Reality Steve


Daily Roundup 7/3 – New Trailer for Jenn’s Season, Jenn Not Thrilled With Casting For Her Season, Dave Neal On “Off The Vine,” & Kaitlyn Discusses Her New Man

moving on. I want to shout out to Dave Neil, who got his, I think this is his third appearance on Caitlin Bristow’s off the vine podcast, Caitlin had him on to discuss all of the Clayton Eckerd.

Laura Owen’s case. However, this was filmed before the ruling came down, but for those who, you know, hear me talk about it and don’t listen to Dave every day and haven’t watched, gosh, seemingly a hundred videos that he’s done on this case since last September. It’s a nice little summary for you. It kind of breaks things down.

Dave brings the receipts, the things that he actually was able to prove where Laura Owens was lying. He brings those on set with her. So I would even watch it. I mean, you can listen to it on off the vine on Apple podcasts or Spotify, but I would also watch her YouTube channel. And I would also watch the video because he actually shows proof of the things that he was able to disprove that Laura Owen said in emails to Clayton and emails to him and emails to me a very, very good interview by Dave.

And I’m glad that Caitlin is bringing attention to this and giving Dave the time of day to talk about something like this, because as you know, this has obviously been a huge story. And I know there’s some of you out there that are sick of it and don’t understand it, you know, to understand the full extent of it.

But before we even started finding out about the depths of Laura Owens, History, the depths of her lies, even before, I mean, back in September and October of last year, Dave and I were both saying, this is by far the craziest story involving any former bachelorette contestant. I’m not even talking about Lee, just anybody.

This is. So bizarre. And then obviously over the course of nine more months, finding out even more bizarre shit going on that Laura Owen said or did contradicted herself, the stories that she made up, it was, it just got crazier and crazier. And I know. I get it. It’s a lot for, for people who didn’t do a deep dive.

There’s the whole justice for Clayton crew. I know there’s a whole group online on the Reddit community that talk about this every day. And those people are very well aware of how wild and wacky this thing got. But the casual listener, anyone that’s just listened to me and maybe listen to Dave on occasion, yeah, you’re missing out on a lot of details.

So it’s interviews like this with Dave where, you know, It’s not the full spectrum of what happened in nine months, but it’s a good breakdown of the, I guess the talking points, the sticking points that you probably need to know. If you were to just sit down and say, Hey, can you break this case down for me?

What exactly happened here? I thought it was just a simple case of weight. She said she was pregnant and a judge ruled on June 10th. That she didn’t find her credible and she didn’t believe that she was pregnant. Yeah, basically, but there were so many other things that I think you need to know about this and like I said Go check out dave on kaitlyn bristowe’s off the vine podcast either on apple podcast or spotify or her youtube channel To see the visuals that he provided because dave coming with receipts That’s for sure.

And finally, speaking of Caitlin, she went on Kristin Cavallari’s let’s be honest podcast and talked about her new boyfriend. Literally went down and talked about for the first time, really details about the guy that she is dating right now. We all know who it is. And this is what is so bizarre to me is that she talked about it.

She talked about the city. She talked about their first date, but she won’t say that it’s Zach. I don’t understand this. You know, she could do whatever she wants. I’m just saying, I feel like because Jason came out and publicly with his relationship with cat that he kept private for three or four months, even though we all knew he was dating cat.

I think now that Jason is out with cat, I figured Caitlin would say Zach’s name. I just find this really weird. Does anybody else find this really weird? Like. It’s one thing to do what Caitlin’s been doing since New Year’s Eve, which I think was the first time that we had seen them together when we saw them on New Year’s Eve and she was at a party and he was holding her.

It’s one thing to do that because she was just doing what Jason and Kat were doing until Jason and Kat hard launched, which is just, hey, we’re not going to talk about our relationship publicly. Yeah, people out there see us together. They know we’re probably together, but we don’t need to address them. We don’t owe them anything.

Well. Then why do this interview and not mention the guy’s name? I don’t, it’s like, we all know who she’s talking about. That’s what I don’t understand. It’s just kind of confusing to me. It’s like, no hate, no, no hate or shade towards her. I’m just, I don’t understand it. Like, just say his name. We all know.

Cause, and it’s not like she was like, yeah, no, I’m kind of seeing somebody. She went into detail. She said that her first date a driver picked her up from the airport because he was working the driver stopped off her off at His apartment and she waited for five minutes before he arrived. She said I had a coffee I was snooping through his shit looking through his rage pages.

I’m like nothing what? The apartment is in a great area, pretty decent for New York. She said it doesn’t have a kitchen that’s in a bedroom. After meeting at his residence, they drove to get pizza and sat outside while they were talking. She recalled that they were, she was not nervous about their date.

She said, I would usually get nervous in situations like that, but I was just like, Oh, here we go. I’m going to know right off the bat if I like him or not. The conversations are either going to be good or terrible. I was going to, into it almost fed up. She said there was immediate chemistry between the two.

They went through a blip where she wondered, what am I doing? After that period of time, she said, she realized she could do this. She said, they’re not going to move to each other’s city anytime soon and are continuing to get to know each other. She said, he’s all heart, a very good human. And she wonders when the relationship is quote, going to turn.

She said, I’m honestly not sabotaging this. I’ve never been more clear or level headed or mature or myself. They see each other once a month. She said it’s been really healthy, honest, communicative, it’s nice. This was all summarized by Us Weekly for me. Thank you very much. She said though, she’s still dating other people but is not on any dating apps.

Quote, it’s getting to a place where I’m like, do I feel bad if I’m hanging out with somebody else? She said, noting that he’s not seeing other people. And then it goes on to talk about. The times that Jay Caitlin and Zach have been spotted together. And it’s just, I just didn’t understand the point of this interview.

Why would you go on and on about the guy that you’re dating and, and give that many details, but not tell us who it is when we all know who it is, like who, what is she doing? Just say it. If you’re like, well, we want to keep our relationship private. Well then why would you even go and do this interview?

Like it actually made more sense to do what she’s been doing since New Year’s Eve when we first Realized it was Zach to do what she’s been doing for the last six months, which is just let everybody else talk about us Let everybody else speculate. We’ll just hang out and do our own thing and not address it But then she goes on Kristen Cavallari’s podcast and gives all these details about this guy that she’s dating We all know it’s Zach two weeks ago when Zach was in a marathon in Minnesota.

Caitlin was with him Like people sent me pictures of them together in Minnesota. And I forget what part of, it wasn’t Duluth. Was it Duluth? Maybe it was, but if you watched Zach’s Instagram story, I think it was either last week you know, two weekends ago or whatever, he was in a marathon in Minnesota.

And then someone sent me the next day of Zach and Caitlin walking in Minnesota. Like we know it’s him. I don’t, you’d say like, well, this is how she’s choosing to deal with it. Yeah. And I’m just saying, I find it weird. That’s all no hate, no shade. Just. I don’t understand it. I don’t understand, especially now that like if Jason and cat had still been doing what they were doing, this would make sense to me and not that Caitlin has to revolve her relationship about what, how Jason and cat are navigating theirs, I’m just saying it’s been six months.

At least because we saw them on New Year’s Eve together. It is now July 3rd, by the way, happy birthday to my niece, Olivia. Today’s her birthday. 20 years old. Absolutely crazy. For those that were watching back in the day when her and Nicholas would come on my lives on Thursday night and we’d sit in the back room at my sister’s house and they would take your questions and you’d ask them, Hey, what’s your favorite color, Olivia?

What’s your favorite cartoon? Yeah, she turns 20 today. You know where she is in Minnesota, hanging out with Daisy sister. They all went to the twins game last night. Daisy was there with Thor. I got some pictures from that that Olivia sent me, but anyway, sidetracked point being it’s been six months.

Caitlin has obviously been seeing Zach. She said in the article, see, we see each other about once a month and I just, why not say his name? It just seems really weird to go about it this way. Your first interview where you actually talk about the guy you’re dating, number one, isn’t even on your own podcast.

Number two, you don’t even name him. And it’s not like we don’t have a clue of who it is. Just kind of weird. Anyway, thank you all for listening. Really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts, also rate and review, but you got to hit play. Please hit play. It’s the only way it counts as a download. The sports daily will be up in an hour from now, if you’re interested in checking that out as well.

Obviously we’re back tomorrow with three podcasts, daily roundup, sports daily. And we are with podcast number. Gosh, what number are we on? 3 98, right? Coming up on 400, podcast number 3 98. Tomorrow is going to be with Game of Roses, Chad and Lizzie. So anyway, thank you all for listening. Really appreciate it, and I will talk to you tomorrow.


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