Reality Steve


Podcast #396 with Stefanie Parker & Jackie Maroney from “She’s All Bach” Podcast (And Transcripts)

Yeah. So look for that reality, Steve on big brother discord. All right, let’s talk a little Vanderpump rules because it seems like this off season.

I don’t know if you’ve been following. A lot of this stuff happened actually when we were in Vegas. So, I don’t know if you got around to it once you got back. Have you seen these interviews that What’s her name? Billy, Billy Lee? Is that her name?

Yeah, yeah, that that is fine.

Okay, so these interviews that Billy Lee is going on a podcast and trashing Sandoval’s new girlfriend saying she’s a drug addict and then the current girlfriend trashing Billy Lee back Sandoval trashing Billy Lee Joe and Schwartz are still bickering back and forth and Schwartz is basically Cut her off completely.

Jackie, have you been following this? Are you up to date on this?

I haven’t been following all this, like after season drama so much, but I am really surprised to hear about like the Sandoval, Billy Lee stuff, because I always got the impression that like Billy Lee was like his one friend that was kind of continuing to be in his corner throughout.

All of this and the fact that she’s now trashing his new girlfriend. Remember back in the day, like there were rumors that there was maybe something between Tom and Billy Lee at one point. The fact that she’s trashing his new girlfriend only kind of. Perpetuates those rumors for me and makes me think that maybe that was more real because I, otherwise I’d like, I always thought they had a pretty good friendship, but that’s pretty surprising.

Well, what I’m gathering from it is the reason that she’s coming out and saying this is because Sandoval is no longer her friend. Because she’s, she’s saying that she’s saying that Sandoval’s new girlfriend is getting in between, like, won’t let him have a friendship with Billy Lee. And

isn’t that classic?

Won’t let you have a friendship with someone. You were maybe they were always friends. Then I don’t really think that would be an issue with the girlfriend, but if the girlfriend is having an issue. With his friendship with Billy Lee, again that kind of points to maybe there was something there at some point prior.

Was it, have either of them ever confirmed in the past that they were to an item? No,

this has just been rumors.

Well, what about you, what about you whatever your name is. Oh, Stephanie.

Whatever my name

is, Stephanie over there.

No, I agree with Jackie. I, I wasn’t following it too much. I did see the headlines and stuff and I knew about it, but I wasn’t like.

Super following every detail. I do think it makes it seem like perhaps there was something more to their friendship prior. Like what’s her, is it that like Sandoval is so in the honeymoon phase with his girlfriend that he’s like forgetting all his friends? Or is it the girlfriends not wanting him to hang out with other people?

Yeah, that’s a

different thing.

Yeah. That’s, that’s not what’s been made really all that clear other than, I mean, I think she’s basically saying, look. This girl came to me and wanted to be BFFs with me. And now all of a sudden I’m X’d out and they’re both doing drugs together. And he’s a completely different person with his new girlfriend.

So obviously if that’s taking place and he’s back doing drugs again, I mean, you could say that she’s acting concerned for him, but people who don’t like Billy Lee will just say, Oh, she’s just jealous that he’s with somebody else. Like, I guess we just really don’t know, but it seems like she has basically, I mean, it’s a pretty big accusation to say, like, she basically flat out said it.

Like. He is back doing drugs because of her because she’s a drug addict. So that’s almost a, almost a cry for help. And she’s like, look, he doesn’t talk to me anymore. So I, this is my only way of kind of getting it out there. I, I can’t get to him and he won’t listen.

Maybe then she is just trying to help him.

Like if she, he’s not talking to her and she wants to try to get him help. I’m exposing that to the public may have some other people reaching out to him then.

And then his assistant, I can’t remember his name the Asian guy. He’s involved in this as well, but then you’ve got Joe then you’ve got Joe and Schwartz Yeah, I

feel bad for Jo, but like also she’s got to stop it.

It’s been a classic case, I think, from the beginning that Schwartz was never as into her as she was into him. And I think she’s just embarrassing herself now at this point.

Yeah. I mean, Like let it go. He said he

doesn’t want to be with you. You either. Doesn’t he have a new girlfriend now?

Yeah. He’s got a new girlfriend, which I’m sure we’re going to see if there is a season 12.

I’m sure we’re gonna see

Back to the cabana. I don’t know if we saw his girlfriend there, but also I was pretty drunk But he was talking to lots of girls that I don’t think we’re his girl

So he was talking to lots of girls But there was one that he was talking to the entire time and I don’t I didn’t ever look at a picture of, like, who his new girlfriend is.

So I didn’t know if the girl I was seeing him talk to the whole time was his girlfriend. But Jackie claimed that it wasn’t. But also, Jackie doesn’t remember. So we are on tour, I guess, Molly.

Well, yeah, I think, you know, I think with, with Joe and Schwartz, I mean, I think the biggest thing was the, remember when she, after the finale aired?

Or the reunion show aired? And she was, she started just, maybe it was even before that, and it continued after. She just kept doing these Instagram lives and she was literally saying like people were asking her. Do you think Schwartz is your soulmate? Yes, but he doesn’t realize it yet. I’m just like, oh my God, that’s really crazy to say and I mean, it’s out there There’s still clips online on the internet of her saying that so she can’t deny That she ever said it and now Schwartz is just like apparently want nothing to do with her and there would be no reason if There is a season 12 For her to even be a part of it because they do not talk apparently at all.

And I guess I, if I’m Schwartz, I’m like, yeah, maybe I should separate myself from her. And what you said, Jackie was true. Like it’s clear. And now whether he let, you know, a lot of people believe he led her on. I believe he was leading her on by the way he was and. Just the way he is, same with, with Sandoval, they’re just guys that seem to still enjoy the spotlight and have multiple women throwing themselves at them so they don’t want to be tied down to one girl.

I totally get it, they’re in that phase of their life. But, when she’s up there doing lives, saying what she was, it’s like, okay, this is, this is actually going too far. And then Schwartz telling stories about how Jo basically lied about how she got on the show. And all this stuff. Yeah, it’s just kind of, it’s just kind of weird all around.

Do you think Stephanie, they’re going to have a season 12? Do you think we’re looking at a season 12? Do you think it’s getting canceled?

I think all signs are pointing to no. That’s I was surprised you just said that about like, if season 12 is coming back, I feel like the rumor on the street is like, it’s for sure not.

And if it is, I don’t think it’s going to be like nearly the same cast that it was. Like, it’s, so recently I just saw that Katie and Ariana both took it out of their bios, which seems to be, like, the big way to find out if, if the show’s coming back. It just doesn’t seem like, I think it’s over. I really do feel like when we were watching season 11, it was like, We recapped it and I was like how much more could we do here?

All these people don’t want to be around each other. No one wants to be in the same room, but we’re forcing this group to still be a group. They’re not in their 20s anymore. It doesn’t make sense why they would all still be hanging out with people that they don’t want to be around at this stage of life.

But the readings were so good. I get, I don’t know. I get Bravo probably won’t do it on it. I just don’t know if like, The whole cast. Yeah. If they would be able to get them back. It doesn’t say Ariana’s done, I think. Yeah. I

do think there might be some combination with, like, bringing some people onto the Valley and kind of, like, merging the two shows to keep some people.

I think that could be, too.

Yeah. There’s, there’s stuff about that. Jack We should’ve asked Jacks about that. Yeah. He’s just very vocal.

He’s been very vocal. Jackie, text him. Text him right now. Find out. Text him right now. What’s going on.

Line into the DM. He doesn’t want anyone to, like, ride the Valley’s coattails.

Yeah, he has specifically said, I don’t want any of the Vanderpump people coming over to the Valley. This is our show, and they’ve already gotten renewed for Season 2, so he’s like, this is our show. I don’t want any of them on. Now, they’ll make a bit, you know, we’ll see the occasional Katie or Lala show up, but I don’t think they’re ever gonna become full time cast members on the Valley, even if Vanderpump Rules definitely goes away.

I mean, The executive producer, the show runner, Alex Baskin did an interview right after the finale and said, we’ve got plenty of stories to tell. So he wants one and he thinks there could be a season 12, but it’s, I don’t think it’s up to him. It’s up to the network on whether they bring it back. And we all know the whole fight between Lala and Sheena saying like this whole deal between friendship versus, you know, the, the off the show friendship between the women and the show.

I mean, Lala’s whole fight is look. Ariana, we have a show, you know, this show is our lives and you know, I, we don’t appreciate you not wanting to be a part of it. If you don’t want to be part of it, that’s fine, but this is our life. So they clearly want to continue to do it or else she wouldn’t have put up the stink that she did at the reunion.

So it seems like they want it, but I don’t, you know, again, it’s not up to them. It’s up to the, it’s up to the network and I guess, you know, heads like I think in

Lala’s case specifically, because she’s been very vocal about like, like, this is my livelihood. This is my job. I don’t want to be unemployed. I think she will find a way to get on another show, whether that’s the valley or she’s talked for a while about wanting to join Housewives of Beverly Hills, which people have mixed feelings about, but I would be here for it.

I, I would enjoy that. So I think she specifically will find her way somewhere else. And then like, Ariana will move on to bigger and better things. Katie has her own stuff going on. Sheena, I’m not quite sure, but I think Lala will land somewhere.

Have you heard the rumors about, and I think, I can’t remember who put this out there.

It might’ve been Cheryl Burke from Dancing with the Stars that she is saying that she could see. Now, I don’t know if she has any insight, but she said she could totally see Tom Sandoval being on dance with the stars next season. How much would that infuriate Sheena if they asked Sandoval to

be on it?

I mean, I don’t know if it’s going to happen.

I mean, she, I don’t know what’s gonna happen, but she’s would be. Oh,


I mean,

I could see that happen. I think that’s more likely to happen than Sheena getting on Dancing with the Stars. So I mean, we got to prepare for that.

But we got Sandoval on Traders this summer. He’s filming it now and it’s just like straight into, I mean, he was on Special Forces last summer.

Traders this summer. He’s going to go right into Dance with the Stars. Like. Why do we need so much Tom Sandoval in our lives? Like I don’t get it. Yeah. I

agree. His manager is working overtime, like getting him into every single thing.

Yeah. That’s it. I mean, I guess.

Sheena needs to get his manager.

I, I, I personally would rather see Sheena on Dance with the Stars than, than Sandoval, but yeah, I, you know.

It is what it is, and this just came to my head, did you see the story the other day? Or not even, the story, it didn’t even hit the major outlets, but it’s on the reality TV Instagram accounts of this show that we have three Bachelor Nation women that are gonna be on, where it’s like, get, what’s the name of it, get on or get out, or

Oh wait, is it the Allie Trista thing?

No, that’s Do we finally know what they’re on?

That’s Special Forces.

Oh, that’s confirmed?

Yeah, well, Allie is confirmed. Allie is definitely on it, but it’s, it’s once Special Forces official cast list comes out, it’s definitely Trista, and that’s where she was.

Mm-Hmm. Even though, okay. No. So who are these o Who are these other Bachelor people?

Even though Ryan made it seem like Trita was dead.


No. Let me I need to pull it up because I don’t want to, I don’t wanna screw it up. Alright. Here it is. It’s, the name of it is,

got to Get Out. And the the tagline for it is the show has contestants living in a mansion for 10 days as they attempt to escape via the front gate for 1 million. They can choose to split the cash prize or go rogue. And steal it for themselves. And this is already filmed. They have, they have 20. So they have 20 people in the picture, but three of them have question marks over their silhouettes.

So they have 17 of the cast listed here. One of them. I know you’ll just absolutely die over Stephanie. Cause it’s your favorite human being on the face of the earth.

No way. Chris Holt. Wait, which one? Wait, which favorite human? I don’t know which one.

Yeah, not, not Chris Holt. The other one. Who

are you being sarcastic?

No, you’ve, you’ve made it known how much you love this woman in the last year. Oh,

Blake Moins.

No. Mos woman. Mo

woman. Besides no. Who We all know you love Blake Moins. My love.

Oh, Bri Maria.

Besides Maria, but besides Maria.

Wait, give me a hint. I don’t know. Well, if I, if I give the

hint, you’re gonna, I know you’re gonna get it in two seconds.

So if I get the main, the main hint. Yeah. You’ve absolutely talked about her. You absolutely love her. She was in Bachelor Nation within the last year, kind of an older skewing show in Bachelor Nation.

Oh, Susan. Oh, Susan. Oh, Susan.

Yeah. Susan’s on it.

Wait, that’s wild. That’s wild. Why y’all?

Yeah. So here, here are the 17 names.

I know about nine of them. But we will go to the three Bachelor, the the three Bachelor Nation women that are on it. Susan. Claire and Demi.

Whoa! That’s a Jack’s Bachelor Nation cast. That’s other royalty right there.

So they’re in it, and then Omarosa, who seems to be on every reality show. Cynthia from Real Housewives, is that Cynthia Bailey, I think?

Is that her last name? Atlanta? Anyway,

I don’t watch Atlanta. I don’t know the name sounds familiar.

Kim Zolciak. That one. She’s a housewife from Atlanta as well. And then this one is named Jill from outlast. Don’t know who that is. Yanni TikTok star. Don’t know who that is. Lindsay Miss Earth. Don’t know who that is.

Athena Firewoman. Don’t know who that is. Spencer Pratt is on it.

Val Smirkovsky from dance with the stars. Rashad Jennings, former NFL player and winner of dancing with the stars. And then some guy from squid game, some guy from big brother, Canada, an MMA fighter and a journalist. So those are the 17 names that were released, but yeah, it’s called got to get out and it’s for a million dollars.

And I don’t really know other than that tagline, exactly how the game is played. I don’t know, you know, cause most reality shows that come over here are from stolen from Europe, you know? So I don’t know if this is a thing over overseas and there is. An actual way to go watch something like this and how it’s actually played.

But that’s the basics of what we got. And

it’s going

to be on Hulu.

Okay. Yeah. And do we know when?

No, it didn’t say when, but I, I know that they are done filming. It’s all, it’s definitely already over. But no idea. Cause this is, it says it even said 10 days. So it wasn’t very long of filming. And it’s funny when I look back on just going over my Instagram scrolling through Instagram and reading Instagram stories.

I do remember Claire and Susan both being on planes. So Saying they were going somewhere within the last couple of weeks. So yeah. And now both of them seem to be back, but yeah, that’s so Claire, Susan and Demi are the three from batter nation that are on.




to get out. Who knows if this will be a thing.

It’s just a random, I mean, talk about a random cast, but yeah. So that’s the latest on a reality shows other than there aren’t any batter nation people on. Oh, yeah, there are. Wells and who are on Traders? Gabby

Windy on Traders. I’m so excited. Oh,

yeah. Gabby Windy. Yeah, her.

No, Jackie does the best one. I will say, people have been telling me I do an amazing Gabby Windy impression.

So, Gabby, how has your experience on Traders Season 3 been so far?

So me and Robbie were talking about it earlier and I really think that I was very good at finding out who was a faithful and who was a traitor.

That’s very good. That’s thank you.

And said they gave it from three stars to five stars.

Cause my impression is so good. I don’t know if it’s that, that level, but they’re like, do more impressions. And like, we’ll see.

So Vicki, oh, do you do any impressions?

No, not nearly as good as Jackie, but I want to Interview Jackie as Gabby on our, on our podcast. I know I need to practice for that though.

We need to disclose obviously upfront, like guys, this isn’t really Gabby, but we still want to do like a long form interview with her because we can’t get the real Gabby Wendy.


this is the next best thing. I think it’s so funny, like for Patreon

or something.

I think you definitely should. Wait until, I mean, maybe she wins Traders, who knows, but I think after her elimination on Traders, after watching every episode that she is on, then Jackie can do a summary on that.

I think that’s when you do it. When you wait until she gets eliminated on Traders.


But remember, you know, Traders is, I believe, still filming right now. Remember, I don’t think it airs until What? Like Jan, at least the first two seasons, like January or February, right? So long ago, it seems like so forever.

We have to wait and shit. I mean, I think the Valley starts filming next month. We don’t get that until February or March of next year. And so much has happened. Like you what you both watched the valley, right?



I’ve been in and out

Okay, just just the fact that I mean, I’m glad I you know They did cover it in the finale because so much it happened You know They filmed season one last summer and ever since then the Jackson Brittany breakup happened and Jesse and Michelle not only both got divorced They’re already dating new people.

Like it was so I was like, and we already, and going into the valley finale, we had known there’s not going to be a reunion. So I’m like, man, this is going to suck. Cause they had so much stuff that has happened post show and you’re going to make people wait till season two. But I liked what they did. And they were like, Hey, Let’s fast forward to six months and they did, they did film stuff basically in March that updated everyone on Jackson, Brittany and where they were and Jesse and Michelle basically having to co parent now because they were divorced.

So that was good That and I’m glad that you know The Valley’s coming back for season two because we all love the Valley or at least I did I liked it better than Vanderpump at least this season I did I liked it.

I was pleasantly surprised at how much I liked it. And I guess maybe I underestimated like the Jackson, the Kristen Doty of it all.

Kristen Doty is amazing reality television. And I think I forgot about that little fact. Yeah, I think it’s an interesting concept. And I think what’s interesting about the Valley is I think it’s, it’s become a show that they did not expect it. To be, like, I think they thought it was gonna be like this fun little thing and we’re all like old and we have kids or whatever, but it’s really become this weird, like, tragedy of, like, the post happily ever after, like, what actually happens when you have, like, the house and the kids and the marriage and, and, like, all of these people are kind of, like, Spiraling and coming to their downfall and it’s very Shakespearean in that way and I’m really enjoying it.

Yeah. No, it was Way more entertaining to me at least then season 11 of a Vanderpump was

yeah I thought it was just gonna be so fluffy and there ended up being like a lot there

Well when two of your five couples end up basically getting you know One got divorced and one split and it looks like headed towards splitsville You would know more than that since you’re BFFs with Jax now You know, I mean, it’s, yeah, this is like kind of a big deal.

And, you know, at the very beginning of the season, when we had heard Jackson, Britney split, people were like, Oh, this is just for the show. This is just trying to get people to tune in. And it’s like, no, when you watch the show, you can see why this relationship deteriorated because he treats her like absolute dirt.

So, you

know, you get it. It made sense. I, you know, I see, I didn’t join Vanderpump until Scandaval. So I don’t know about Jack’s past, even though I’d seen all the headlines and stuff like that. But in terms of seeing him on the show and clips and. Wait, but you didn’t go back? No, I didn’t go back and watch 10 seasons.

Really? No.

Wait, what did you start

with then?

I started with, I started with the reunion show on Scandival. Vanderpump

Rules. you never saw Jack. So then you’ve never even seen Jack, like, on TV before The Valley then?

No. Well, wait, you’re

missing out.

I saw, yeah, no. I had never seen him on Vanderpump Rules, but I had seen every headline.

I was very well aware of how he acted. Oh, good. I was very well aware of everyone else’s opinion, every woman on Vanderpump Rules telling Brittany, you know, it wasn’t going to work. Like she’s been, it’s not like we couldn’t see this coming. She’s been warned numerous times. Not only that, we know that, I mean, he admitted to cheating on her with, who was it?

Faith? Was that the one he cheated on her with?

Yeah. Yeah.

That’s what I mean. Like even a guy who’s never watched Vanderpump Rules before the reunion show in season 10, I even knew that he cheated on Britney and it’s just like, okay, so this scene, it seems like she is putting her foot down. That’s, that’s what I’m looking at right now.

It seems like I wonder,

I wonder if she didn’t feel like either strong enough or like financially secure enough to actually pull the plug and leave him until she got a show like The Valley, right? Because like, A couple years ago, they had been kicked off Vanderpump Rules, they didn’t really have as much going on, maybe, I wonder if like her getting this show was like the final thing to be like, oh, I can leave you and I can have a career on my own and I can support my family, like, I don’t need you anymore, so maybe The Valley was actually like the catalyst for her to finally like, Well,

what you need to do is book a trip to Vegas again in two weeks and go to the Daylight Club and go meet up with her.

And ask her this, yeah, ask her her side. Say, hey, I was here two weeks ago partying with Jax and he told me this, so why don’t you tell me your side? And you can go to that.

Jack’s told us that he is quote, very, very single, so I know that there were, he did. I mean, I don’t think it tells everyone that even when you’re happily married.


Oh, I didn’t realize he said that to you. Oh, nice.

Yeah. It seems like he was alluding to the fact that like, he and Brittany were like, no chance. That’s what I got from it.

Yeah. And I, I I certainly think that as well. It just never came across, not to mention, you know, I get kids are involved and I get it.

And we, and you know, I’m sure there’s people in your life that you are very well aware of. Stephanie that you know, people because you’re a mother and I’m sure you hang out with a lot of other couples and stuff like that. I don’t know, maybe not for you, but I know of couples that clearly stay together because of their children, but they’re not happy in their own marriage.

And it seemed like this lasted as long as it did probably. And maybe the reluctance of her to leave him, not only because she didn’t have a show or whatever, but. You know, I get, I mean, I understand it. We know it happens. We know there are couples out there that stay together just because of the kids and they don’t want the kids to grow up in a broken home.

I get it. But you got to sometimes put your own happiness in front of that and the kids will eventually understand.

Totally. And I’m happy that she’s finally seeing that and finally realizing that she doesn’t deserve this. I feel like everyone is behind Brittany on this. So I just hope she. She continues down this road

except his new BS BFF.

Jackie. She’s behind jacks


you are okay good


right, something that you guys brought up on your podcast yesterday as people listen to this on Thursday was your take on the Jason Tardik and Kat Stickler going public with their relationship. Something that was probably one of the worst kept secrets. We all knew they’d been together for months.

It wasn’t, it wasn’t a secret at all. And I know behind the scenes, Caitlin knew that they were together, but it wasn’t until they officially went public that Caitlin threw some Instagram stories out there that clearly. We’re referring to Jason and doing it in the Caitlyn way that she does. Stephanie, I’ll start with you.

Give me your take on the situation. What do you think about Jason and Kat? Do you like them as a couple? Are you familiar with her? And then Caitlyn’s reaction to it.

Oh gosh, okay, that’s such a loaded question though. So I, I like Kat Stickler. I’ve known, I knew about her prior to all this. I think she’s really cute and sweet, and they make a cute couple, her and Jason.

I feel like, okay, Jackie and I, I think had differing opinions. In the podcast episode, we have, we go back and forth a lot because this is a very complex story. I do see Caitlin’s side of things in the sense that like, this is a man that less than a year ago she was living with and engaged to. And now I think the hard launch is one thing.

I think the over the top romantic story of her getting off the plane was what Caitlin’s really upset about. And it just seems a little insensitive, but I don’t support what, how Caitlin’s handling it. Like I think Caitlin should. be as angry as she wants to be, but I think the passive aggressive stories just isn’t a good look.

But I understand why she’s mad, and I do think Jason shouldn’t have necessarily done that. All of those things on social media

before, before I get to you, Jackie, I do want to say I, when I saw the story they had already hard launch, but then he told the story of the first time they were together and they spent the weekend and then she got on a plane and then she texts him, should I come back and all this to me?

That story was exaggerated. That was straight out of a romcom. I don’t believe that story. Not that it didn’t happen. Not that she maybe didn’t get you know, officially board a plane and get off it to go to stay with him. But. To me, that story was just exaggerated. I don’t believe that the whole plane stood up and clapped or whatever the climate, it just, it just seems so, I mean, it literally straight out of a rom com from 1990, you know, almost sleepless in Seattle, like, but Jackie, your, your take on it.

Yeah. I mean, I think what, hearing Stephanie say that, like, I actually feel like we agree more than maybe we did on Monday. I’m like, I, I think this whole thing, I totally agree that Caitlin is allowed to be as hurt as she wants to be, like, it never feels good to see your ex move on with someone else, but I, I don’t really know what she thinks she’s accomplishing by doing these very public posts, like text your friends, call your mom, talk to someone else about it privately, but I think I don’t know what she thinks she’s accomplishing other than maybe just trying to manipulate the press to like get her name in there and get headlines because otherwise, like, I don’t think it’s a really good look for her.

I think where me and Stephanie do differ though is I do think like Jason’s allowed to move on and allowed to be excited about his relationship. I don’t necessarily think that that’s like, rude or personal to Caitlin to him sharing like his story. He’s excited about his new relationship. He’s really happy with Cat and like, whether the story is like exaggerated or not, like he’s allowed to be excited and want to post about it.

Caitlin’s totally in the right to feel hurt by that. No one likes seeing someone they dated move on, but I don’t know what she thinks she’s accomplishing by posting publicly. I think it makes her look bad in the eyes of like Cat and Jason. She’s not taking the high road. It makes her look bad to like, The public, I don’t know why she would think that’s a good idea.

Yeah. She also liked that comment that said she was like, liking random people’s comments, so you can kind of get an inside look of like, maybe how she feels about the situation. And one of the comments she liked was someone said, you know, Jason’s pushing this in her face. Or shut the quote in her face and we’re like, I mean, is he really putting it in her face?

Unfollow hit the block button. Like you’re allowed to just unfollow and

move on. I’m sure they’ve been unfollowed for a while, but like, yeah, just don’t look just block. Yeah. Or the other cheek. He’s not really shoving it down your throat. He’s not

like texting her photos of him and Kat, like, laying around.

Like, he’s allowed to post his relationship on his Instagram.

Well, especially since, I mean, we’re kind of very well aware that Kat has been with Zach for the last few months. I mean, I don’t know if we know how serious it is because they haven’t hard launched, but she’s with somebody. I mean, I, I guess, I guess I would understand it more if she was single and kind of lonely in that.

I wasn’t with somebody right now. Seemingly she’s been with Zach. She travels to go see him. It’s not like they’re just, you know, two people that are dating in the same city. Like they’re making efforts to go see each other. So that seems somewhat serious and. Yeah. I, I agree with both of you. I don’t, I, I agree that Kat has, or that Caitlin has every right to feel the way she does, even if she is with somebody, but I don’t understand the posting, but I say I don’t understand the posting, but I also, in another sense, do understand why her posting it because this is what she does.

This is her brand. She’s always done this and she’s always admitted, yeah, I’m messy sometimes and this is what I do. I do. So. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that she does post it, but the end result of what are you looking to accomplish? Like you said, that’s what I’m like. Yeah, that’s why you shouldn’t do it.

I understand this is what you do, but maybe you need to reevaluate throwing passes of aggressive Instagram posts out there. Just doesn’t, doesn’t work. It’s not accomplishing anything, like you said. Right.

Unless it’s a business move, and then it’s a great move. Because here we are, and I’m talking about her again.

People are going to tune in more to her podcast, if she’s going to drop little, like, breadcrumbs about the story there. I could see, like, you’re saying this is her brand, this is what she does. I could see it being a good move, in the sense of, like, leaning into her brand and getting people interested in, Following her podcast and other things.

Yeah. She is someone that has always tweeted out or put on her Instagram stories, her thoughts. How many times have we seen videos of her crying? You know, she loves filming herself crying and this is part of her brand or else I wouldn’t call it part of the brand. If we only got it once, I mean, it’s just been numerous times that this has happened.

My thing is, I think now that they’re a year removed from the relationship. Especially with the passive aggressive posts and the likes of certain things, there is definitely some resentment and bad blood there. And I think that there is, there, I don’t even think, I know just based on the things that she is subtly hinting at, that there is stuff behind the scenes that she is, I feel like she feels like she could ruin Jason’s image if she were to say something, but she’s holding back.

Because she, she goes at it way in a sense that it’s just like, I, she even, before she even deleted one of the Instagram posts, she said, if you only knew in all caps, remember that was one of her posts. It’s like, okay, so she has something on Jason or she has something to where if she feels, if she reveals it, the public might change their sentiment towards Jason or else she wouldn’t have written that.

So it’s almost like either say it or don’t hint at it, you know?

That’s what I was about to say. It’s like, well, then just say it. Like, what are we doing here?

Yeah, that’s Steve. That’s rich coming from you either.

What are we talking about here? Nothing had to jab you. Yeah, no. I mean, I, I mean, I, the thing is I wouldn’t do that with relationship stuff.

I can do it with. With bachelor stuff because I’ve been, the thing is I eventually do say it. I, but yeah, sometimes I

hope that Caitlin follows that path. Then I really, I would love to hear what she has to say. We, what we said on our podcast, like if you only knew, do tell Caitlin, you have the perfect forum to do so.

We are all ears. I would love to hear, and you know what? I do think we will get it. It it’s a matter of time because she’s opened up about all things, Sean. Took time. So I’m curious when she’ll eventually feel comfortable enough to let this out.

Oh, I agree. It’s definitely, it’s definitely coming. It’s just, like you said, it’s a matter of when I just don’t think she can hold it in long enough because just the other night, I mean, the fact that she put that out that her Instagram story, if you only knew, and then within an hour or two, it was deleted, it was once again.

Her basically like, kind of like biting her tongue. One of these times she’s just not going to bite her tongue. And you know, it, and it’s crazy because we all know how the reaction to that will be when she eventually does say something that’s going to put Jason in a negative light. The thing is the people that love Caitlin will be like, you tell your truth, girl, you go, and then the people that love Jason will be like, get over it.

You know, it’s like, we already know what the response is going to be. They’re going to say, why is she still talking about this? They’ve been broken up for minimum a year before she eventually reveals this. But then people that love her will be like, Hey, she’s just being her true authentic self. You want her to be open and honest.

It’s just like, okay, we’re just gonna go around in a circle, I guess. I mean, I don’t know. Where are you gonna stand? If she does eventually talk shit about Jason, or say whatever this thing is that if you only knew, where are you gonna stand on it? Are you gonna be like, girl, get over it, or

tell your truth, girl?

I think it depends on what it is, though.

Let’s hear the story. That’s true. If you’re going to say get over it, don’t fucking listen. I want, I want to hear what the story is, so I would tune in, but if the people would like hate on her and send her rude messages and say get over it, then just don’t tune in to her podcast where she explains it.

I don’t get it. She’s allowed to talk, she’s making money off this.

It wouldn’t be really, I mean, there are people that probably Won’t tune into it, but the second she does it on a podcast, it’s going to be front page on us weekly people and ew. com. Like it’s going to be, and so people will just read that and read what she said and then say, Oh my gosh, I can’t get over this.

So, so it’s like they are tuning out, but they’re still going to hear what she said because she’s such a big name in the franchise and what she says holds a lot of weight with the entertainment sites. They love when she does this hell. Just the, just those four Instagram posts the other night, an hour after Jason told his story about Cat on the Plane run in Us Weekly.

Because, you know, did they get a quote directly from Caitlin? No, they just said, Caitlin’s reaction to Jason going public and telling a story about Cat, it’s just like anything they do is under a microscope.

The more I think about this, like, romantic story, I, the more I think about it, the more fucked up I think it is.

Like, I just feel like it’s so over the top, and like, even paired with the photo of Kat sitting on a bed in, like, a very sexy outfit, I just feel like, I don’t know, I know it’s been a year, but this obviously wasn’t, this story didn’t happen a year ago, like, we don’t know when this story happened, this story could have happened six months ago.

I just feel like, I don’t know, I can understand why she’s really bothered by that.

Yeah, I mean,

look. I don’t think them sharing it, though, is like A direct, like, attack to Caitlyn though. Like, I don’t think Jason and Kat are thinking about Caitlyn at all. And I get that that’s hurtful to her, but like, I think it’s weird for her to think, like, Oh, this is just, like, so disrespectful to me.

And it’s like, well, You guys are not together anymore. Like he’s allowed to do that.

I mean, yeah. I mean, there’s reactions for everything. Caitlin, I mean, Caitlin and Sean Booth were together for three years. Sean Booth ended up with another woman and has a baby now. So it is anything he posts about his woman and his baby after their breakup.

Is that a front to Caitlin? I don’t think so. He’s just living his life. Jason and Kat are living their life. I have no problem with them posting whatever they want about their relationship. I just think that particular story. Was exaggerated. I just don’t believe that. That’s how it went down. It could have been very similar.

Maybe she, maybe it wasn’t technically on the plane and maybe she turned around after he dropped her off at the curb. Like, you know, something like that. But it just seemed so rom commy that I was like, this seems a little exaggerated. Yeah. And it’s, it’s no hate to either of them. It’s like, whatever. I have no problem them sharing their relationship.

They’re doing some, they already did a, you know, a funny tick tock trend. Yesterday. And they’re already, they’re already making jokes. Like they’re leaning into the joke that they look like brother and sister. I think that’s funny.

Yeah. No.

Now, Stephanie, you said you liked Kat before you followed her on TikTok before, right?

So you knew her as, were you following her when she was still married? Is that when you got into her?

No, I don’t think so. I got, I just, I’ve seen a lot of her like comedy skits of a girl who settles for like the bare minimum guy. And she has these funny like little conversations. On Tik TOK, just a little comedy sketches.

I know I didn’t know her when she was married. I know her story though, that she’s divorced and she has a daughter, but I, I’m not like a diehard cat stickler fan. I don’t even think I follow her, but I know her and I like her. And I think she’s, she’s sweet.

Before Jason even got involved in the picture, I thought her content was really entertaining.

Cause that’s, you know, when you’re looking at people’s Tik TOKs or looking at people’s Instagram, you’re just wanting to be like. Do I want to continue following this person? And I did, I thought she was just entertaining. I I call her spunky because she just comes across as a very spunky woman. But her Tik TOK, I mean, she got 10 million followers on Tik TOK.

So clearly she’s doing something right. Like people like her content and it’s not because she’s with Jason. She had developed her following well before Jason even came in the picture. So, you know, good for them. But just that particular story, I’m like, eh, whatever. Seems a

little exaggerate. Caitlin and Jason’s beginning was so public too, and so over the top romantic, like they documented their first date.

They literally filmed their first date, and everyone was following along with it. Like, it’s kind of the same thing here. And, and we’ve interviewed Sean, and he’s had some thoughts about how that went down. I would love to interview him now and see like, what he thinks of the situation.

Well, isn’t the same way Caitlin and Jason got together.

Basically it was from their podcast. He went on and hosted our podcast. Jason and Kat are telling people that’s basically how their relationship started. She came on his podcast and it developed something from there. So there could be a similar thing happening between them. I know you got to run Stephanie.

So I just want to end with this one last thing. Justin Timberlake was arrested yesterday because he had one martini apparently and then we saw the mugshot and we’re like, unless that one martini was served in a gallon. I don’t think you only had one martini, Justin. Did you. See this story. Are you upset by this?

How did it affect you in either way?

No, no, I’m not upset by it. I think it’s good to humble Justin Timberlake a little bit. And the fact that the cop didn’t know him one makes like me feel very old, but two, it makes me laugh a little bit that maybe Justin felt a little humbled in the moment I’m here for it.

Team Brittany.

Oh, team Brittany. Okay. Jackie.

Yeah, I mean, yeah, I’m not upset over it. I think this is pretty. Par for the course for, you know, just like the entitlement of celebrities to think that like the rules don’t apply to them and like just acting out in such reckless dangerous ways. So I think it’s good that he was humbled and good that he was arrested if he was driving drunk, and I feel great about it.


I saw a TikTok and it’s like, no, not right in the middle of my redemption. Like I was just finally getting the public like back on my side. Like, I feel like people were slowly, Turning around and getting back on his side. And now I feel like everyone’s just back off the Justin train.

Who had more glassy eyes, Justin Timberlake in his mugshot or you in Vegas, Stephanie, which

I knew you’re going to say that I knew you were going to say that I would say Justin Timberlake, I would, I

would tend to disagree.

No, by

the way, by the way, I think next year. You know, I’ve, I’ve talked to you about this. My, my 50th is on May 31st next year and it’s on a Saturday. I’ve always had the party on Friday nights and I’ve always had it the week after my birthday. For whatever reason, I don’t know. I did just the way it’s always come down, but I’m putting a lot of thought into next year, actually having it on my birthday.

So it’s still a fan appreciation party, but it’s, it is going to be my 50th. And I’m thinking about doing a theme party next year. What do you think about doing a theme party?

Love a theme party.

I love a theme party. Interesting in Vegas, but I I’m down for it

because for me,

well, what would the theme be?


would be an eighties theme. That’s what I’m thinking because I grew up in the eighties. I’m obsessed with the eighties. All my favorite movies are from the eighties. Like it would be, and I, I wouldn’t make it mandatory. Like you have, you’re not getting into my party unless you’re dressed in eighties garb, but it will be, Hey, it’s an eighties theme party, please.

If you can do it, but I’m not going to, you know, I’m not going to hold it against you.

A fun team. And I think that’s a good theme too, because like. You can get dressed in an 80s vibe, but also still be walking around Vegas not at the party and not look that weird. Like, you know what I mean? You’re not asking people to wear full on, like Costumes or something that they couldn’t do something after or before.

Like eighties is just a vibe. And I think that’s fun.

I could totally see, I could totally see both of you in the eighties Madonna look with the You know how she was in her videos.

Yeah, go ahead. Explain it, Steve. What do you mean? I’m trying

to think like, I’m trying to think of which video it was not Papa.

Don’t preach, not material girl, not those. I’m thinking when she was like kind of the she wasn’t punk. Like what was that look where she was in like high top black shoes and scrunchies in her hair and her hair teased. I could totally see. And like the mesh top with. You remember that look, right?

Yeah, I mean, I remember Madonna in general. I can’t picture her music videos as vividly as Oh, I,

I can, I grew up on them, but I could totally see you guys rocking that look. If I were to say right now, like, Hey, you guys are coming to the party next year. I’m doing an eighties theme. What’s the first thing that comes to your mind of what you would think about dressing like?

Oh God. Is it a character from the eighties or just like eighties vibes? Eighties,

either a character or eighties vibes. Cause I’m definitely going as a character for sure.

I, I really, I feel put on the spot. I have, I don’t know, I just feel like, I feel like the big, You hate being put on the

spot, Stephanie, we


Some spandex, some sparkly, I don’t know. Okay,

yeah, no that’s, Blue

eyeshadow, Yes. Like really loud makeup.

Tease your, yeah, definitely tease your hair, use aquanet in your bangs, stuff like that. I totally see that. Yeah. Mm-Hmm. . But Stephanie, you got nothing. You feel you, you really don’t like being put on the spot.

I, I, I know. No, no. That’s one thing I recognized or I, I, I realize about you after spending the weekend with you, .

I just want time to think of what my answer is so I don’t say an answer that I don’t.

Just like when the waitress comes around, you cannot give your order until, wait a second, I’m being, I’m being rushed here.

I did.

Yeah. No, I need, I need to take my time, but I guess I’ll answer. I don’t know, like an eighties workout gear person.

Like Olivia Newton John’s let’s get physical like that deal.

Yeah Yes Yeah, oh

See, that’s exactly what I was that’s exactly what I’m talking about Like what type of quote unquote character or movie character or whatever?

Yeah, or it could be a movie character TV character

Was Cher the 70s or the 80s?

She was more But I for

Halloween one year, and I feel like that could be a good one. If it was 80s, but maybe it was 70s. I think she’s 70s, but she’s technically both. I mean, she lived through both. She’s been alive this whole time.


think the whole Sunny and Cher thing, that was more 70s. Are you talking about like part down the middle, long hair down to your waist? Yeah. Like that thing? Yeah,

yeah, yeah.

That was more 70s, yeah. No, that could work. Anyway, yeah, I think that’s what, I think that’s what I’m looking at for the party next year.

And hopefully we can do the lazy river again. Your your early, your, your thoughts on the lazy river, Stephanie.

Amazing. We said that we, if, you know, for next year, we want more full days, because when we went in the Lazy River, it was half, you know, the day was halfway over. Yeah. And we would have liked more time to actually spend by the pool.

So, yeah, we would want more time in Vegas, and yeah, spending way more time in that Lazy River.

Did, Jackie, did you ever end up going under the waterfall, or no? You didn’t want to get your hair wet.

No, I did not wanna get my hair wet. , you had to get ready for your party shortly after Steve. Oh, that’s right.

Oh, so that would’ve, it’s a long time to wash and blow dry and it’s too much.

And you would’ve Yeah. And you would’ve gotten all that chlorine in your hair. Right. And that would’ve like, ruined it.

Right. Then we’d have to rewash our hair and blow dry it again.

Yeah. No, no, I get it. Priority sense. Anyway, ladies, thank you so much for coming on.

I really appreciate it. You guys are always a great guest to have on. Glad we could talk about a lot of topics today. We didn’t even talk bachelorette Jen or golden bachelorette, which starts filming tonight anyway. Oh

my gosh, really?

Yeah. It starts filming tonight. And, and there’s like four public dates.

They’ve already, you know, bachelor nations, Instagram account has already put out, Hey, if you want to attend a date for Jones season, and there’s going to be like four of them, four of them in the early going. So yeah, they’re going to all be in like Ventura area or LA Hollywood. Yeah. There’s four days. You happen

to know, Steve, are they going to travel for this season or is it same as.

I heard it’s going to be the same. I heard it’s going to be the same as Gary’s. It’s going to be all LA until hometowns. And, and then when they go for overnights and final ceremony, same thing. Anyway, ladies, thank you so much for coming on. I really appreciate it. Obviously check them out on a she’s all batch, their podcast and their Patrion.

Yeah. Thanks Steve. You got it.


Talk to you later. Bye.

Thank you so much to Stephanie and Jackie for coming on. Glad to finally meet them for the first time. A couple of weeks ago at the party, it was, it was a lot of fun. They were a blast. Just so many inside stories didn’t even get to when our car ride, it was, who was it?

It was me, Dave, Stephanie, Jackie, and Courtney, and we were all giving our hall passes in bachelor nation. I think Stephanie might’ve given hers out in that podcast. You might’ve said it, but we never got to Jackie’s or Dave’s or mine. Although I didn’t really have one. Cause I was like, you’re making me choose one.

It’s kind of ridiculous. There’s so many attractive women in this franchise. So many beautiful women in this franchise, like to choose one is kind of ridiculous, but we had like hall pass and then we had. Who’s one of your hall passes, but is kind of more on the random slash weird side that you would have.

And we all had an answer, but I guess that’ll be shared maybe at another time. Anyway, thank you to Jackie and Stephanie for coming on. Thank you all for listening. Please follow me on Apple podcasts. Also rate and review. The sports daily was posted an hour ago. The daily roundup was posted two hours ago, if you’re interested in that.

So for Stephanie Parker and Jackie Maroney, I’m Reality Steve. Thank you all for tuning in and I will talk to you tomorrow.

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