Reality Steve


  • Podcasts

    Podcast #92 – Interview with Bri Amaranthus


    Another fun podcast for you this week as I talk to one of Arie’s girls, and one of the Rose Girls, Bri Amaranthus. If you’re unfamiliar with her and the name doesn’t ring a bell, it’s because she went home on the first night. And she didn’t do Paradise. But she definitely has an interesting story, and one that certainly appeals to me since she’s in the world of sports broadcasting. Although only lasting one night, we talk a lot about everything that led up to her being cast, including what producers were telling her during the casting process even though she was first contacted pretty late. Here’s a hint: they lied their asses off. I know, real shocker. We also get into why she … Continue reading

  • Bachelor in Paradise 5

    “Bachelor in Paradise” – Episode 4 Recap, Adopting a New Dog, & Epsiode #4 of the “He Said, She Said” Podcast with Ashley Spivey

    Photo Credit: ABC

    It finally happened. Took me 2 ½ years but I finally got a new dog. If you didn’t see on social media over the weekend I posted that I adopted a 3 yr old beagle rescue named Luka. Up until a month ago, she was in a dirt pen in a backyard of an Oklahoma breeder. She was found there and brought to a foster mom here in Dallas about a month ago. This wasn’t something spur of the moment. I knew at some point I’d own another dog I just didn’t know when and wasn’t in any rush. I wasn’t putting myself in position for the last 30 months to adopt. Didn’t check online, didn’t go to open adoptions at the local pet store, … Continue reading

  • Dr. Reality Steve

    Podcast #91 – Interview with Christon Staples, “Dr. Reality Steve”


    Another fun podcast this week as I have the first guy from Becca’s season joining me in Christon Staples. Or Chris Staples as the dunking world knows him as. The change of his name just in the course of Becca’s season is discussed right off the top. Christon only lasted 4 episodes on Becca’s season, was only on group dates, was not involved in any major drama, yet, I was able to spend 90 minutes with him talking about so much more than just the show. I do geek out a bit getting to finally spend some time talking sports with Christon considering his basketball background and playing for the Harlem Globetrotters. Some things I didn’t know of how he even got to audition for … Continue reading

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