Reality Steve

Bachelor in Paradise 8

  • Bachelor in Paradise 8

    “Bachelor in Paradise” – Episode 2 Thoughts, Notes on Yesterday’s Group Date for Zach & Your Daily Roundup

    Photo Credit: ABC

    We’re two episodes in to BIP and I’m already questioning my sanity. There were times during last night’s episode where I legitimately had no idea what I was watching. Like, what the hell was going on? And did you see @BachelorData’s screen time breakdown from last night (see below)? Who did Genevieve pay to have double the screen time of anyone else from the show last night? She had 14 minutes of screen time and second highest was Hailey, who didn’t even have 7 minutes. Genevieve was EVERYWHERE last night. 14 minutes of screen time on a show like this where, what, 21 people are there? Teddi got less than a minute. And I get that Teddi got a 1-on-1 last episode, but that’s extreme. … Continue reading

  • Bachelor in Paradise 8

    “Bachelor in Paradise” Begins Tonight, & Some Info Regarding the Women on Zach’s Season

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Well, it has begun already. Actually not yet, but in a few hours. “Bachelor in Paradise” is back for a season 8 and we have a record number of contestants this season. If you weren’t following along with the spoilers back in June when this was filmed as I was giving them to you in real time while other accounts and gossip mongers were throwing out speculation, innuendo, and sometimes factually incorrect storylines, 44 different people show up at some point this season of Paradise, which is a record. I think it beat last season by 1. So having every single detail nailed down is impossible, but, you have almost everything you need to know in the spoilers. Now, those spoilers were posted in different … Continue reading

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