Reality Steve


  • Podcasts

    The “Bachelorette” Hannah – Finale Part 1 Recap, Tonight’s Doozy, & the Return of the “He Said, She Said” Podcast with Ashley Spivey

    Photo Credit: ABC

    We all know the main attraction is tonight and nothing you saw last night should’ve been the least bit surprising. First up was the Peter breakup along with him on the couch still sad by the breakup as his family watched on. Kinda weird for the final 3’s family to be sitting in the audience, however, they all live close to the studio in LA, so that could’ve had something to do with it. If Peter was from, say, any other state than CA, I’m guessing they wouldn’t have been flown in. But they’re local, so I guess that helped in that decision to have them there. Of course, once Peter had his couple segments on the stage the predictable chatter began of, “Oh, well … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #140 – A Talk About Domestic Violence


    Gonna do something a little different with this week’s podcast. In light of the recent domestic dispute involving “Bachelor” creator Mike Fleiss, I thought we’d have a discussion about domestic violence in relationships. After Fleiss’ incident, you may have read Ashley Spivey’s reaction on Twitter, and if you haven’t, you should. Ashley suffered from domestic violence in a previous relationship and this incident triggered her. When I originally tweeted out the Fleiss story, you can see in the mentions how many women felt for Laura, Fleiss’ ex-wife and say the texts she sent to him that he released were a signal for help and someone involved in an abusive relationship. Shortly after that story broke, I received an email from someone named Mandy in Philadelphia … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #139 – Interview with Vienna Girardi


    A long time coming for today’s podcast guest #139, as Vienna Girardi joins me for the first time to talk about her time on the show, her post-show life, and the tragic loss of her twin girls in the summer of 2017. I don’t know how many of you even know or remember the story, and Vienna knew I was going to bring it up, but I did not expect her to spend almost 15 minutes talking about it. Truly a heartbreaking story to hear her re-live that and I hope that at least one person out there who may have suffered through something similar takes the time to listen today and realizes that you can make it through, no matter how difficult it may … Continue reading

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