote. Clayton, those long ones about the dating could give me two weeks. I know we could be good together. And then the, you know, the tight vagina email that she sent him. I’m just like.

Laura, what is going through your mind? Do you think this is something you should actually send to somebody? And I’m not even talking about the rape part of it. Like it, because I don’t believe that for a second.

What she needs is dating counseling. You know, she needs to say, okay, listen, all of this stuff that you’re doing is never going to work.

It’s going to turn the guy off,

not on.

Yeah. She needs a, she needs to read the book, the rules. It’s an old school book, but it would help her in a lot of ways. It’s a, it’s a guide to getting married. And the rule number one is, rule number one is something like be light and breezy, okay? Take everything in stride.

Don’t, do not, don’t do this stalking behavior, this pestering behavior. Men don’t like that. And, and this is something that all women have to learn because, let’s just face it, most women that I know, I know myself, And friends of mine, like when you’re young women, you think that you have to chase after men, but that’s not how it works.

And if you do chase after them, they don’t like it. They get, they get turned off. They want to do the chasing. They want to think that you’re a little bit unavailable. So you have to kind of play that game. And people are like, I don’t like games. Well, you’re a human being, unfortunately, in the mating ritual that we have as human beings, males typically like to chase females.

That’s just how it is now. And like in, in the bird world, the male is like really colorful and he does these weird dances. That’s how birds do it. Human beings, men need to feel like they conquered something. So you have to be that thing. That’s a little unavailable. It’s a little not there. You say no sometimes.

You’re not always available for Friday night. No, I have another date. You’re not always available every time they call. You know, not till you hook them, you know, and then you do it. But there’s a whole thing. And when I learned that, when I learned that, because I had trouble with that. Every woman has had trouble where they’ve made mistakes and they’ve chased when they shouldn’t.

Or they’ve texted or called when they shouldn’t. And it’s a painful, embarrassing lesson. Right? Nobody likes to be rejected, but when you learn it, when you figure it out, it’s like something clicks. Oh, this is how it works,

you know, and her level. The problem is her level of chase. Is five paragraph emails laying out basically a dating contract of if you give me this time, I will prove to you this, it’s just like no guy wants to hear that.

And it’s not like they had dated for a year and Clayton decided to end things. This was a one night hookup where clearly it was just hormones reacting and not any sort of, wow, I really can see myself with this woman down the road. He got a couple of blowjobs out of it and was realizing, you know what, shouldn’t have done that.

And for her to act like this after a one night hookup, like, not that I saying that those dating contracts would have been even more ridiculous if they dated for six months or a year, but at least there would have been probably some stronger feelings involved for Christ’s sakes, you had a one night hookup with the guy and you’re writing him five, six, seven, eight paragraph emails, telling him all this stuff.

And then basically. Threatening him with, well, if you don’t respond to me, well, then I’m going to not take the abortion pills when he already had basically been not responding to her. So she’s basically laying it out there. Like, Hey, I laid it out in an email for him to tell him exactly what he needed to do for me not to take abortion pills.

And he didn’t do it. Yeah. Because he didn’t read your email. Cause he blocked you, you weirdo. Like

it’s her, her dating style is punishment.


It’s it’s fatal attraction punishment. She’s feels rejected. And so her go to is to punish, to punish and harass. And it’s really it’s a problem and she needs therapy to get over it.

She needs a dating coach. She needs therapy, probably like, you know, very intensive therapy, but also someone to teach her. how it works, how men and women interact and how their support, what’s a healthy interaction versus an unhealthy interaction. And what she’s doing is all kinds of unhealthy and I’ve never seen anything like it.


I mean, we’ve, we’ve compared her to like baby reindeer a little bit, that story.


That’s a, that everybody is, well, now there’s a big lawsuit because she says none of that happened. But that might be an interesting one to watch too, by the way, the the lawsuit in that case. But this, this is an intense.

Kind of stalking behavior thing that I’ve never seen before.

And that’s where I kind of jokingly mentioned, like, I would love to, to actually ask her, like I said, you know, you can send somebody an email and you can send somebody, she just avoids the things that she, she only talks about the things that she wants to talk about.

I haven’t spoken to her since January, but that’s why I say hypothetically, I’d love to just be like, Laura, let’s go over these lines here that you wrote. Like what, what were you thinking? She’s never had to answer to those emails. I’d love to hear hers. I I’d love to get an answer from her, even though I never will.

Why did you write that to a man? What, what, what were you thinking you were getting out of this? Why, why would you say this to a man that you hooked up with once and that you wanted to see? Or to someone

that you wanted to see again. Yeah. Like, why would you think that this was something that would make him want to see you again?

I don’t know. I think it’s hard for us to understand this, Steve, because it is so Unusual.

Yeah. And it

isn’t something that you see all the time. And I just think it would be great if she would have some self awareness and actually do some self, you know, like introspection and some work on herself. And then actually do a TED talk about what it, what caused her to tell these lies and what she thought she was going to get out of it versus what actually happened in the lessons that she learned.

Wouldn’t that be great? Cause we’re all dying to know.

Yeah. It would be. I just don’t think she’s, she’s too stubborn and she’s too far down her rabbit hole of lies to ever actually come to a point where she’s just like, you know what? Yeah, I did make this up because I was, you know, I think like if she did it, yeah, there would still be people out there that absolutely hate what she put all three men through, but at least there would be some sort of, that’s necessarily forgiveness, but at least some sort of, Hey, at least now maybe she understands and wow, I’ll never want to associate with her and never want to be friends with her.

Hey, at least she’s on the right track to correcting her wrongs and realizing what she’s done to not only herself, but to the people of Maricopa County and, and men around the world, you know, there’s

always room. There’s always room for redemption. There’s always. Everybody loves a redemption story, and Laura Owens is not unforgivable.

If she were to come, come clean and ask for forgiveness, I think all those men might forgive her. If she were to come clean, and admit what she did, and take back all the protective orders, and publicly apologize. I mean, there, there is, if she were to really take a sincere effort to work on herself, work on what happened and take responsibility, I think they would.

And I think the public would be generally forgiving as well. And I just don’t think, I don’t think that she gets there any other way. Without that, she’s just going to be a pariah because that’s what she’s made herself. And by the way, I don’t know, Laura, she’s probably listening. Laura, don’t ever file another case against somebody again.

Because Reddit is going to find out. Every single time you file anything in court, it’s going to be out there and we’re going to read it. Don’t do it again.

Well, that brings me to my, to my last point about this. The one thing that happened Monday or didn’t happen Monday was no, any sort of judgment. And so to the people out there, basically Judge Mata has up to 60 days.

The scuttlebutt that we’re hearing. is probably going to get something within the next 30 days, maybe even less, probably two to three weeks when we get something, I think judge modesty is exactly what this is. I D I think that my personal opinion is judge model will deem Laura’s testimony not credible and, and however she wants to word it saying that Clayton was never, Never got her pregnant.

I don’t know how a judge can word that. Or if, if it’s going to be known that not only was she never pregnant by Clayton, if the judge can say, I don’t think you were ever pregnant. I don’t know how the wording is, but when the verdict is reached, assuming it goes in Clayton’s favor, what does that ultimately mean?

Because. If she has to pay for sanctions, you know, she’s probably going to file for bankruptcy. Clayton will never see a dime of this. Woodnick will never see a dime of this. What if Clayton wins? What does he win in this case other than clearing his name?

Well, that’s the biggest, that’s going to be the biggest one.

That’s the biggest thing that he really wants. And I think he’s willing to give up any monetary reparations in exchange for, you know, total, you know, repairing of his, you know, His reputation. But I don’t know if you noticed this, but during the cross examination, Deandra did ask her about her bank accounts and how much money is in them.

And it was established that she has at least 250, 000 in an account. And she did that specifically for Judge Mata because it means that Laura does have the funds to repay Clayton Eckert for his lawyer’s fees. And I hope to God that at the very least she is ordered To pay those fees because we think greg woodnick has been doing clayton’s go fund me only raised like twelve thousand dollars This case is by far in a way above 150 000 case.

Oh for sure

So if if if clayton’s not paying greg woodnick Greg Woodnick is volunteering his time. So he is going unpaid while he is paying his staff. So we hope, I hope that the judge gives those fees and Laura will have to pay them. Now, the judge doesn’t like, you know, make her go down to the bank and write a check, unfortunately.

But if you get a judgment against somebody for a certain amount of money, then you go to the sheriff and you say to the sheriff, I want my money. Here’s my judgment. And the sheriff can go over and start seizing property. until or possessions or car or whatever, or take a check. So that’s what you have to do.

It’s a whole process though. You have to continue to file paperwork to get your money. And it’s a, it’s a problem. I mean, our, our justice system is not very just when it comes to collecting on these things. But I do think that the judge signaled very clearly that she does not believe Laura’s side of the story.

When she asked Dr. Is it possible to get fertility drugs? Yes. At Planned Parenthood. And he had to say yes. And then she asked him, and if she had done that, you wouldn’t know because you never got any of the records from there, right? And he had to say yes. So we already know that Judge Mata is considering, at least, very seriously, that she, that Laura may have been taking fertility drugs that led to her HCG levels being elevated that caused this entire thing.

The fact that the judge is even questioning that at all tells me she doesn’t believe she was ever pregnant and she’s trying to figure out how were those HCG levels caused. Higher. The other big bomb show. Well, they were higher because, did you catch

it? They weren’t higher because she doctored the, she doctored the paperwork she made her was hundred 30 positive.


But she also, oh, the peeing positive six. The five

and the hundred and two is still elevated. So it’s, it’s, there is a mystery when it comes to the HCG. I’ve been telling jokes that I think it’s her mutant power that she can pee positive on a pregnancy test whenever she wants to. But, but I mean, there is a mystery there.

And I think the judge, the fact that she’s even interested in solving that mystery means she doesn’t believe it was pregnancy. And the other big thing that came out at the trial that we had not heard was that Greg Woodnick. Asked on the stand to Dr. Mitchell, would Cloazepam do this, you know, get higher HCG levels?

Cloazepam is a very heavy antipsychotic drug. There’s no reason for Greg to have asked that question unless he saw it in her medical records which have been sealed from the public. If she was on that, then she would have to have been, from what I understand from medical professionals I’ve spoken with.

They can’t come up with another explanation for that type of prescription unless she was diagnosed with psychosis. It’s a very heavy anti psychotic drug and it does cause weight gain, tender breasts, higher HCG levels and a lot of other things. So that would suggest, that would explain some of the stuff we’ve seen in this case.

So that was another big reveal, and I don’t think he would have said that if it wasn’t in the medical records.

Yeah, I think, I think one of the other things, one of the last things about this is, you know, we talk about if sanctions are against her and she has to pay Clayton getting his name cleared is a big thing.

But the other thing I think, I guess, would be the biggest thing to come out of this is if Judge Motta rules in Clayton’s favor. I can’t imagine. That she would be able to do this again, at least in the state of Arizona. Right,

right. She’d have to move somewhere else because Reddit is going to be checking that docket for the rest of her life.

Well, even if Reddit didn’t if, if a, if a Laura Owens case shows up in an Arizona court for roughly the same thing, like, Oh, this guy got me pregnant or forced me to have an abortion, all this stuff, I can’t, they just refer to this case or is it just like, no, it’s completely separate.

No. I mean, you’d have to file a motion to make the judge take judicial notice of another case, like they did in this one.


And if it happens to be like in another county, let’s say. Then Reddit might miss it because they’re looking at their focus on Maricopa County, right? There’s other counties. What if she gets involved with somebody from a different county and then she sues them there? Well, it is going to be harder for her now because whoever she’s, she sues next, she’s They will have the advantage that the others didn’t have, which is a simple Google search of her name will pull up all of this stuff.

So hopefully if she does it again, the person that she does it to gets a lawyer who will research and find it.

You know, I want to throw out there that, Hey, everybody. Deserves love. Everybody deserves a partner at some point in their life. It’d be nice. I’m just very wary of Anybody that Laura gets involved with from this point forward that would Google her name go online read all this stuff and Still be interested in her That seems to be like, Hey man, if you are great, but whatever happens to you since then, you’ve now been forewarned because it’s all out there.

And I’m sure Laura’s cell job to him will be like, this was all lies. I was railroaded by the system. Just because the judge said I wasn’t pregnant doesn’t mean I wasn’t. We already know that’s going to be her take. She’s not going to admit, ever. We talk about the resemption story, while it makes all the sense in the world, and it is her only saving grace out of this, to actually save some sort of face, she’s not going to do it, ever.

She’s never going to admit that she made all this up. About Greg, about Mike, or about Clayton. It’s not going to happen. Unless somebody somewhere has a better convincing job than we’re trying to do with her because we’re, we’ve been telling her that for months that this would be so much easier for you if you just come out and admit it and just be like, I lied.

And just, you know, even if he, even if you’re lying about the reasons why, just say you were in the darkest place of your life, you were so depressed, it was, your dating life was horrible at the time. You didn’t know what to do. So you, you really, you really lost sense of reality. I apologize for doing this.

But I don’t think she ever will it seems like I just can’t imagine and I hate to say this But I can’t imagine anybody dating her after this Cuz unless they just don’t read unless they don’t have the internet who would want to get involved with her after this

Oh, I can’t imagine anybody would but I would also say this too for those of you out There is still in the dating world and it is a real scary place I feel like I got on the last chopper out of Nam, you know, cause I, I’ve got, I got married in 2000 before any of the dating apps were a thing.

You know, we still met people by, I met my husband on a blind date. We would go out to bars and meet, meet people. We meet people at ballgames. We meet, everyone talked to one another. There weren’t cell phones, really just the flip phones that you couldn’t really use very easily. And it was just a different world.

And now everything is so complicated and yet meeting people should be so much. More simple than it is. And I just feel like for those of you out there who are still navigating this, especially you, you guys, if there is, if you start dating a woman and she has a restraining order against more than one man, that’s a big red flag right there, big red flag,

a giant red flag,

because it’s for one of two reasons.

It might be legitimate. And that means that she has, she might have. You know, just really bad, like a really bad radar herself, like bad tasted men. I don’t know.

Yeah. Yeah.

Bad picker. So that could mean something about her judgment. Right. So that might be red flag. Number one, right there. If I number number two is it might, it’s, it might not be true.

And that’s a even bigger red flag, you know, more than one restraining order in, especially in a young woman who’s in her early thirties to have two restraining orders or three restraining orders, but no, or several lawsuits that might be something to look into when you’re starting to date someone, check their litigation history.

Yeah, that’s why I said like, it’s, it’s really tough for me to believe that she’s going to be able to find anybody unless. She does what she tried to do early on change her name Cause that’s the only way,

which you can’t do without making a public announcement. So


no way she can do it.

Yeah. The whole thing is fascinating.

Megan, thank you so much for coming on and and talking about this from everything from Monday. It was great meeting you on Monday. It was a lot of fun just to be in Arizona this week and just first time experiencing a trial. I thought it was really cool just to, even though it was in the other room, And I wasn’t in there with you guys.

We were right next door. A lot of giggles, a lot of chuckles, a lot of eye rolls to, to things that we heard and said from Gingras and from Medchill and Laura, it was just, wow. We just can’t believe this is, is a reality because, you know. As I’ve told Dave, when this son story came out in September of 2023, I don’t think any of us ever thought we’d be where we were Monday, June 10th.

And not only that, but the stories that have branched off of just this, Oh, Clayton hooked up with a girl who’s now says she’s pregnant with his twins. You know, and now here we are with Greg, Greg Gillespie’s name, Mike Marachini’s name. And then all these stories, Chase J. Jones, which we never even got into.

We got, you know, HCG levels that were doctored, sonograms that were doctored, just unreal. But for it to come to a head on Monday and then we’ll get the verdict that I think we know we’ll probably be ruling in favor of Clayton just a matter of what and how much and all that stuff. We’ll. We should know that I would think in a couple of weeks, two or three weeks, and just kind of take it from there.

But Megan, your coverage of it has been outstanding. Thank you for supporting Clayton. And Dave, the, the, the job that you guys have done on this has been excellent. So again, thank you so much. And we’re obviously going to be in touch.

Definitely. Thanks, Steve. It was great to meet you too. We had a lot of fun.

Yes, we did. We’ll talk soon.




Thank you so much to Megan for coming on. Check her out on her social media. Channels, her YouTube channel, her name’s Megan Fox, M E G M A M E G A N F O X. Yes. Just like the other Megan Fox and her Twitter account, which is Megan Fox writer, W R I T E R. She’s been covering it just as extensively as Dave has.

She’s been excellent. She really goes after Gingras a lot on her Twitter account. Her pin tweet from April 27th is a great one. She’s just she was excellent. I’m so glad to meet her this past weekend. So go check her out there. Thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. Please follow me on Apple podcasts, rate, subscribe and review.

If you can also, you got to hit play. It’s the only way it counts as a download. So please do that. The daily roundup was posted a couple hours ago. The sports daily will be up and was posted an hour ago. So go check those out if you’re interested. So for Megan Fox, I’m Reality Steve. Thank you all for tuning in and I will talk to you next week.

See ya!

Send all links and emails to: To follow me on Twitter, it’s: Instagram name is RealitySteve, or join my Reality Steve Facebook Fan Page. Talk to you tomorrow.

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