Reality Steve


Daily Roundup 6/24 – This Past Weekends Live Stream, Who Stole The Show, Jenn’s Early Episode Spoilers, Kaitlyn Podcast Guest Getting National Attention, & Taylor and Travis Break The Internet Again

I mentioned in the open, there was a story involving Caitlin Bristow that was making the rounds and it really made national news last week, but it made national news in all the sports blogs, talk shows, and I think it completely got blown out of proportion.

And if you didn’t see it or you didn’t hear about it, it was pretty much everywhere. That was when Kelly Stafford, the wife of Rams quarterback, Matt Stafford went on Caitlin’s off the vine podcast last week and told a story, you know, she’s been with Matt since college, they’ve got, I think, three or four kids been together forever.

So Kelly gets on Caitlin’s podcast and tells a story about, you know, they kind of, I guess, had this love hate relationship in college when it first started out. Her exact quote was at first I hated him. I loved him. I dated the backup to piss him off, which worked. He was the bad boy too. Like Matthew, so sweet and Southern gentlemen, all that stuff.

And the backup was the complete opposite and it upset him. All of a sudden, if you started seeing the sports sites and even some other reality TV sites start quoting this, it really took on a life of its own. And it turned into basically making Kelly Stafford out to be a slut. Like, Oh, she slept with the backup just to get mad, mad.

She never said that. She said, I dated the backup to piss him off. And she left it at that. I’m not going to insinuate that they had sex. Maybe she went out on one date and Matthew found out about it and got pissed off and came back around on her. Who knows? But she never went into detail. She never mentioned the guy’s names.

The guy’s name and, you know, shocker of all shockers, Stephen A. Smith of ESPN just has an absolute aneurysm over this saying, what good does that do, Kelly? How could you walk back home after saying that? It’s like, first off, Stephen, you think this is breaking news to Matthew? I’m guessing he knows about this.

This was years ago. Clearly he’s gotten over it since he married her and they have three or four kids. And what did she do wrong? She didn’t, she didn’t say like, Oh, I went and slept with the whole football team just to make Matthew jealous. No, she said I dated the backup to make him upset. Piss him off.

We don’t know how long they dated. We don’t know what they did. I don’t really think the insinuation That’s the problem that Bob. That’s the thing that bothers me about how this story got taken completely out of context I expect it from the sports blogs Because they want to pin a woman as sleeping around with, you know, it’s great fodder for them.

It’s great content for them to find out that Matthew Stafford’s girlfriend in high in college, who is now his wife slept with the backup quarterback. It’s like, she never said that. And for people in the blogs and the sports world to immediately insinuate that is gross. And I never, you know, I saw the clip.

It was all over my Instagram feed. At no point was I like, wow, I can’t believe she did that. I can’t believe she said that because I’m guessing Matthew knows now, if by some grace of God for the first time in his life. Matthew heard that on Caitlin Bristow’s podcast where his wife says, yeah, I dated the backup quarterback to piss him off and it worked.

Well, my guess is that’s not the first time you hear that. If it was the first time, then I think you could say, Kelly, why would you share that story? I just don’t think it’s a big deal, but you know. Wives and girlfriends of athletes are very, very much covered when they do anything, and this was just fodder for them.

I just think it was irresponsible fodder because she didn’t say anything bad. Who cares? Not to mention it was over 10 years ago and they’re married and they have three kids now. Like who cares? So dumb. Speaking of girlfriends of NFL players or athletes, did you see what happened in London this weekend?

Oh boy. The whole Kelsey crew was out there. Even his brother and his wife were out there because Taylor was performing at Wembley stadium. And oh my gosh, Travis was part of the routine. I don’t even remember what song it was. I’ve seen the clip so many times, but he actually came out on stage, dressed in a tuxedo and was part of the quote unquote skit where he held her in his arms and laid her down on a couch.

And everybody has absolutely lost their fucking mind over this people. Calm down. I understand that she’s never had At least I don’t think a guy that she was dating or a boyfriend be part of any of her tours, but I could be wrong because I’ve only watched basically since 1989. I don’t know if, you know, Taylor Lautner ever made it up on stage during one of her concerts back in the day.

I have no idea, but I’m talking about somebody that she was dating at the time. So I don’t know. It’s just, people are freaking out and I just look at it. I, there’s no reason for me to freak out. I’m just like, Oh, that’s cool that he did that. I’m not losing my shit. I saw people on Tik TOK. I saw people on Instagram saying, Oh my gosh, this is all I’m going to talk about for the next 48 hours.

What is, what else is there to say? He came out on stage. He supported her, did a little dance, carried her, put her on a couch. I don’t know what else you can say other than that. We know he’s a supportive boyfriend. He goes to a lot of her shows, nothing new there. I don’t know. You know, me, I love Taylor, absolutely love her to death.

And I just find it hilarious that anything Travis does, it’s like, oh my gosh, look, he opened a car door for her shit. I’ve been opening up car doors since I was 15. Nobody claps for me. Like what? This is the, this is the bar that we’ve set. He opens the door for her. I would hope he does so weird. Anyway, thank you all for listening.

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Reality Steve live streams every Sunday night. And in a few weeks, probably with podcast number 400, which comes, I believe on July 18th, we are going to start doing the weekly interview podcast will also be on YouTube. So look forward to that. Anyway, thank you all for listening. Really appreciate it. And I’ll talk to you tomorrow.

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