Reality Steve


Podcast #398 – Interview with Chad & Lizzie from “Game of Roses” Podcast (And Transcripts)

So a couple things I wanted to talk about with Caitlin. First up, what I mentioned yesterday in regards to her interview. With Kristen Cavallari on the Let’s Be Honest podcast and you know the questions that I had about I don’t understand what she’s doing, you know, no hate, no shade to her.

I was just like, Either just continue to do what you’re doing and not talk about your new boyfriend or whatever she wants to call him. Obviously we know it’s Zach Clark, but to do a whole interview and give details on your first date and how you met and all this stuff and how often you guys see each other, that’s great and all, but then saying, you know, she’s never going to bring him up and she’s never going to say his name.

It just raised a lot of questions to me. I’m just like, what was the point of this? And, you know, a couple of you emailed and said, look, that was just. Some of what us weekly summarized. And she went into detail about why she’s doing what she’s doing. She said, she’s not going to hide it. If others post them, or if he’s in a story, she said, you know, because she was butchered essentially by the public after her breakup with Jason, people just kind of hate her for breaking up with Jason.

So she basically said, look, just not going to publicly acknowledge it on social media. And she wants to be. In a relationship with someone for at least a year before going public with him. But here’s my argument still, she’s technically going public by going on Kristen Cavallari’s podcast and saying, I have a boyfriend.

This is how I met him. This was our first date. We see each other once a month. It’s like, that’s going public. You’re just, there’s different, I guess, again, there’s different levels of going public. She’s saying basically, I’m not going to post pictures with him on my Instagram. Okay, that’s fine. And she’s not going to hide it if others do post pictures with him or send pictures to Instagram accounts or to me like they did when she was with him in Minnesota when he ran his marathon in Duluth.

So I get that part, but It’s not like we don’t know who it is. That’s my whole point. Why didn’t she just continue doing what she’s been doing for the last six months, which is never talk about who she’s dating, how she met him, what they’re doing, continue that going. But this whole thing of I’m dating someone, we’re seeing each other once a month, it’s going well, I really enjoy myself.

But I’m not going to tell you his name or I’m going to post a picture of him. If it was somebody outside of bachelor nation, we had no idea who it was and we couldn’t identify him or whatever. Just if he were to post a picture with him and we’d be like, who’s that? Until she tells us totally understand, but we know exact Clark.

So you’re not, I get what she’s saying. I trust me. I do. And this is no hate or shade towards Caitlin. It’s just confusing. Because we all know who it is, whether she posts a picture with Zack Clark or not. We know she just did an interview where she admitted she’s seeing somebody and she sees him once a month and he lives in New York, like we know it’s him.

So what is the point of just carrying that on? Just say it, Zack. I guess you could still just not post pictures of him. That’s fine. Like I said, it’s confusing. She’s like, I, I’m just not acknowledging it publicly on social media. Yeah, but we, we all know who it is. It doesn’t matter that you’re not acknowledging it.

It’s just weird. It’s basically like, I’m not going to acknowledge it until we hard launch. Yes. And that’s exactly what Jason did. We all knew Jason was dating cat for months, but he didn’t go on any podcasts and say, yes, I have a girlfriend. Yes. I’m seeing her. Yes. She lives in Miami. She’s got a kid, but I’m not going to tell you who it is.

It’s like, okay, we would have known he didn’t do that. I’m just saying, I totally understand what Caitlin is doing up until she did the Kristin Cavallari podcast. Because that was the first time that she went into a deep kind of detail of who I’m dating, what happened on our first date, how things are going, and how often we see each other, and how I feel about him, without naming his name.

Just a little bit weird. Speaking of Kat and Caitlyn, like I said, I think the Caitlyn hate is out of control. There are people out there, and look, you know, has she done some messy things? Absolutely. But this is who she is. And This is her brand. And I don’t think that she’s done anything so bad where people have to call her names and absolutely crucify her on the internet for just small things that really are irrelevant.

Take yesterday, for example, yesterday on her Instagram story, cat posted, or excuse me, Caitlin shared a photo braiding her niece’s hair. So. innocent and so innocuous. It’s like whatever. And she said, you know, I still got it. Well, about, I guess, a half hour earlier, Kat had showed a picture on her Instagram story of braiding her daughter MK’s hair and captioned it with, I think it’s best one yet if I do say so myself.

Now, we didn’t see any of the messages that Kaitlyn got. From people, but clearly she got a lot of hate for it because she wrote in another Instagram story, maybe an hour, half hour, hour after she posted the braiding her niece’s hair story. She said, Oh Christ, guys, I braided my niece’s hair and posted about it.

Not having a fucking clue. Someone else did y’all are freaking me out to post anything. Cause I can’t even eat pizza anymore without someone thinking something. I do not follow these people. I do not see their content. I do not care. Sorry to break it to you, but I do not care to be copying anyone. Please calm down.

Stop pitting me against other incredible women. None of us deserve that. Perfectly fine response. And I probably would go off on trolls too, who were, I guess, clearly they were accusing her of, well, cat braided her daughter’s hair. So you decided to braid your niece’s hair. What, what, what would that accomplish?

Even if that’s what she was doing, how is that some sort of one up by Caitlin? Like I can do that too. And look at Jason’s girlfriend braids hair. So do I look, I’m better. It’s just, it’s pointless. And I can only imagine, like she didn’t show us any of the messages that she got, but for her to write that on her Instagram story, I know that she probably got a bunch of shit for it.

And people calling her names and saying she’s trying to be like Kat. It’s just like, good God, people go get a life. You know the phrase everyone’s using now, go touch grass. If you sent Caitlin Bristow a message yesterday, because you thought she was copying Kat Stickler by braiding her niece’s hair a half hour after Kat posted braiding MK, her daughter’s hair, you really need to reassess your priorities in life.

There’s no need to message Caitlin over that. None. Even if you thought 1000%, Oh, she’s just doing this to one up Kat, say anything. Why? What does it accomplish? Absolutely nothing. I hope nobody, I mean obviously people did, but I hope nobody listening actually did that. And those are the only people I’m talking to.

People that actually reached out to Caitlin and said something negative over something so irrelevant as braiding your daughter or niece’s hair. Come on, people. Just let’s not do this. It’s not a good look whatsoever. Has Caitlin done some messy things? Sure. But this is definitely not one of them. And finally, I just wanted to talk about the Hulu documentary Bratz.

If you haven’t watched it, it’s about the Brat Pack of the eighties. And the only reason I want to bring this up again is because somebody else who wasn’t in the Bratz documentary spoke out and just said, look, I’m looking to move on. And that was Anthony Michael Hall. He was not in the Bratz documentary.

Somebody asked him recently, Hey, why weren’t you in it? What do you, you know, and he said, I was asked to be a part of it, but you know what, I’ll tell you, my attitude is you have to wish everyone success. It was just something I chose not to do because I’m always trying to move forward and make new things and do new stuff.

Totally get that pretty much the same answer that Molly Ringwald gave, just moving forward. What I don’t understand is this was 30 years ago. It’s not like this is 19. This is six months or a year after this article came out and they’re all being bombarded with it. Like, I don’t think anyone thinks you’re going back to your high school days if you just address what it was like being part of the Brat Pack.

And if you did or didn’t like the moniker that was given to you by a New York Times writer. That’s all. We don’t think you’re like, setting your career back by talking about something from 30 years ago. Nobody associates you with the Brat Pack now. And I would have loved to have seen Molly Ringwald in that.

I would have loved to hear from Anthony Michael Hall in that. Cause they were part of that brat pack and the people that did it, Judd Nelson, Emilio Estevez, Ali Sheedy, Andrew McCarthy, they all addressed it. Now you could say, well they don’t have a career anymore or whatever, that’s why they can talk about it.

It’s not that. I just think the reasoning for, hey, I just want to move forward with my career, don’t, no need to look back. It’s like, nobody thinks that this is now something that you are hanging your hat on. Even the ones who did appear. Do we think poorly of them now that they went back and talked about something that affected their lives 30 years ago?

I certainly don’t. I thought it was informative. I thought it was interesting. Molly and Anthony, Michael Hall, just like, I just want to move forward and you know, no need to look back. It’s like, it’s 30 years ago. You can talk about it. Nobody’s going to care. It’s okay. And apparently that was too much. So I don’t know.

I don’t, I don’t get it. I don’t get a lot of things. Those are two of them. Molly, Anthony, I know it’s too late. You can’t be part of it, but I didn’t really accept your answer. Sorry. Anyway, thank you all for listening. Really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts. Also rate and review, but you got to hit play.

It’s the only way it counts as a download. As you know, Sports Daily will be up in an hour from now. Podcast number 398 with Game of Roses will be up in two hours from now. And there’s an exclusive in there. Like I said, I am playing Chad’s song that he has not released yet. It’s a song based upon Nick Viall telling Andy Dorfman on the After the Faunal Rose about how could you make love to me if you weren’t in love with me?

And that’s the name of the song. How could you? In parentheses, make love to me and it’s all done by AI. That’s coming up in a couple hours. Go check that out and everyone again, have a happy and safe 4th of July. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.

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