Reality Steve


Daily Roundup 6/25 – Bachelorette Jenn Info, Golden Bachelorette Filming At Disneyland Yesterday, More On Laura Owens & Her Lawyer, & The Challenge Season 40 Cast Revealed

So I wanted to discuss Laura Owens a little bit and her lawyer and the tactics they are using now online. You know, Laura Owens had not written a medium blog post since February 7th, I believe, and she’s written three since the verdict came down. Maybe it’s only two, it’s either two or three.

And basically in every blog post she has written since she was basically found to be not believable as a witness, she’s going to the woe is me card. She’s saying nobody ever believes me. And I’m the one that’s the abused. I’m the victim here, but. You know, once again, she says it all she wants and she says these things happen.

She never gives any specifics and she never follows anything up with evidence, which is the biggest problem that I have with her is, you know, and I, and I want to make this perfectly clear because I’m choosing not to believe Laura Owens does not mean I don’t believe women. What did I tell you last week?

And when I had Megan Fox on the podcast, I said, I think the phrase. And the mantra should be changed to listen to women, not just believe women because believe women should come after listening to women. You listen to what they have to say, because I think for the longest time, women weren’t listened to and they weren’t given the time of day.

And when they did talk, people weren’t listening. How about, and every case is different. Laura Owen’s case is different than any woman who came forward about Harvey Weinstein or any woman who came forward about Bill Cosby. They’re totally different. Every case. Is their own case. So I listened to Laura Owens.

I’ve dealt with her personally in emails. She tried to prove to me in emails. This is what I, this is why I was pregnant. Steve. I listened to her. And I’ve come to the conclusion that I don’t believe her. I listen to women’s stories about Harvey Weinstein. I listen to women’s stories about Matt Lauer. I believe them.

Yes, I wasn’t there. And I wasn’t there for Laura. But this is what she’s trying to pull. This is what her modus operandi is. She just loves to play the victim card. And I’m sorry, I don’t believe her. And I have every reason not to believe her. Hell, does it even matter if I don’t believe you, Laura? A judge in Arizona called you uncredible six different times in their minutes, handing down their judgment on you.

And as I said last week, keep writing your blogs. I hope you write a blog every single day, because all you’re doing is making things worse for yourself. Judges don’t want to be told and have their integrity questioned by someone they just handed down a defeat against. And I know you’re upset, Laura. I know you’re bothered that you didn’t win for the first, you know, you, you finally didn’t get something that went your way and you got absolutely destroyed because you couldn’t keep your story straight.

You just take a bigger picture. Look at this particular case. If a woman has three orders of protection out against guys in her life in the last eight years. Don’t you think, just looking on the periphery, without knowing details about each one, don’t you think that’s kind of a red flag about the women?

Because you know what the common denominator in three orders of protection against three different men are? The woman. Now, she will have you believe she’s the unluckiest woman in the world, and all this stuff happened to her. It’s just not believable to me. Evidence, listening to her at trial. Listening to her and reading her emails that she had sent me between September and January, I don’t believe her.

I’ll listen to her and I didn’t believe her. So this is the thing that I’m talking about with her. It’s crazy. I, you know, who am I to say to tell her what to do? She’s clearly not going to listen. She’s going to quadruple and quintuple down on her stance that she’s done nothing wrong. And all these guys are the ones that she’s out to, that they’re out to get her.

And she’s the one that’s harassed and she’s the one that’s bullied and nobody believes her. Yeah. You know why? Because so many things that you said during this Clayton case. We’re proven to be untrue, so you’re making it impossible for people to believe you. You write these medium blogs and we’re supposed to just believe you because you say so?

It’s not how it works. You say all these things that Mike Maracini did to you. You say all these things that Greg Grippo did to you and you provide nothing behind it. Nothing. Nothing of concrete evidence. It’s your words. I understand that, yes, you have an order of protection of Mike Maraccini, that’s out against him, and it has been for eight years now.

But I’m sorry, nothing that was given to you for that order of protection was because there was proof of physical abuse. And if there is, please show it. Taking a picture of your face that doesn’t even look like it was physically abused does not proof. You were granted an order of protection because you said you felt threatened.

Order of protections are given out so I have learned through it by this case. I’m not saying they hand them out like candy, but if a woman says she feels threatened, the judge is going to side with her. Nothing in the order of protection ever said that you were physically abused by Mike Maracini, yet that’s what you’re claiming in your blog post with zero proof.

So again, keep writing all the medium articles you want. The walls are caving in on you. I said it in January and I’ll say it again. I will let the Arizona courts decide your fate. And they handed down a pretty hefty judgment against you on June 18th. If you think you’re just going to win an appeal, like your, your lawyer thinks you probably got another thing coming is my opinion because David Gingras, I don’t know what his deal is.

I don’t know why he, he loves to just call out the cult, the justice for Clayton. He calls them a cult. And they don’t want to listen to anything because they’re just so pro Clayton. They don’t listen to facts and they don’t listen to this and they don’t listen to that. He calls them pawn scum. Gingras.

Here’s my question for you. What do you care what justice for Clayton thinks about anything? You don’t need to convince them. You need to convince a judge and you didn’t do that on June 10th. You, you call them losers, you call them pond scum, yet you constantly refer to them and you constantly fight back with them on Twitter if they didn’t matter to you, like you claim, why are you worried about what they think about anything?

You shouldn’t be. But you can’t help yourself. You got your ass handed to you by Woodnick on June 10th. And if you think you’re going to win this thing on appeal, because you’ve just got everything in order, man, I hate to tell you because look, he’s already going to put it out there. He’s already put it out there with the first judgment where he said, look, sometimes justice isn’t fair.

And you know, and it’s just like, he’s already questioning the integrity of judge Mata judge Mata throughout a 19 page minute summary, which Umberto Preciado Courtney’s husband said on Saturday, he’s never seen that he’s worked in the Arizona court system for 15 years. He said, I’ve never seen a judge put out a 19 page minute.

So. That means that she was being very thorough and she puts out 19 pages and lays out everything and then you just think you’re going to win an appeal so easily like you’ve been mentioning in your tweets. Good luck, buddy. Good luck. And finally, I want to talk about the challenge. Now, this has been out there for a while that season 40 was, you know, filmed.

I can’t remember where they filmed that. I want to say Vietnam, but I could be wrong. Anyway, it’s been out there. The cast has been out there and we knew that it was a challenge. It’s called, it’s basically an era season. It’s called battle of the eras. So they’re taking four different eras and they’re having the 40 seasons of the challenge, essentially seasons one through 10, 10 players on that team seasons, 11 through 20.

That’s era number two, seasons 21 through 30, era number three, and seasons 31 through 39, which is now this is bringing us to season 40. Now, I know everybody, or at least I can picture them in my head, for everybody in era three and era four, seasons 21 to 30. When we get in seasons two and season one, I can’t say I remember everybody’s Like Jody Weatherton, Jody Weatherton and Tina Barta from Arrow 1 seasons 1 through 10, those, I can’t picture their face, but Katie Cooley, Anissa, Brad, Derek, Mark Long, Rachel Robinson, CT, and Darrell, I know them, so I don’t, Tina Barta and Jody Weatherton don’t exist.

Immediately their faces come to my era two seasons, 11 through 20. Derek Chavez kind of remember him. Nehemiah obviously no bananas. Yes. Kellyanne. Yes. Ryan Kehoe. I think Aviv Melmed. I don’t remember Aviv Brandon Nelson. No. Emily Schramm. I remember. And obviously Cara Maria and Laurel coming off their all star season four season where Laura beat Cara Maria in the finals.

Then they went off and filmed this season. I believe this, yeah, this was filmed after. All stars four. So they had to, I guess, play on the same team. That’ll be interesting. Era three. I know all of them. Tori, Amanda, Leroy, Jonna, Nia, Tony Raines, Avery, Devin, Corey, and Jordan. And then era four, Pauly, Theo, Casey Clark, Michelle, Horacio, Olivia, Josh, Norris, Jenny West, and Kylan.

And if you don’t know Olivia is now dating Theo. They’ve posted numerous times since filming ended and and Horacio and Norris are still together. So. We don’t know, I’m sure the spoiler sites know exactly how the breakdown of it goes, like with four different teams, how they’re doing challenges and, and the gauntlet at the end or the, you know, the arena, however they’re going to do it.

We’ll find that out obviously when it starts, but I believe it starts, yeah, August 14th, there’s going to be a, An episode on August 7th, a week before that is a launch special. The countdown begins and then it returns on Wednesday, August 14th. So we’re still two months away from this starting, but I’m excited about challenge season 40.

The era’s season. Gee, you think that was a ripoff of Taylor Swift? It was anyway. all for listening. Really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts also rate and review, but you got to hit play. It’s the one way that it counts as a download and don’t forget. Every Sunday night up until football season live streams on 8 p.

m. At 8 p. m. Eastern time. I’m going live every Sunday night until September 8th. I’m probably going to move to Friday nights, but this Sunday night back on the live stream, I will tweet it out and put it on probably my Instagram live. Just send you directly to the link. Just go to my YouTube channel.

Reality, Steve. Thank you all for listening. Really appreciate it. And I will talk to you tomorrow.

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