Reality Steve


Podcast #397 – Interview with Humberto Preciado, Prosecutor For The State Of Arizona & Husband of Courtney Robertson (And Transcripts)



You are listening to the Reality Steve podcast with your host, Reality Steve. He’s got all the latest info and behind the scenes juice on Jen’s upcoming season of The Bachelorette and interviewing some of your favorite reality stars. Now here’s Reality Steve.

What’s up everybody. Welcome to podcast number three 97. I’m your host reality. Steve. Thank you all for tuning in. We’ve got a good podcast for you today. You might’ve already heard it though, because it is Umberto Preciado, who is Courtney Robertson’s husband, who was on the live stream on Saturday night.

Umberto. I did not rerecord with him. I’m just taking the interview from Saturday night. It’s about 25, 30 minutes long, and I’m going to replay that for those that missed it because he gave some really good insight to the Clayton Eckerd, Laura Owens case, and we will get to that momentarily. It’s a podcast brought to you by Earth Echoes Cacao Bliss.

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Well, we’ll get to those in a second, but I do give an update on my health on what’s going on with my health. I. When I went into the hospital back in March, basically been three and a half months from them since then. And I had some blood work done on Tuesday, got the lab work back late on Tuesday night.

And let’s just say good news all around. So I update everybody on that and my health routine and everything that’s been going on in the last three months and where I’m at now with my diabetes, my type two diabetes diagnosis. And I update that on the daily roundup today. So go check that out. Also, on the daily roundup, Jen Tran appeared on call her daddy’s podcast yesterday and The biggest takeaway from it was the narrative about her being the third choice and without mentioning Maria by name, she absolutely called Maria out for Maria’s performance and what Maria said on call her daddy back after Jen had gone off and already started filming.

Cause remember Maria. When she appeared on call her daddy, Jen was off filming. She didn’t know about what Maria said until she got back and she made it a point to directly respond to things that Maria said without mentioning Maria by name, because maybe she doesn’t want some sort of public beef or whatever, but it is obvious as if you go listen to the daily roundup today, I read you in case you forgot what Maria said on call her daddy’s podcast.

And then I read you what Jen said yesterday. And it is clear as day. Jen is not thrilled that Maria said what she did. And made it seem like Jen was a backup plan. Now, I don’t know if it matters who was 1, who was 2, and who was 3 between Jen, Daisy, and Maria. I don’t think it matters who was 1, I don’t think we’re ever going to get an answer of who was 3.

What I do know is that Jen wasn’t number 1. Because if she was there first on their list, I don’t think they bring Daisy out on stage like they did at the after the final rose. And I don’t think Maria says what she did on call her daddy. But I also think there’s some naivete on Maria’s end. And I also think there’s some naivete on Jen’s end in regards to, I don’t know if the other woman knew how far the other woman was in the process or exactly what was being told to her because Jen even said it in the podcast yesterday.

Like, Hey, I went for fittings too. I was on meetings and phone calls and zoom calls with production. But. She made it a point to say it’s not you until it’s you in referring to who gets the lead Whereas Maria on call her daddy specifically said it was me until it wasn’t so why would Jen say? Hey, it’s not you until it’s you On the podcast yesterday, if she wasn’t calling out Maria, it was clear as day.

I don’t know what the relationship is. That was a direct shot at Maria. No doubt about it. The other thing about your nation that happened yesterday was the LA times wrote an article, and it all stemmed back to February at the television critics association, when a reporter actually was asking. You know, usually those are fluff pieces and reporters just getting asked questions about, Hey, the show’s great.

And it’s been around forever and all, but a reporter from NPR stood up and said, why don’t you guys do well with racial issues on your show? And the executive producer, Claire Freeland, who came over from bachelor Canada, she just started on the show, the American version last year. And then Bennett Grabener, who was also up on stage.

He’s been on with the show since 2008. They basically had no answer. And so with Jen season kicking off in a week and a half from now, they decided to do an interview with the LA times and say, yeah, we screwed up back in February. We should have had. Been ready for questions like that. And we weren’t. So now we want to talk about it.

And they give some interesting quotes and they say like, look, we’re not perfect. It was embarrassing. Basically that for 15 years, we never had a black lead and I’m, I’m embarrassed. I’m in shamed. But then in the same article, they admit that they failed Jen this season by not casting many Asian American guys.

I think there’s only three or four men this season that have any Asian descent in them and are from Asian descent and They even admit that’s on us. We could we we could have done a better job It’s like okay, but your first Asian American bachelorette. Why didn’t you do a better job? Like it’s just not making any sense It’s like they say a lot of things But then they don’t really follow up with it other than, yes, we have had more diverse casts since 2020.

Absolutely. They’ve cast more BIPOC contestants and more BIPOC contestants are lasting longer on the show, but it’s still not good enough. And they say, look, we’re trying. And I give them credit, you know, small bonus points, I guess, for increasing their diversity in their casting on this show, but they really dropped the ball.

It’s almost like they took a one step forward and two steps back by dropping the ball on Jen’s casting. Which also makes me think it’s why Jen was not their first choice, because if they wanted her all along, they would have during casting went with other guys. So we’ll see. But that that’s discussed on today’s daily roundup.

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That’s prolonlife. com slash reality. Steve. All right, let’s get going. This is from Saturday podcast. Number three 97. Let’s let’s bring Courtney’s husband in Umberto Umberto is now in. What’s up, man? What’s going on? This is a



just found out not too long ago that this was going to be on camera.

Yeah. So I said, what do I wear? Of course. What do I wear? Right. So I. Got, I got this shirt from Courtney. I said, of course I’m going to wear that. Disployed by

Reality Steve shirt, which you can get on my Twitter account.

Yeah. Are you charging us hourly to have you on? No, no, no. I’m a government employee, man.

No way. So we pay you our tax dollars. Okay. So this is Arizona tax dollars and actually, yeah, yes and no. Yeah. Yeah. This is kind of off, off off brand for me, but yeah.

So, Umberto, I want you to just tell the audience exactly what your role is in the Arizona government.

Yeah, so, I’ve been a prosecutor more or less for the past 10 years so I’ve worked for the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office, the Pinal County Attorney’s Office, and for the last five plus, I’ve been at the Attorney General’s Office.

As a prosecutor and my focus is healthcare fraud and abuse.

Okay. So one of the first things when judge Mata’s decision came down and I had texted Courtney, like, Hey, the, you know, modest decision is in and you know, the file was sent to me and I, and I told Courtney, here it is. I said, send this to him, you know, send this to Umberto.

I want to know what his take is and what he thinks of the whole thing. And I don’t know if you’ve gotten to read all 19 pages, but one of your first reactions was You thought just the fact that judge Mata wrote 19 pages, you said, you’ve never seen that before.

Yeah. Yeah. I mean, obviously this is only my experience, but I would say I am an experienced attorney at this point.

I’ll be a 15 year attorney here at the end of the year. So, you know, I’ve, I’ve seen some minute entries. I I’ve seen tons and tons and tons and tons and tons. Mine and other people’s the first, she sent me the minute entry. I think that you sent her and I just said All I needed to see was 19 pages, LOL, or something like that.

Like, I feel like, you know, my first thought when so the trial was on, what was it now? The 10th. And she’s like, how long could it be under advisement for? And I was like, well, a couple of days, a week. I mean, it really just depends. She’s not going to wait six months. But, and I told her, I told Courtney, I said, I would not be surprised.

She took her time, was very detailed was very thorough. This trial, this this case has, has gotten some attention, some media attention the defense, the, her Laura Owens attorney Laura Owens herself, I mean, it’s been kind of a circus. I said, I would not be surprised if she dots all of her I’s and crosses all her T’s and make sure that her record is very well kept very put together.

And when she said that, I was like, I, I, I think I was right. I mean, I don’t know if I was right, but I think I was right. That, that seemed pretty spot on for what she did.

So normally it would just be kind of the ending of the, of the the judgment that we saw where it’s just, they just rule. And she basically kind of did a recap of the whole case and that’s what’s, that’s what it was different.

Exactly. I mean, I, I, again, this is just my experience and I’ve done family law. I’ve done a couple, like some bankruptcies. I’ve done some personal injury. I mean, I’ve done juvenile law. The majority of my attorney, my career, whatever you want to call it has been criminal law as a prosecutor, but I’ve, I’ve done a lot and I’ve seen a lot at this point yeah, you don’t see recaps like that.

You usually just see, they just get straight to the point, like. Upon the evidence presented upon this upon that blah, blah, blah, blah. The court finds this. Depending on the type of hearing you have, depending on, you know, if you have a trial, you know, four day trial, three day trial, two week trial, you might get a little bit of a, you know, somewhat of a synopsis or recap, some sort of summary.

But what she did, I, I’ve never seen anything like what she did. That was, that was pretty mind blowing. I couldn’t And

have you ever seen a a, an attorney after they lost like that? Take to twitter to You know, call out the judge.

No, of course not. No, that’s, that’s, that’s so wild. It’s not even like, and I, I messaged Steve last week.

Actually this week. So this week, the end of June is when all the Arizona attorneys are continuing education. You have to get your so many credit hours done. So a lot of conferences going on. So you can get all your hours, right? You get everybody. I was at a conference Thursday and Friday. I talked to Steve, I was messaging with him.

My sister was also at a conference. She’s a, got to be close to a 20 year attorney or so. And I asked her, I was like, Hey, have you ever heard of a 19 page minute entry? She’s like, what, what are you talking about? Huh? She was shocked. And like, she’s been doing it way longer than me and did a lot more family ball than me.

But they were even talking about it there and not like positive thoughts about you know, her attorney. It was more like, this is, this is kind of. Weird. is like circus. Like he going at the judge things he was saying, putting on Twitter. I mean, puffing his chest shots fired. I mean, I’ve never seen anything like that.

Never. I, the only, honestly, the only time you see that is in Hollywood, right? If you know, someone famous in LA, New York, someone, you know, Way more high and mighty than me worth a lot more money. The defense attorney comes out after they get arrested. Every Sunday happens. This is all BS. This is all nonsense.

My client’s going to get cleared the bubble and then they plead guilty six months later. So it’s just all, you know, it’s all puffery. It’s all chest, chest bumping. It’s, I’ve never seen anything like that.

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