Reality Steve


Daily Roundup 6/26 – Jenn On Call Her Daddy Podcast Today, Golden Bachelorette Joan, Laura Owens Is Taking My Advice, US Weekly’s Cover Story This Week, & A Podcast Plug

So Laura Owens wrote a another medium blog post. Yesterday, another one, and this one was spent her whole time whining about the JFC crew justice for Clayton crew and trying to prove them wrong with all these things that she says happened and didn’t happen and stuff like this.

Look, the bottom line is this woman, Laura Owens, had not written a medium blog post since February 14th. Clearly her counsel was telling her, keep your mouth shut since June 18th, last Tuesday. When judge Mata in Arizona handed down her verdict, which basically told Laura, I don’t believe a word you say you are uncredible as a witness.

Laura has written five, count them one, two, three, four, five, five blog posts on medium, and every single one of them is whining about treatment from the JFC crew harassment from Dave Neal. Clayton’s a liar. Judge Mata sucks. It is unreal what she’s doing. I’m not going to sit here and read you yesterday’s medium blog.

I’m just going to read you one paragraph from it because Megan Fox tweeted it out. And this is dead on what she said. This is what Laura said. One paragraph from her medium blog yesterday. She’s talking about the trial and talking about the justice for Clayton crew. About 50 people. Probably you saw Dave’s live that day.

Probably about 50 people showed up. A lot of them from out of state. She said, when some of you traveled to the evidentiary hearing and saw me in person, you just smiled and you didn’t have the courage to say a word to my face. You are cowards hiding behind your screens. Hold up, Laura. So now you’re saying the people that you despise the most, the people that you just wrote a Medium blog about yesterday, who you clearly have a giant, giant hatred towards, you’re now saying, because they didn’t acknowledge you at the trial, and they didn’t come up to you, or wave to you, or say anything to you, you’re somehow offended by that, and now they’re trolls, and hiding behind their screens?

Laura, you realize why they didn’t say anything to you? Why they didn’t come up to you? Why they didn’t talk to you? Because they think you’re crazy and you’re very litigious. Last time they checked you, Sue, anything that breathes, why would they come up and talk to you? Because they’re in a lose lose. If you’re dealing with Laura Owens, if the J if the justice for Clayton crew, if any of those people would have walked up to Laura and said, good luck in there, or sugar hand, or just said, Hey, I wanted to meet you.

Do you think Laura would have taken that? Well, absolutely not. She would have said the same thing. So she just said, Oh, you ripped me online, but to my face, you’re nice to me. Okay. So then why would they even come up to you? And then if they did the opposite, if the JFC crew sees you in Arizona and walks toward the court and runs up to you and starts yelling in your face, calling you a liar, calling you a disgrace to women, what would you have done then?

You would have said, Oh my gosh, the JFC crew was bullying, harassing me at court. You basically laid the groundwork as to why they don’t want to talk to you. You know, the other reason why they didn’t come up to you and say anything? Cause they’re not your friend. They don’t like you. Why would they? You’re not very well liked by many people because what you have done is not just some injustice to the Arizona court system and it not just pissed off a few members of the justice for Clayton people.

You’ve pissed off a lot of people with your lies. So you sitting here and complaining that you just smiled and didn’t have the courage to say anything to your face. No, they didn’t want to say anything to your face. And if they did, would that have made you feel better? Yeah. Of course not. You would have found a way to spin that and turn it into, oh my God, they were bullying and harassing me because I guarantee you if those people were being honest and they did come up to you and want to say something, it wouldn’t have been positive.

It would have been, you’re a liar and I hope judge Mata rules against you. Something along those lines. And you would have immediately probably started crying and turned that into, I was bullied and harassed. Now these people are bullying and harassing me in public, but here you are yesterday with your mind manipulation, like you love to do saying, these people rip me online, but then they see me in person and they just smile.

They don’t have the courage to come up to me. Well, that’s rich. That is rich, Laura. Okay. But Hey. Judge modest verdict came down on June 18th. It is now what June 26th in eight days. She’s written five blog posts when she hadn’t written a blog post since February 14th.

Oh, what people do when the walls start closing in. And all she has done is lash out at everybody and not take one ounce of responsibility for anything she’s done. It’s comical. I tell you, I don’t know how many people actually buy us weekly on the stands anymore, or have it mailed to them because it seems like we all just read the articles online cover story of us weekly this week.

One year milestone. What’s next for Travis and Taylor last July, Travis Kelsey attended Taylor Swift, Kansas city concert, and the rest is history inside their whirlwind year and plans for the future. Now I’m not going to go by and us weekly, but I’m going to read you some of the quotes or whatever. Every single quote that I’m reading in this article says one source, second source here at one says a third source.

It’s just all a bunch of nothing. Like, can we, can we have something more tangible than this? And the only quotes that they do have that aren’t from a source are things that maybe his mom Donna Kelsey said in a previous interview or his sister in law Kylie K Kelsey said on a podcast, it’s like, there’s nothing to this.

They’re going to, they think they’re going to give you a, a, Hey, this is what’s happening in their relationship. They’re not telling us anything that we don’t already know. And anything that they do say is brought to us by quote unquote, a source. Like this has been the best year of both of their lives between the Superbowl and their family’s meeting and traveling the world together.

It’s been quite a ride for Taylor and Travis. Really? That’s your inside scoop? It’s been quite a ride for them? Must be nice to just write fluff pieces. And look, I get it. I mean, I know why Us Weekly covers Travis and Taylor. Because it draws clicks. I’m not oblivious to why they are the most talked about couple in all of pop culture.

I’m not oblivious to it at all. What I’m saying is, I just want to hear something new one of these days. You know, there’s just not, it’s, it’s nothing to report because while they are public and they are seen together, it’s not like they’re doing duo interviews together while Travis does have a podcast.

He reveals some stuff, but it’s still very surface level. He’s not going to dive into their relationship and she certainly is not going to dive into their relationship. So everybody loves talking about Taylor and Travis. And media sites and the entertainment sites absolutely eat it up. The Instagrams go absolutely nuts over them, especially when he went on stage this weekend.

But, I’d like to hear something new. Let’s focus away from them. I just say, within their, this relationship, somebody tell me something that isn’t generic. Here’s one. A second source says, His life has changed significantly with the increased public attention. Taylor was worried that bringing Travis into her world would scare him away, but he embraced it and handled it so well.

I didn’t need a quote to know he’s handling it well. We’ve had a year of them together and him talking about it and him literally traveling to other countries to watch her play, watch her play. That’s the other way around to watch her perform. So I don’t need, what does the third source say? A third source says there were some growing pains for Travis who moved into a 6 million Kansas city mansion shortly after went public.

People would show up at his house and leave things on his doorstep. It kind of freaked him out at first. He didn’t feel safe. Again, a third source says this, what does that mean? He didn’t feel safe. Did he think someone was out to kill him? Did he have a stalker? It’s just so surface level stuff. And Hey, it’s Travis and Taylor.

I know people want to talk about them, but putting them on the cover basically for their year anniversary, quote unquote. And then not giving us anything new par for the course. Final thing I want to say is this. There’s a movie that came out within the last three months. Maybe it came out over Christmas end of last year.

Maybe, maybe it’s been out six months. It’s about the Von Erich wrestling family, the iron claw. I’m sure you’ve seen it with the guy from I’m blanking on his name. I’m sorry. The guy from the bear, Zach Efron, you know what I’m talking about if you’re into this, well. I have a connection to this movie in that Carey von Erick, his daughter, her name is Holly Chilton, formerly Holly Adkinson, cause Carey von Erick was Carey Adkinson, Adkisson, Holly Chilton.

Is married to my former trainer and they’ve started a podcast, a video on YouTube called growing up Von Eric. If you Google it on YouTube, just go, just go to growing up Von Eric. They just started last week and I wanted to give them a plug because I know some people are really infatuated with the Von Eric family, especially in the Dallas area.

And obviously I know this podcast goes out to all of the United States and different countries, but the Von Erics are a very big deal in the Dallas Fort Worth area and. I know Holly. I’ve spent time with her and her husband. Obviously, he trained me for a while. They have since moved a little farther away, so I have not seen them in a while, but Holly is as sweet as can be.

And she had come to me last year saying she wanted to start a podcast and kind of release it around the time the movie came out, iron claw and just wanted my advice, wanted my help and I, and I gave her what I could. I’m not very good on the technical side and that was a lot of the stuff that she wanted, but I told her like, here’s what you kind of need to do.

And she finally got it started and they decided to go the video route. So, the. Podcast on the YouTube is called Growing Up Von Eric and episode one was released last week and May 24, actually May 21st. So, Last month, and it’s Holly, who’s the daughter of Carrie Von Eric and Kristen Atkinson. She’s the daughter of Kevin Von Eric, and then they have a host Eric Carroll.

So go check it out. If you’re interested in the Von Eric story, if you went and saw the Iron Claw, this is a good follow up to Learning a little bit more because obviously the movie took some liberties with some things and Holly and Kristen kind of set the record straight. So go check it out. I just wanted to plug that because Holly is a friend and her husband, obviously my former trainer, good guy.

And I just wanted to plug their YouTube show and the YouTube podcast, growing up Vaughn, Eric go find it on YouTube. Anyway, thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcast. Also rate and review The only way it counts as a download is if you hit play That’s the most important thing I can ask you to do is hit play The other thing I can ask you to do is tune into my youtube live stream every Sunday night 8 p.

m Eastern Time I will be tweeting it out and reminding you to come this Sunday 8 p. m. Eastern time, and hopefully I’ll have some more gen stuff for you. Maybe you have a guest, take your questions and just kind of go from there. Anyway, thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. And I will talk to you tomorrow.

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