Reality Steve


Podcast #396 with Stefanie Parker & Jackie Maroney from “She’s All Bach” Podcast (And Transcripts)

So in continuing a little bit with the Laura Owens case, I really want you to go check out Megan Fox’s YouTube channel because yesterday she had on Mike Marroccini and I really want you to take the time.

Mike Marroccini was the first victim, well at least the first victim that we know of, that came forward years ago and was embroiled in a lawsuit with with Laura Owens and This is the first time he’s spoken out. He has given statements through Dave. You might’ve heard him live right after the trial on Monday, the 10th on Dave’s channel, but that was a very short and to the point message.

He did a sit down interview with Megan Fox yesterday on our YouTube channel. Please go check that out. And I really want you to listen to this guy’s story and realize, Hey, maybe you didn’t follow the Clayton stuff very much. You listen to Mike’s story and then you tell me. Do you find him believable or do you find Laura believable?

Listen to what he had to say. Listen to all the things that he said, Laura put him through a lot of which is verified. A lot of which is out there on the internet. And then you tell me what you think of his story versus her story. Something that I want to address that happened a couple of days ago. And I, you all know what I’m talking about.

Somebody in bachelor nation really called out Dave Neal for what he did. And look, this isn’t coming from a place of bias. Yes, Dave and I are friends. You all know that by now, but my issue isn’t just defending Dave here. It’s more about what was said, which was Dave and he admittedly so. And I thought just kind of use the wrong wording when he basically, somebody had written on under Clayton’s post when he came forward saying, you know, great day, judge rule in her favor, justice avail and all that.

Dave made a comment that that bachelor nation. Many people in bachelor nation did not support Clayton and Clayton wouldn’t forget that. And Dave did a whole podcast yesterday where he said, you know what? I chose my words wrong. I wasn’t calling out everybody and he wasn’t, but there was somebody in bachelor nation that responded to that and took it personally.

And that said, look, we’ve all got other things going on in our lives. We don’t all have the time to do this. And just because we didn’t, doesn’t mean, you know, we don’t support him and stuff like that. And my whole take on it is this, and this is what I told Dave, and this is what I’ll say publicly, is that.

Nobody was ever asking anybody in Bachelor Nation to cover this case like Dave did. We’re not asking you to put two or three posts every single day like Dave literally did for nine months. YouTube videos. Nobody was ever asking that. All they were asking was, you know, what do people say when they go on the show?

You basically become part of a fraternity sorority. Might, you might not know somebody from another season or be close to them, but you all went through the same experience. So I don’t think it’s asking much for somebody just to come out and say, Hey, go check out Dave Neal’s channel. He’s really covering the Clayton case.

Very extensively, I support Clayton. That’s it. Something basic like that. Like nobody was asking anybody in this franchise to speak out like Dave was speaking out and talking about it as much as Dave was, or I was, nobody was ever asking that Dave was never asking that it’s just, Hey, it’s okay to throw a little support his way.

And if your excuse was, or the reason why you didn’t do it was because you were afraid of getting sued. Then I really don’t think you were really knew much about the case. Yes. Laura Owens is very litigious and she likes to sue a lot of people, but if you just put one post out there, maybe a couple during the course of, I don’t know, nine months since this started last September, one or two posts that just said, Dave Neal is covering this week.

I support Clayton in his journey here. I hope justice prevails. Laura Owens wasn’t going to come sue you for making one Instagram post or possibly two. That’s just, that proves that you weren’t listening to anything regarding the case. And that’s really all I wanted to say, because Dave took a lot of heat for basically for his comment, which he, you know, which he took back.

He said, I should have worded it better. But even when I read it, I wasn’t thinking like, look, there’s been over a thousand people that have been in bachelor nation. Do we really think he was calling out 1000 people? We know who Dave was talking about. He’s talking about the Nick Vials of the world. The people who have a big name in this.

It, you know, a big, a big platform, Nick Vial, Ben and Ashley, Caitlin, and Caitlin’s had him on his podcast. So he wasn’t even talking about Caitlin. He’s talking about those that have a podcast and are content creators. And he wasn’t saying you got to cover it. Like I do. All he’s saying is it would have been nice if more people would have just said, Hey, check out this Clayton story.

Maybe even refer them to Dave site and say justice for Clayton or I support Clayton and all this. That’s all. That’s all he was asking. And for someone to take it so personally, I just didn’t understand that whatsoever because it didn’t make any sense. And yes, I’m very well aware of a lot more things behind the scenes about all that.

And I don’t want to get into it and fan the flames. I’m just going to talk basically about what Dave said and the response that it got from one person in particular. And I just thought that was completely overreacting and uncalled for. He wasn’t addressing that person. I don’t understand why they took it so personally.

Yes, they are part of batter nation. I get it, but he wasn’t calling them out personally and he wasn’t saying, you have to be talking about this every single day. Clayton needs all this support. It’s just like, Hey, throw some support his way. One thing over the last nine months, you could have just said something.

Laura wasn’t going to sue you for that. That’s the way some people took it. Unfortunately. I finally want to end with this. This story is a couple of days old, but I haven’t gotten to it because I’ve been talking about this case for the last few days, Lala Vanderpump rules. She on her Monday podcast to give them Lala opened up about the first time she had sex and loss of virginity to a guy who said, she said his dad looked like the rock.

So he looked like the offspring of the rock. And she went on to say that he had a love for all things red. Sharing that everything from the lighting in the room to the condom he used was red. She said, quote, I let him know I will not be giving you a blow job, so I’m sure that was a real big turn on from the jump, telling him all the things I’m not going to do.

So we did the deed. Lil Wayne’s lollipop comes on. So that’s what I’m being thrusted upon with listening to. She then said she didn’t realize the condom was red until after their intimate encounter and thought something was wrong. She said, when he pulls it off, I see that it’s red and he goes, that’s because of you.

So yeah, And I’m thinking like, gosh, gushing blood, like I’m dying. And then she said that wasn’t the case. And it was, and she said, noting that that wasn’t the case and was most likely due to her first time. She added that she bawled after the experience that she felt very emotional about the fact that she had just done something, but.

Lala saying that the guy she lost her virginity to wore a red condom and play Lil Wayne’s lollipop. That’s just funny. You might think, Hey, that’s TMI Lala. We don’t care to me. That’s funny. And I’m glad she shared that experience with us because sorry, I got a kick out of that. And you know, I’m glad it was somebody.

She said she actually dated him from 17 to 20 because we’ve heard horror stories, obviously about people. Their first time was a disaster and then they never saw the guy again, or he got ghosted or whatever. At least she dated the guy for three years, as weird as he was with his red lighting and red condoms and lollipop playing.

When she said lollipop, before I saw Lil Wayne’s name in there, I thought the guy was playing lollipop, lollipop, oh, lolly, lolly, lolly, boom, boom, boom. Like that one. I don’t even know if I can think of Lil Wayne’s lollipop in my head. I probably, I see I’m good with songs. I got good with titles of songs, so I know I’ve heard it probably, but I can’t think of it in my head.

I should probably Google it or listen to it or pull it up on Apple podcasts or Apple podcasts Apple music. Anyway, thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts also rate and review, but you got to hit play. It’s the only way it counts as a download, as I said, podcast three 96, which she’s all batch coming up in a couple hours.

Sports daily will be up in an hour from now. Anyway, again, thank you all for listening. I appreciate it and I will talk to you tomorrow.

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