Reality Steve


Daily Roundup 6/21 – Laura Owens Writes ANOTHER Post – Then Deletes It, My Live Stream Saturday Night, Joan’s Golden Bachelorette Starts Filming, & Jax Talks The Valley

So I mentioned it on my podcast number 396 yesterday in the open before I started talking to Jackie and Stephanie from She’s All Batch. I’m gonna start doing more YouTube stuff. Eventually, the Thursday interview podcast, the weekly podcast, is going to become a video podcast as well. Still gonna get it in your Apple podcast every Thursday.

Straight audio, but that audio is going to be taken from the video recording of that podcast, which will air on YouTube. And it’ll go up right at the same time as the audio goes up. So roughly nine 30 ish on Thursday mornings. So. I don’t know when it’s going to happen. Uh, I’ve got to start working the kinks out, working with stream yard, which is the, uh, software that I’m using to do live streams.

I’m going to start doing more live streams, including my first live stream on stream yard. I used to do these in the past memories, take questions and all that stuff. I’m doing it this Saturday. I know it’s a Saturday night. I’m sure a lot of you are out. That’s okay. I just want to get online. I’m going to have some friends join me.

Dave Neal is going to pop in. Hopefully Courtney can pop in at some point. Might even have her husband on who works in the Arizona court system. He might have a few things to say. Anyway, I’m Um, but they’ve got kids and it’s still going to be earlier in the day for them. So they might not be able to make it on or they might have to take turns because someone’s got to be watching the kids when one of them is on going to try and get some people on maybe even bring Megan Fox on as well.

So that’s going to happen at 8 30 Eastern time on Saturday night. I’ll be reminding you on social media as well. Come on in. We’re going to have, you know, a tip jar of whatever you can tip. If you want. Uh, I’m not going to actually, I’m not going to beg for anything. This is just a service that I’m going to give you.

I might have some more bachelorette spoilers for you. You already know the ending, but, um, I’m very close. As I told you in a podcast a couple of days ago, I’ve got 80 to 85 percent of your episode by episode spoilers right now. I’ve got episodes one, two, and three, every date and every elimination already Uh, figured out and I basically know there’s just like one or two people that I don’t know when they got eliminated and that’s throwing everything else off because it’s like they could have gone home here.

But if I, if they didn’t, then that throws everything else off of why this person would be in this country. So trust me, I will get it eventually, but right now I’m about 80 to 85%. So we’re going to go over some things on the live stream on Saturday night. It’ll be on my YouTube. I will have a link to it on both my Instagram.

Well, Instagram live is going to bring you right there. So you’ll see when I go live on Instagram live, you can go straight to my YouTube page, uh, reality, Steve on YouTube, or, uh, I will put a link to it in my, uh, I will tweet it out and put a link to it on Twitter. So hope you can join me Saturday night, eight 30 Eastern time on Saturday night.

So hope you can be there. We got an interesting interview from Joan who started her filming last night for Golden Bachelorette. Obviously, uh, information for this season. I’m not going after stuff lands in my lap. Obviously, I’ll tell you about it, but this is a show that I’m not going to harp on too much.

We’ll talk about stuff here and there. She has four public dates coming up in the next couple of weeks. So I’m sure stuff and pictures and some information we’ll get out. So I’ll just kind of relay that to you. But one thing that Joan said in a pre season interview with, I believe entertainment tonight.

They were asking her, you know, who she had a crush on growing up. And she said that she was actually in the movie St. Elmo’s fire. She is seen really quickly riding a bike because St. Elmo’s fire was filmed in DC and Baltimore. And she grew up in the Maryland area and she said she got in a scene. And so she had a crush on Rob Lowe when she was a teenager, as every woman around that time did.

He was a heartthrob. He was part of the brat pack. Speaking of the Brat Pack, did you go watch Bratz on Hulu? I can’t, I can’t request it enough. If you grew up with the Brat Pack movies, if you grew up watching Pretty in Pink, Breakfast Club, St. Elmo’s Fire, 16 Candles, if you watched any of those, you’ve got to go watch Bratz on Hulu.

Very good documentary. It was made by Andrew McCarthy, and he’s the one that basically goes around and talking to everybody. And. It’s just kind of ironic because the whole thing is about, man, we didn’t like this label of Brat Pack. It really kind of stunted some of our careers and yet we, the audience absolutely loved it.

We didn’t care. We were going to watch their movies probably because they were part of the quote unquote Brat Pack. So it’s kind of weird in that way that he’s, The actors seem way more bothered by it than we ever were, and we certainly didn’t not watch their movies because they were labeled the brat pack.

If anything, it made us go watch any movie that they were in. So it’s still a very, very good documentary. And if you grew up in the eighties and early nineties, and that was your, you know, formative years, you’ll absolutely love it. So please go check that out. And finally, I want to talk about Jax Taylor.

Uh, he has his podcast with Brittany called when reality hits and he says yesterday on the podcast, we’re starting back up in terms of the Valley. I don’t know if I’m allowed to say the day, but it’s in July. A lot is going down. A lot is going to happen. And then he said, after watching the first season, he says he has a different game plan this time around saying you guys are in for it because.

I’m going to make sure there are things that are going to be told this time. I feel like everything wasn’t let out of the bag. There were a lot of like, why wasn’t this shown? He noted that’s not going to happen. Some of you people are going to be in for a surprise. And then Brittany didn’t sound thrilled that his comments about those comments while I was co hosting the podcast and.

But she did stand by his stance that not enough was shown. Uh, the first time around, um, he said, I don’t need to bring the drama. It’s already there. They just didn’t put it on the TV and I’m shocked. I’m excited for the season, but there’s some things that need to be out of the bag. Cat needs to be out of the bag on a few different things.

He also said for his birthday coming up, there’s somebody that has definitely not inviting. We don’t know who that is, but I’m sure we’ll find out, uh, when season two starts. So yeah, that is, um, that is really, really interesting. To me, and I’m also like, okay, but then why wasn’t it shown? Like the whole point of those shows is to show as much drama as possible.

Were they protecting somebody? Did somebody threaten something? Why wasn’t it shown? Like go into the more detail. I also still find it a little bit weird and I did hear some clips from that particular podcast where him and Brittany are still kind of like flirting and he even asked her like last week or the other week like Hey, maybe we should have sex.

And she didn’t say no. I don’t think they ended up having it, but she didn’t say no. And it’s just like, all she said was, yeah, we have a really weird relationship right now. And it seems like, uh, I, I feel like she’s getting sucked back in and she’s not a hundred percent leaving him. I don’t know, but I hope she goes back and watches season one and sees how he treats her.

I just find it bizarre that they are currently separated and still doing a podcast together. I get that they can co parent together. I hope they would do that for the sake of their son, but doing a podcast with them, it’s, it’s keeping you guys in that, you know, kind of relationship setting and she needs to move on from him.

I don’t think doing a podcast together is helping matters, but again, Just my opinion. Anyway, thank you all for listening. Really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts. Also rate in review. If you can, please do it. But you, one thing you got to do is you got to hit play. It’s the only way it counts as a download.

So please do that. Sports daily is going to be up in an hour from now. If you want to go listen to that, I appreciate it. Have a great weekend, everybody. Thank you for listening, and I will talk to you on Monday.

See you.

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