Reality Steve

Dr. Reality Steve

  • Dr. Reality Steve

    Podcast #39 – Interview with Lace Morris & “Dr. Reality Steve” Emails


    Joining us this week for Podcast #39 is Lace Morris, and frankly, it’s a good one. Lace certainly became quite a character on the two seasons she appeared on, including getting engaged on last season of BIP. What was her thought process? Did she think she was really in love? When did the relationship start going south? How much of Grant’s baggage was she aware of before filming began? All questions that Lace answers honestly in our little over an hour conversation. One update for you: Lace has a new boyfriend she’s been with around 6 months. During Rapid 10, I asked her what she thought HE’D say her worst habit is and she said she’d ask him later that night and text me back. … Continue reading

  • Dr. Reality Steve

    Podcast #37 – Interview with Craig Robinson & “Dr. Reality Steve”


    Goin’ a little old school this week with Podcast #37 guest, my brother from another mother, Craig Robinson. I say that because for years, people have told both of us we actually look alike. This is addressed right at the top of the podcast. I’ve known Craig for over five years now, and met him one time in New York a while back, and he’s always been entertaining to talk to. This podcast was no different. Because he was only on Ali’s season and never appeared since, more of the interview is spent getting his thoughts on Gia Allemand, who he was very close to, along with his legal expertise on the Chris Soules situation along with what happened on “Bachelor in Paradise.” In all … Continue reading

  • Dr. Reality Steve

    Podcast #36 – Interview with Jenny McCarthy & “Dr. Reality Steve”


    One thing that the podcasts have done has spoiled me. And I’ll explain what I mean by that. You go back and listen to all these podcasts, you’ll see that most are over an hour, some 90 minutes, and some are longer than 2 hours. Being so used to going on for however long I want, I usually get almost everything in that I want to ask. This week’s podcast guest, Jenny McCarthy, presented a little more of a challenge. I know it happens all the time on radio, but like, how does someone do a 10-15 minute interview anymore? Gotta be hard. The fact she even agreed to come on I was so appreciative of, but when I knew I only had about a … Continue reading

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