Reality Steve

Daily Links

  • Daily Links

    Daily Links – 9/26 incl This Week’s “Bachelor” Dates

    Photo Credit: NBC

    Already starting episode #3 today of the “Bachelor” with a group date that’s open to the public. Only one date in episode 2 got out publicly, and barely at that, as Arie and this brunette were riding a motorcylearound on Saturday then making out. I can confirm that this girl is not someone I’ve released to you yet, and later on that night, they did do something that was seen in public. I’ll post that at a later date. This week we should start getting more public photos since today’s and Thursday’s group dates are ones that ABC sent tweets out about attending. Today’s date is in Port Hueneme and Thursday’s is at The Grove. I will retweet anything I see online … Continue reading

  • Bachelor Arie Spoilers

    “Daily Links” – 9/22 & (EXCLUSIVE) Two More Girls For This Season of the “Bachelor”

    Photo Credit: US Weekly

    Filming officially begins today on the “Bachelor.” Well, the first rose ceremony already happened on Wednesday night, but it means dates start today. Keeping with their schedule of the last 3 or 4 seasons, it’ll be a group date today. Will it be public? Only time will tell. I’ll keep my eyes peeled on social media if anyone sees them, but considering next episodes two group dates are both public, I’d be pretty surprised if today’s got out. Social media every season is hit or miss, especially when they’re still in LA. Sometimes dates are out in the open for people to see and it’s all over social media, and sometimes it just takes a little luck to find out where they are. Last season’s … Continue reading

  • Bachelor Arie Spoilers

    Daily Links 9/20 Incl “Bachelor” Filming Begins Tonight & (EXCLUSIVE) More Girls on the Upcoming Season

    Photo Credit: ABC

    It officially kicks off today. The next “Bachelor” season begins filming tonight at the mansion. Which of course will lead to the inevitable tweets tonight from Fleiss & Co. along the lines of, “What a great first night!” or “The girls love Arie!” That’s great and all, but when you say the same thing on the first night every season, it pretty much rings hollow. Of course that’s what you’re gonna say. Do we really expect you to say the opposite? “Man, not looking good on the first night. These girls seem bland, boring, and not into Arie at all.” No. But saying the opposite really does nothing either. Just know that’s what I’m sure you’ll be getting tonight. In recent seasons, Fleiss has tweeted … Continue reading

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