Reality Steve


Daily Roundup 7/2 – Jenn’s Season, Clayton/Laura Owens Case, Bashing of TSwift, Friday Night Lights Casting, DWTS, & David Silver Has A Project In The Works

So I wanted to give one final thought in regards to the Taylor Swift article that was written by Newsweek.

And, you know, I gave you my main thoughts yesterday, which was just a total misogynistic pig that wrote that. It was just so out of left field and it was just clearly done for clickbait purposes. It was somebody that was trying to play contrarian. Everybody loves Taylor. So he’s going to write a headline that says why Taylor Swift is not a role model.

Come on, dude. We all know what your game plan was here. It was just such a weak argument. And then the things that he said. Hey, should little girls look up to someone who dates a lot of different men and it was 34 and single never married and has no kids? What’s the problem with that? If anybody out there should be looked up to as a role model, it should be Taylor Swift.

It’s just this, this archaic approach to how women should be looked at is just ridiculous. So there was that. The other thing that I forgot to mention yesterday, and I did see this online. It was like, it nailed it on the head. You know, here is a man writing for Newsweek, basically calling out a woman for being 34, single, never married, and childless.

Let’s flip that around. Do you ever think in a million years, in, until the end of time, there will ever be an article written in the history of mankind, whether by a man or by a woman that gives the same exact take, but flips the sexes. You think any article will ever call out a 34 year old man that is single, never married, and has no kids and call them out for not being a good role model.

Because of that. I’ll wait until the end of time, until that article’s written. ’cause it’s never coming. But yet here they are saying it about literally the most successful pop star in the history of music. I don’t think there’s anybody close. Nobody’s ever done what she’s done. This is just facts. It’s not even opinion.

Nobody’s done this kind of tour that she’s done, raised the money that she’s done, brought interest that she’s done. It’s never been done before. Not to mention her, whatever you want to call it, Q rating, how popular she is in the pop culture world. Nobody’s come close. I think you can even put her up there.

Her popularity in 2024 rivals that of Michael Jackson in the eighties, I think, if not more. One of the things I talk about every once in a while is when we hear stories about TV shows or movies and people that missed out on casting roles. Like they auditioned for this particular role, particular show, particular movie.

You’ve probably seen a lot of them. The Office is a big one, you know, Seth Rogen auditioned for The Office. So many people auditioned for The Office. You’ve probably seen some of their auditions online. Well, one came out the other week. Last week, towards the end of last week, it came out and I wanted to get around to it because this is something that is kind of a pet peeve of mine and I wanted to bring it up because Friday Night Lights is one of my favorite shows of all time.

It’s easily top three. It probably goes 24. Friday Night Lights and Lost are two, three, and sometimes Lost is number two and FNL is number three and vice versa. So, article came out about some people that auditioned for Friday Night Lights because one of the people who is really hot right now He’s a guy that if I had to guess who’s going to be this year’s people’s sexiest man alive, and I’m saying this on July 2nd, I don’t know when they released that and I already forgot who won it last year, but my guess is Glenn Powell’s winning it this year because they always go with somebody who’s obviously good looking, but it’s somebody that’s doing something currently that has a lot of buzz and he’s just been kind of the it guy recently in Hollywood That’s just my prediction.

I can’t remember when they announce people’s sexiest man alive, but I I’m gonna put my money down Glenn Powell wins it Anyway, he said in an interview recently that he auditioned for Friday Night Lights. He auditioned for the role of JD McCoy, who showed up in season three. And he also auditioned for the role of Tim Riggins, which is an iconic character that all the ladies love.

I can’t see, you know, Glenn Powell in that, but my own pet peeve, I just, I just said what my own pet peeve was, by the way, Chase Crawford, also one of these people, he was up for the role of Jason Street. Emma Stone was up for the role of Julie Taylor, who was the daughter of Coach Eric and Tammy Taylor.

Now, kind of what I said about Glenn Powell, like, oh no, he couldn’t have played Tim Riggins. The thing is, people say this all the time, and I always go back to Friends, because Friends is obviously one of the more popular shows ever. And you can hear people say all the time, oh my god, Matt LeBlanc was the best.

Joey Tribbiani. Oh my gosh, Matthew Perry was the best Chandler Bing. Nobody could have played them. It’s like Yes, they could have You never ever saw anybody other than Matthew LeBlanc play Joey Tribbiani You never saw anybody other than Matthew Perry play Chandler Bing If we never knew those guys got those roles and it was somebody else in those roles and the show was just as successful.

And then we find out later, Hey, you know, who else was up for the role of Chandler Bing? Matthew Perry. You would’ve been like, huh? No way. So and so played the best Chandler Bing. So like I said, it’s, it’s such a pet peeve of mine because you don’t know. It might be your favorite character. Oh my gosh.

Nobody could have played, you know, whatever. Just pick any role that’s iconic. And you hear the rumors of somebody else playing that role like, well, you never saw them play that role. So how do you know? The only thing you know is 10 seasons of those same six characters playing those roles. What if six different people were cast for that?

And friends lasted 10 seasons as was and was successful. You would have been like, Lisa Kudrow. Who’s that? Jennifer Aniston. Who’s that? David Schwimmer, Joey, you know, Matthew LeBlanc, Matthew LeBlanc, Courtney Cox, the girl from the Bruce Springsteen video dancing, dancing in the dark. She’s going to be Monica.

No way. That’s what I mean. So it’s best just to say you have no idea. None of us have any idea because we don’t know those people in that role. But when I saw this article about Friday night lights, yeah. Kind of hard to see Glenn Powell on the role of Tim Riggins, but again, if Glenn Powell would have gotten the role and Taylor Kitsch never got it, I would have been like, who’s Taylor Kitsch?

No way. Glenn Powell was awesome as Tim Riggins. Remember a couple of weeks ago when I mentioned dancing with the stars and I said, look, we know what dance with the stars does every season. We get the same type of cast, someone from the ABC, Disney world, a couple athletes an old school actor, actress.

We get a couple of Olympians, just the same thing every year. And on the year of actual Olympics taking place, 1000%. They are going to take somebody that kind of makes a name for themselves at that summer’s Olympics. Well, I can tell you right now, my I’m throwing, just like I just, just like I predicted that something is up with Gingras.

I’m going to predict this still very early. We don’t know, but I think Quincy Wilson, the 16 year old kid that made the men’s four by 400 relay team in track and field. I think he’s getting cast on dance with the stars just because I have not been following Olympic trials at all. At all. I couldn’t tell you who’s on what team other than I know Simone Biles is on the women’s gymnastics team, which was a given pretty much the only name that has stuck out to me in just watching being an avid sports watcher is Quincy Wilson.

This is the kid I keep hearing about because no 16 year old has ever made track and field team. And he’s in the four by 400 relay team. So his name is like at the tip of everybody’s tongue. He’s setting a precedent for the youngest kid ever to make a track and field team would not be surprised whatsoever.

If Quincy Wilson is our Olympian that makes it on dance with the stars this year. Just wanted to throw that out there. And also finally with this, Yesterday, David Silver took to Instagram, Brian Austin Green, and put this on his Instagram story. He said, so it looks like my friend at Clinton Sparks and I are building something that anyone who loves the nineties is going to love.

Las Vegas coming soon. Let’s go. You know, me love myself. Anything bag, anything, David Silver. What do you think is the first thing that popped into my mind? When David Silver puts on his Instagram story that him and a buddy are building something that anyone who loves the nineties is going to love. And it’s going to be in Las Vegas.

First thing I thought of, are we getting a peach pit after dark in Las Vegas? Is he going to be a DJ sometimes and wear his baggy clothes and his painter’s cap and squash it with Joe E. Tata’s

companion chef’s nephew? What’s his name? I’m forgetting the chef’s name that worked with, with Nat in the peach pit, but his nephew squash that squash that David, we all remember that episode, right? Right. Anyway, I immediately think that, you know, every time Jenny Garth or Ian Ziering or Jason Priestley do anything related, anything they say, I just relate it back to what’s going on in the 90210 world going on in my head.

So when Brian Austin Greene says he’s got something cooking for Vegas that people who love the 90s are going to love. Immediately, I think, okay, they’re bringing the Peach Pit after dark to Las Vegas, putting it in one of the major hotels and David Silver is not only going to be a DJ, but he’s going to dance for us too.

Is Ariel going to be a part of it? Is he going to sleep with Ariel and then Sharner’s going to come up to the limo? And knock on the window and say, David, let me in. And then he’s got to pull up his pants. Cause he was banging Ariel in the limo. And then he let Sharna in and Sharna sees the open condom wrapper on the limo floor.

This is the way my mind works. I just have an alternate reality where 90210 just continues to happen. And storylines that happened in the mid nineties are going to be revisited in 2024. End. Going forward. It’s the way I think people anyway, thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts also rate and review, but you got to hit play.

It’s the only way it counts as a download sports daily is coming up in in an hour from now. So check that out if you are so inclined, but thank you all for listening again, I really appreciate it. And I will talk to you tom

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