Reality Steve


  • Podcasts

    Podcast #50 – Interview with Astrid Loch


    We’ve reached 50 podcasts now. 50. When I started doing these last December, I had no idea how this was going to go. I knew I wanted to do them, but I had no idea what the response would be. It’s basically ended up exceeding all my expectations, so thank you for that. And yes, I have listened to a few “complaints” and made one change going forward. You’re right, there’s nothing rapid about the “Rapid 10.” The idea was to ask shorter questions to end the show, so those questions themselves were rapid, but my guests answers have always led me to ask follow ups and it ends up going longer. So starting today, the “Rapid 10” is now just the “Final 10.” I … Continue reading

  • Bachelor Arie Spoilers

    Podcast #49 – Interview with Prince Lorenzo Borghese, Episode 5 of the “He Said, She Said” Podcast, & (EXCLUSIVE) Where Are They Headed for Hometown Dates?


    A lot of stuff today. Podcast #49, episode #5 of the “He Said, She Said” monthly podcast I do with Sharleen Joynt, and I have an update on Hometown dates, which begin filming today. I’ve got your first three and the order they will be filmed. Will update you on the 4th one as soon as I get the information I need. Podcast #49 is with Prince Lorenzo Borghese, who was the lead in the 9th season of the “Bachelor.” I know, I know, a lot you are probably like, “Who?” This show has been on 15 years and Arie is Bachelor #22. There were actually a lot of seasons before a lot of the fans started watching. Lorenzo was a lot of fun to … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #48 – Interview with Sarah Vendal & Tickets Now Available for Podcast Taping with Olivia Caridi


    Sometimes people in this franchise surprise you when you actually get to know them. Not that I ever had a negative opinion of Podcast #48 guest Sarah Vendal before I interviewed her, I just didn’t know a thing about her from what the show gave us. She was on 4 episodes of Nick’s season, then on Paradise this past summer and I feel like I didn’t learn a thing about her. To me, that all changes today once you hear this 90 minute interview with her. She’s spunky, funny, engaging, and all around one of the more fun times I had interviewing someone. Sarah is the first one of Nick’s girls that I’ve gotten on the podcast and, hopefully, they’ll be more coming in the … Continue reading

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