Reality Steve


Podcast #398 – Interview with Chad & Lizzie from “Game of Roses” Podcast (And Transcripts)

You know, with, you know, with Blake, it’s funny to think Blake’s first season was the Claire Tayshia thing. You know, obviously Claire left early, but Blake was, Top was number five on taisha season.

I believe he She eliminated him right before hometown if I’m not mistaken So it’s just weird to think that because you just don’t think Blake on taisha season I don’t know why maybe because the whole season was forgettable because it was out in the desert and it was During the pandemic and we were just all in a different world then but yeah, it’s really weird I think that his first season was was taisha

Yeah, it’s, I mean, that was, I think, probably one of the hardest seasons for any player to be able to play because you had to make the pivot after Claire leaves with Dale Moss to be like, well, wait a minute.

Do I even have a shot at sticking around to date this other bachelorette who they’re just kind of throwing in here at us? And he did a pretty good job as good as you could, you know, possibly ask for. And then he did. Pulled a nick vial in season 17 where he crashed katie thurston season and he won that ring That’s I mean that has never happened in the history of the game.

No. Yeah. I mean he he arrived late

as much as As much as I like to see chat and support chad’s Predictions. I am hoping that this bachelorette season does well enough that they’ll be forced to pick someone from the new season.

Oh boy. We’re not getting the spoilers here, so

Oh God. We have a spoiler on the ratings.

No, not on the ratings. No, no. Obviously I don’t know that yet. I don’t know if it’s going to be


Yeah, the candidates. On the candidates

for next Bachelor? Oh no.

Yeah. You know, we always know that the guys Oh, I’m so nervous. Well, the guys normally come from the top four, and I’m not saying that every guy in the top four for GenSeason is just no way they’re going to pick him.

We haven’t seen it play out on TV yet, you know? We just don’t know. True. Oh my God. But there, there is stuff circulating. Oh my God, I’m so nervous


Yeah, there’s stuff circulating that is not of the positive nature. Is it earth shattering? No, not really, but it’s, it’s enough to where people might tap the brakes on certain guys.

So, you know, we’ll see how it plays out. We’ll see. Because not necessarily

based on that. I’m, I’m tapping breaks

on all of them. It’s just, we know that we know that there’s the There’s like the viewing audience that doesn’t care about what’s being said online. And then there’s the online audience that knows everything about these guys and what they posted on their Instagram six years ago because it’s their whole goal to ruin contestants and find as much dirt as they can.

So it’s that happy medium of, okay, who do we cater to as a franchise? Do we want to cater to the online crowd or do we want to cater to our audience that doesn’t care what’s happening online or what somebody did? Like, you know, the Eric Schwer thing, they probably didn’t bring it up because it was only really brought up online and it’s like, yeah, no one really knew about it.

So they’re just like, okay, we’ll just sweep it under the rug, which was the wrong thing to do. That’s what I mean. How are they going to handle things going forward? I don’t know. This season. I don’t know. It’s going to be interesting, to say the least.

It’s an interesting time to be watching the show, like there’s a lot of change and it’s definitely exciting.

And it’s no paradise this year.

There’s also the head to head competition with the whole Netflix reality universe like you they have their own problems Don’t get me wrong They’re being sued for all kinds of things kind of constantly on love and buy but the race problem never really comes up in any Of their shows, you know, they seem to have been like they’re at least more modernized in that way it was born in like this older era.

And I think that that’s always something that’s just going to be ever present. You know, I don’t know like how much, the volume of change that they have to do.

Like they cast like real looking people.

Yeah. I mean, love is blind and the too hot to handle shows. All of those shows have definitely a, you know, even on, you know, the the love Island show as well as that one, you know, Yeah.

It’s just a mix of people. I mean, it’s not, you can’t say about any of those shows, Oh God, another all white dating show. I mean, far from it on those shows for sure. Yeah. And you know, I agree. I look at it and was there anything else in the LA times article Chad that jumped out to you? There’s, was there anything else that was said or any stories that you read in there that was just like, Oh, this is interesting that this is being brought up or that they’re actually addressing this.

Was there anything else in there for you?

No, I, I think you kind of hit the main point. The main point to me was that they are finally being very vocal about this and, and saying things that literally the franchise has never said, taking accountability for it and saying, we are trying to make a change and if that change doesn’t sit well with you, then maybe you should get out of bachelor nation.

That attitude has never been presented by this franchise.

No, it hasn’t.

Yeah, I mean, the, the only, the only thing we added was that it, just the stark contrast between that and the E news interview where Chris Harrison is like, yeah, we’ll have a black bachelor, but just when it’s the right guy, like Rachel Lindsay, we want it to be the right guy, you know,

you know, something you mentioned of like great character, something you mentioned, Lizzie, that I didn’t hit on when you said it was, you mentioned, you know, Or maybe it was you, Chad, that, that about Fleiss being the charity season was the first season that he was, that he was off the show.

Do either of you find it still weird? I mean, this guy was basically kicked off the show because of an investigation about his behavior, how he treated people on the set, his racial discrimination. And yet I find it weird that he still sends out tweets about the show. Like, Hey, it’s starting in a week. And it’s like, maybe does, is he, is he still collecting some sort of residual from this?

Because. He created it

residual, it’s not even a residual. He gets a straight paycheck. If you create a TV show, scripted reality, whatever,


You’re getting paid every time they make one of them forever, that that will never not be the case. So of course he wants it to do as well as it can. I don’t know that his, you know, Twitter account, the best marketing device for it.

Probably all

the international ones too.

Yeah. It’s just, yes, I find it weird. I, I understand. Yeah. He’s the creator. And as long as the show was on the air, he’s getting paid. But they, they ran him off the show. Like, we don’t want you here anymore. You’re a bad influence. You’re a bad guy. And he’s like, Hey, you know, great season coming up.

Like, huh?

It’s just weird. That may, that may be some sour grapes thing on his end too. Just to be like, look, I can still tweet about it. You can kick me off the show, but you can’t get me off. You


he’s trolling them?

Yes. A little bit. Yeah, I guess it could be a pet.

I guess it could be a petty thing. Never really thought of it that way.

Something I wanted to bring up to you, Chad, I know this is, this is big with you and, and, and this is something that we know happens in the franchise, but you are big on this and that’s the whole AI thing when I heard you on Courtney’s podcast, you brought up a point that I hadn’t really thought about.

We know. The editing of the show really does wonders for somebody’s character, whether they’re going to be portrayed as a positive and or negative, a villain or a hero or something like that. And we know that Franken biting is a very big part of this franchise, where, for those that don’t know what that is, you’re taking a soundbite that somebody said maybe in week one.

one and combining it with the end of a sentence they said in week five and putting it together and you’re not actually seeing the contestant on screen saying those words in consecutive order and you can get away with basically anything. Well with now AI being a thing, you said on Courtney’s podcast, look, not only do we have Franken biting that happens on the show.

Now they can Franken bite something in. Where a contestant never even said it in week one and combined it with something they said in week five, they can just create their voice and put that in a soundbite. That is frightening to say the least. Yeah.

Their voice and then their face probably like, yeah,

I mean, there’s

technology that they’re

going to have to start paying them a lot more money to deal with the fact that like, you can make them into anything.

They won’t have to pay them any more money. This, this right now, that technology is covered by the contract they currently sign, which says we can use the footage. And recut it and do anything we want to it to make you look any kind of way we want, even if it’s disparaging or potentially harmful to you in public life.

Yeah. That’s in the contract. But once they

start doing that, once they start doing that with AI and it like goes to an exponential degree, I think they will have to start paying them or there will have to be a union or whatever.

They won’t. I don’t think any of that will happen because of AI. I mean, this technology already exists.

You can do the voice thing now. I can do it right now on my computer with a thing that I’m paying 20 a month to subscribe to called Eleven Labs. If you have 30 seconds of somebody’s voice, you can type in anything you want and you can get that audio to be them saying it. There is also technology that currently exists that is a little more out of my price range that’s basically like professional grade type stuff I think avid the video editing software made this technology where you can take a piece of footage and just retype in new dialogue And that person will say it on camera And it looks like they were saying in their voice,

no press too high to be God, Ted.

So now you could have, now you could have contestants post show going on podcasts, you know, having to address, well, when you said this, and instead of saying, Oh, you know, there’s Frankenbeiny going on the show, they can say, I literally never said that at any point during the show. I mean, you might, if that’s the way the show is going to go.

And I mean, you’ve already heard them talk at Caitlin Bristow, like famously talks about the sex noises that they put over her and Nick Viall were actually noises from her and Sean Booth. So they’re already doing stuff like that, at least with like sliding audio from certain events and using it here or there, I’m sure you’ve heard Courtney talk about how they flew players back to do reshoots after the season was already done on a group date, things of this nature.

So they have, I mean, always in reality TV, this isn’t just bachelor, plenty of reality TV shows. We’ll reshoot things, Franken bite things, cobble together stuff to make things happen that never happened. And I think AI is just kind of the next level of it. I mean, a perfect match

scandal right now. You know, they made it look like these players were arguing about yoga when really the guy was like, apparently saying a bunch of offensive shit.

You’re talking about Brighton Constantine?

Yeah. See, I don’t watch perfect match, but I did read that there was some, yeah,


heard there was some major controversy surrounding that. So yeah, I mean, it’s God, I mean, Franken biting is already bad enough as it is, but we know it’s happened for years on this show.

And as you said, contestants sign a contract that is literally one of the worst contracts you could ever sign. But as I say, every year. I think the contestants, when they sign that number one, they don’t read every page and number two, they just assume as long as I don’t involve myself in drama or say something stupid, it can’t happen to me.

And the bottom line is yes, it can. If they, if they’re someone for whatever reason, production chooses you that you’re someone they want to make an example of. It can happen and it’s unfortunate

because everyone goes on the show and they’re like planning probably to make it to hometowns. You know, you talk to your family, like what if, and Only four

or three.

Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I, at this point, who knows what’s going to happen this upcoming season with, you know, if AI is going to take a role or there will be Frankenbiting, we know that that’s part of the show, but yeah, it is pretty fascinating. I mean, shit, Chad, you made a whole album out of AI, right? This coming out next week, my first single comes

out, but I will say this.

And with regards to bachelor specifically, at least traditionally bachelor has been horrible. About implementing new technology, everything from the cameras they use to the needle drop they use to score the, you know, whatever the mood may happen to be, if it’s going to be a full edit, or if it’s supposed to be romantic, they’re very slow.

They voted

for America’s Fan Pros on Twitter after Twitter had already tanked.

That is true. But they’re very slow about absorbing any kind of new technologies, I would be looking to all the Netflix shows to be the first ones to implement AI technology. At least in terms of Frankenbiting and getting, you know, footage that doesn’t exist or audio that doesn’t exist.

Can you, Chad, talk about this AI album and the single you have coming out? What exactly did you do here to share with everybody?

So I have, I don’t know when this happened. I guess when we started doing our, what’s that Lizzie?

What did you do Chad?

When we first started our podcast I would make all the little audio stings and the little songs and stuff for it and that kind of got my feet wet In making music and i was trying to teach myself how to use like logic pro And very quickly I realized like I can get Kind of okay at this but i’ll never be able to spend the lifetime it takes to learn the software to make my computer music and so as that was happening I was just kind of building out a bunch of songs in my head not really knowing what to do with them Then flash forward to I guess it was probably about six months ago to ai music software things got released suno and utio and i’ve been using those to get these songs out of my head So i’m writing all the lyrics and they’re kind of lizzie called it bachelor coded.

They’re They’re like really i’m attempting to make like good listenable country music That if you’re a bachelor fan, it will mean something a little different to you than it would if you weren’t But anyone can listen to it And so i’ve got my first single it’s called for the right reasons And I have it scheduled to be released on the 10th.

I don’t know if that’s actually accurate or not I don’t know if that’s going to happen because i’m not very well versed in like solo music distribution But I think i’ve done it correctly if I have it will be on spotify and itunes and all that stuff on the 10th I will

say if you’re a Bachelor fan, you will feel like this music is specifically created for you.

At least, that’s how I felt. And there’s some really deep cuts from like, Bachelor lore in there. It some famous quotes. Oh my god, it’s, it’s pretty unreal.

How many songs are on this album?

I’ve made eight so far. I can run down the track list if you .

Yeah. I, I wanna hear the, yes. I wanna hear the track list.

Yes. Say the titles. Okay. This is the first announcement of the titles. . This is .

I can’t believe, I can’t even believe we’re doing this. Alright, these are the, this are what I got on the album so far. Okay. We have, can I steal you? Mm-Hmm. we have. Fantasy suite but sweet is spelled s w e e t and that’s a song It’s a duet between a guy and a girl who are basically saying like we know this is all a fantasy But it’s real to you and me we have first impression We have for the right reasons, of course the title track we have goodbye Which is an homage to the line, take a moment and say your goodbyes.

And that song is written from the perspective of a night, one guy basically saying goodbye to all of his buddies that he’s made best friends with, even though he didn’t find love, we have this one is one of

my favorite ones. It’s about, you know, friendship between men.

Yeah. This next one is called, how could you in parentheses make love to me.

And then again, in parentheses, Nick’s song and this is basically taking that moment when nick vial said to annie dorfman I don’t understand how you can make love to me if you weren’t in love with me Or I think it was the opposite He said I don’t understand how if you weren’t in love with me, you could make love to me i’ve written a whole song just about that sentiment and Hopefully mr.

Bile will enjoy it

Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. I’m sure I’m sure he’s gonna love it. He loves anything that makes fun of him. Oh, yeah, he’ll love it.

It’s like a good song all these songs are meant to be like legit good songs. These aren’t jokes in any way I know it sounds kind of funny now, but when you hear them, you’ll you’ll get it I think when you hear him,

you won’t be laughing.

You’ll be crying I

think you’ll be surprised that like oh shit. This is actually pretty good then i’ve got i’m not here to make friends Which is a little more down and dirty and kind of about like as long as you know You fall in love with me I don’t care if I make enemies and then I also have my hometown Which is just a kind of standard country anthem about hometowns all country singers have these and so do I now?

So you told you said earlier that Bachelor thing in it. Sorry. Well, I was gonna say you said earlier that you Can take 30 seconds with the equipment that you pay 20 a month for. You can take 30 seconds of someone’s voice and create whatever you want them to say. Who’s the voice of these songs? Just a generic AI voice or.

Yeah, it’s it’s like in the tools that i’m using you can kind of craft it a little bit and say, you know, like male country vocalist you know gritty or Melodic or harmonized or you know, you can put in these kind of like adjectives to kind of like Steer it in a direction and and you can depending on how you’re writing the lyrics you can get them to kind of like Go into a more I don’t know like screaming kind of or like higher pitch You just like have to mess around with it it takes me probably about I would say it’s solid work six to eight hours per song of Like kind of writing, seeing what sounds good, changing it up a little bit and just continuing to see what the AI can generate.

Gotcha. Okay. Yeah, that’s, that’s, that’s crazy. And I, you know, I’m not, I’m not saying it’s crazy. I’m not saying the Nick song is any, is, you know, not any good. What I’m saying is that there’s nothing about Nick Vial where somebody is bringing up something that he said or did in the past, because that’s something he clearly.

Wants to just forget he ever said because that’s just the way he is. So that’s what I mean. Like it’s just that song is gonna remind him of what he said on stage that day where he basically shuts some sweat. You know what,

I will, I’ll send you the MP three of how could you in Parentes make love to me in Parentes Nick song.

Yeah. And

if you wanna drop it in this episode, feel free .

Okay. No, I Sure, why not? I’ll . Absolutely. This

is, this is a Beyonce early release. Yes. Oh

my gosh. Talk about an exclusive. Yeah, send it to me when we’re done. When we’re done recording, send it to me. I want to end with this. You guys posted this today on Game of Roses.

You are releasing shot glasses next week in, in, in relation to Jen’s season starting because she has this shot a clock phrase that she loves to use and you have, and the, and the shots are love levels. One through four. I don’t know all of your glossary of your, of your podcast and your, and your theme.

I know, I know some of the things. People send it to know it all. Yeah. What, I, I, I’m, I’m, I can probably guess what your love levels are, but I don’t know what number goes with what phrase. So what are your four love levels?

Love level one. I like you. I have butterflies. Chad, what’s love level two?

Love level two is either I am starting to fall in love with you or a future tense.

I could see myself falling in love with you.

Yes. Okay.

Love level three. I’m falling in love with you. I’m there’s,

there’s level four of course is I love you or I’m in love with you. And I have to say. I right now i’m making a video for our our youtube channel that is kind of breaking down exactly this What are the love levels and i’m putting together some clips of famous Iterations of these various love levels and the very first love level ever uttered In bachelor history was in episode three of season one And it was said by Alex Michelle to Trista Sutter.

He tells her over dinner you know, I just got to lay it all out here. I really like you. And she says, Oh, thank you for that. And then she looks at her food and says, this is really good.

Queen shit, queen shit right there. That is

unbelievable. That is a major, like a great, I don’t, I don’t like you. Or I’m not, I’m not really into you.

I didn’t realize she said that. I mean, it’s been so long since I watched that season. But my gosh, I didn’t, you know, I figured, you know, and it’s funny cause we talk about it every year because when people say stuff on this show. Especially expressing their interests towards the other party. There definitely is levels to this because saying, I could see myself falling in love with you versus I can, I am falling in love with you versus I am in love with you.

They are three different things. And yeah, you know, I think people overlook that. The worst part of

this is that once you, once you learn the love levels, you will see them in all your real life relationships too. Yeah. And you’ll just note, I just note them because I took notes on like the love levels when we were watching all the episodes and now I just can’t stop saying what level it is in my head.

So where can people purchase, where can people purchase these shot glasses?

Gameofroses. co has everything you need and it’s all over our social media and stuff too if you just go to our Instagram or anything else.

Nice. So don’t forget to send me, once we wrap up here don’t forget to send me that song because you know what?

I will, you know what I’ll go do is I will probably. I’ll just see if I’ll just put it in the episode or maybe just play it at the end. I’ll, I’ll determine where I’m going to put it, but yeah, send me the MP3 of it. And I will I’ll put it in today’s episode so people can, can listen to it. So,

I think you’re going to feel like it’s tailor made for you, tailor made

for me.

I’ve never said that,

I’ve never said that. You guys have that kind of dynamic duo going on.

Oh yeah, yeah, we’re, we’re close. We’re we’re thick as thieves to us too. Yeah, no, I, I, I, I’m sure I’ll get a kick out of it. I think I’ll, I think I’ll love it. So yeah. Chad, Lizzie, thank you so much for coming on.

Really appreciate it. Good preview heading into this season. No spoilers of course, but just thanks for having us. Just, just buckle up for what you’re gonna be hearing online. Just be ready, .

Oh God. Oh God. I’m scared. Yeah.

Oh, well it happens. Anyway, thanks a lot you guys. Oh well, .

Alright. Really appreciate it.

Bye. Take

care. Thanks, man. You got it. Thank you so much to Chad and Lizzie for that. I I put the song in as you heard and it’s just, it’s comedy, but it’s also, it is scary. AI is really scary because we know it’s going to be taking people’s jobs at some point. And as we talked about in this podcast, how are we ever going to know unless a contestant comes out?

Post show and says, I never uttered those words ever. Then they’re basically in violation of their contract if they say that on a podcast. So, but do you think the show would go after them? Do you think the show would care? There’s no way to prove it because the show’s not going to admit, Oh yeah, we totally made that lineup.

So this is what I mean. This is the dangerous waters we are stepping into with AI and the possible use of it on this franchise. Scary, scary stuff. Anyway, thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts also rate and review, but you got to hit play. It’s the only way it counts as a download.

The daily roundup was posted two hours ago. Sports daily was posted an hour ago. May my gosh, we are two podcasts away from number 400. This is number three 98 next week, three 99, and then the big one 400. And I can tell you right now, I already have a guest for it. Anyway, thank you all for listening.

And we’re not going to end this podcast with a SIA. We’re going to end this podcast with the world premiere of Chad Colchin’s AI song. How could you in parentheses, make love to me in parentheses, Nick song. Enjoy everybody.

We both knew you were seeing other guys, so why did you tell so many lies? We both agreed that we’d be honest. I couldn’t see through your pretty disguise, the way you wear those jeans and bat those eyes. You said you’d protect my heart, but you broke your promise. How could

you make love to me If you weren’t in love with me Were you just playing a game?

How could you make love to me And then just break up with me Is it you or myself I should blame? When

did you know I wasn’t the one Was it all? Did you have your fun? I thought I was gonna give you a ring You left me feeling empty and broken inside And I think you took me for one hell of a ride And I gotta ask you one last



could you lay love to me If you weren’t in love with me?

Were you just playing?

How could you make love to me and then just break up with me? Is it you or myself? I should blame. How could you make love to me if you weren’t in love with me? Were you?

And then just break up with me. Is it you or myself I should blame? You took things from me. You took things from me. Ooh, you took place for me.

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