Ok. Let’s talk about it.
BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIC BROTHER. Although, that guy wasn’t on last night was he? I didn’t hear him. Unless I totally missed it and zoned out Which, I did during the episode, I can tell you that much. So we get introduced, as I told you This was filmed yesterday.
They filmed the whole entrance of the 16 contestants yesterday. But That’s why at no point during last night’s episode, did it ever say live on the screen? And the reason they did that is because if you remember last year’s premiere, remember when they did the challenge and it literally went right up to the end of the show and they basically had to speed up the challenge and make sure it ended because they have to get out at a certain time because the next show on CBS is on.
So. To avoid that, they taped the premiere. They taped it on Tuesday, they ran it yesterday, they turned it around, edited it, and ran it yesterday so it would fit in the exact hour time slot that the Big Brother premiere was given. So we got the first eight contestants. They were Rubina, Cam, Mackenzie, Joseph, Angela, Kimo, Chelsea, and Tucker.
I know it’s early. I know we’ve only seen one hour of this show already. I can do without Marina, I can do without Rubina and Tucker just already, incredibly annoying to me. That’s just me. Maybe you absolutely love them. Tucker comes across as he, is he trying to talk like Jim Carrey in all of his confessionals?
Cause if he is, it’s not working and it’s annoying. Rubina is just a little too much for me. She reminds me of. Who was the pigtail girl last year that was just so bouncing off walls in every confessional? The Instagram influencer. What was her name? Star? Close. Blue. Ha ha ha ha. See? I can’t remember anything.
Okay, it was Blue. But you remember. I mean, Blue was just, she was put, like, I like people who, when they go into the confessional, they just act like their normal personality. I don’t need you turning it up ten notches when you’re in the confessional. And I’m sorry, Rubina and Tucker. Did when, when cam was in the confessional, he didn’t act like a complete fool.
Mackenzie talked like she normally talked. Joseph seemed somewhat normal for a video store owner, Angela, normal chemo, normal, Chelsea, normal, but Rubina and Tucker, every time they’re in the confessional, that’s like, they’re putting on an act. They’re talking differently. They’re talking loud. You know, I don’t like the loud talkers in the confessional.
Just go in there and talk like you would normally talk. And last night, Robina and Tucker stuck out to me as two people that did not act normal in a confessional. So we get the first twist of the season and it was totally different than what I thought it would be, which is vote somebody, an alumni into the game.
And they were told they were all split up the eight of them and they were told vote yes or no. But we need five yeses minimum for this 17th person to be voted into the house. It ended up being a four, four split. So this 17th person. Who went by the name of Ainsley
doesn’t end up entering the house, but then she says, well, it doesn’t mean I’m not going to be part of the season because, and then she transforms into BBAI, which if you saw what I wrote on Twitter last night, literally one of the stupidest twists I’ve ever seen on this show. And I’ve only been watching five seasons.
I know, but enough with these dumb twists. It was just, again, it’s just unnecessary. All it was, was a computer person telling them what to do. What the challenges were. That’s it. And I’m sure it’s just going to be a computer person saying, come downstairs, everyone meet in the living room. It’s just like, okay, you could have Julie do that.
Making an AI person who’s completely controlled by production doesn’t make it interesting because it’s not like it’s going off on its own and doing whatever it wants. It’s just someone instead of Julie saying something, they’re having a computer do it big fucking deal. They’re making it seem like this is so innovative and it completely isn’t.
It was just a dumb, dumb twist. My other question is what if the vote was five, three or six, two or seven, one or eight Oh, to invite them into the house, then what would have happened? Ainsley would have gone into the house. Then how do you do the whole AI bid? I don’t know. I’m just, I’m already sick of it.
We’re one episode in. We got 89 days left starting tonight. Oh, yeah. So dumb. Anyway, the four people that voted to bring Ainsley into the house got to compete in a challenge. And the winner of those four. Gets an advantage that they find out about tonight. And the four people that voted to not bring Ainsley into the house, they competed in a challenge and the person who finished the last of those four has a disadvantage that they will find out about tonight.
And I’m guessing the eight that go into the house tonight are going to be facing the same exact thing. Now, what if, again, what if they vote Ainsley into the game? I don’t know. Is Ainsley somebody, is Ainsley an alumni that put on a purple wig? I don’t know. Maybe it is an alumni. I don’t think it is because you would think of eight players that were there last night.
They would have said, Hey, that’s so and so from season, whatever. So I don’t think it was unless the eight players just aren’t very well versed in the game and don’t know who the alumni are. I don’t know. Other than that, it was, I, I get the appeal of taping the first night in advance. That’s why they did it yesterday, you know, on Tuesday, but it, it does take away from the live aspect.
And since it was taped on Tuesday, it was in front of a live audience. So did anybody from the live audience actually run to the internet and spoil it and say, Hey, this is what happens because clearly they were there and they saw it. I’m sure they all signed NDAs, but when has that ever stopped anybody?
I’m just curious. I didn’t go on any big brother spoiler stuff yesterday, so keep that in mind. The next eight will be revealed tonight. They’ll probably do the same thing. Two people are going to have a chance, I would think to either help their game or hinder their game. And then tonight after the episode ends is when I believe the live feeds get turned on.
The one thing that I did hear about the live feeds is you have to watch them live this year. You cannot rewind. There’s no rewinding at any point during the live feeds, which apparently is pissing a lot of the diehards off because who has the time to never. Rewind and miss something or whatever. So I guess the people who do stay up and take shifts and, you know, translate everything that’s going on in the live feeds are really going to have to pay attention now because they can’t go back and rewind and finally.
As I’m recording this right now, it is 10 30 PM on Wednesday night central time. I don’t know if you know this, but I’ve waited almost two years for season six of Cobra Kai to drop. It drops at 2 AM my time central time. So 3 AM Eastern 12 midnight Pacific time. So that means it’s two o’clock for me. Now, my goal was, and I think my goal is going to be almost done recording this podcast.
Gonna record my sports daily right after this, get them in their uploaded positions, have everything ready to go, and then probably go down for bed around midnight my time. And then I’m just going to set my alarm for about five minutes before to about 1 55 in the morning, wake myself up and I’m just going to pound out all five episodes of Cobra Kai and then go right back to bed.
So five episodes at about 45 minutes an episode is what? 225 minutes divided by 60 minutes is about three hours, three and three quarters hours. So basically I’m going to be watching Cobra Kai from 2 a. m. till almost 6 a. m. this morning and I usually wake up at 6 30 in the morning. So today it’s going to be a long day, but I’ll have everything ready to go.
Your daily roundup will be in your podcast feed at around. 7 45 Eastern like it is every day. Your sports daily will be up at 8 45 Eastern and the podcast number 400 with Clayton is going to be up at nine 30 Eastern. Like I said, so, I am giddy. I will talk about Cobra Kai. I won’t give away spoilers.
Well, maybe I will. Because you’ll have all day tomorrow to watch Cobra Kai if you’re interested, but I will definitely give my thoughts on the first five episodes because remember they haven’t been around since 2024 was the last season they released. This is the final season of Cobra Kai season six, and then there’s probably going to be spinoffs, but this is the final season of this particular cast as we know it and this storyline, and they’re releasing it in three different parts.
In case you didn’t know, first five episodes are released tonight and. Or by the time you’re listening to this, they were released earlier this morning. And then the next five episodes, episodes six through 10 are being released. I believe Thanksgiving weekend. And then the last five episodes are being released in 2025.
They haven’t said when, but my guess is probably March. They’ve already filmed the whole season. All 15 episodes have been shot. They’re just spreading out the final season. To, I don’t know, torture us because five episodes tonight is just great. I’m going to be right back where I was before tonight, which is now I got to wait four months for the next five episodes.
They’re killing me. Anyway. Thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts. Also rate and review, but you got to hit play. It’s the only way it counts as a download. So if you do miss it, please go back and hit play. And now on Thursdays. By all means, please go check out the interviews on YouTube every Thursday.
Thank you all for listening. Really appreciate it. And I will talk to you tomorrow.