Reality Steve


  • Dr. Reality Steve

    Podcast #32 – Interview with DeAnna Stagliano & “Dr. Reality Steve”


    For all you old school “Bachelor” fans out there, and hell, even new school ones, you are going to love Podcast #32 guest today, DeAnna Stagliano. We’ve had plenty of contestants on the podcast in the last 6 months who have shared some great stories from their seasons. Stories that you didn’t know about, ones that didn’t air, and even some behind-the-scenes secrets. But we’ve never had a former lead on the show (and not for lack of trying on my end). And not only is DeAnna a former lead, but before that she was involved in arguably the most controversial moment in show’s history, when Brad dumped both her and Jenni and the final rose ceremony. At the time, he was the most hated … Continue reading

  • Dr. Reality Steve

    Podcast #31 – Interview with Joe Bailey, Incl “Dr. Reality Steve,” & the Debut of the “He Said, She Said” Podcast with Sharleen Joynt


    Big day today. Not only do we have Podcast #31 with Joe Bailey from Kaitlyn’s “Bachelorette” season & “Bachelor in Paradise 2,” along with the debut of the “He Said, She Said” podcast I’m collaborating with Sharleen Joynt on, but in a couple hours I’m headed to New York for the weekend for a family event. Not much of a touristy person, but I’m sure I’ll be people watching in Times Square later tonight. Anyway, Joe Bailey is Podcast #31’s guest and it’s really hard not to like this guy. It’s the accent. Seriously. Sure, two years ago during BIP the guy got himself involved in one of the uglier “scandals” when he was juggling Juelia and Samantha at the same time, but when you … Continue reading

  • Bachelor in Paradise 4

    Podcast #30 – Interview with Tenley Molzahn, & DeMario and Corinne Release Statements


    Last week having Kiptyn Locke on as a guest had a great response from the listeners about how much they appreciated him talking so openly about a tough situation. Whether it was re-living the breakup with Tenley, or being very candid about how quickly his relationship with Samm developed, people seemed to really take to Kiptyn and his honesty. I didn’t think it would happen so quickly, but due to schedules, it was easiest to do it now as Podcast #30 is with Tenley Molzahn. Tenley listened to Kiptyn’s podcast last week and had no issues with it whatsoever. This wasn’t her coming on to retort everything he said or anything like that. Plus, just listening to Tenley, it’s almost impossible to imagine she has … Continue reading

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