Reality Steve


  • Podcasts

    Podcast #296 – Interview with Lynne Spillman, Former Casting Director of “Survivor” & “Amazing Race”


    A really fun interview today with a first time guest of the podcast. Lynne Spillman, the former casting director of “Survivor” and “Amazing Race” joins me and we have plenty to talk about. We begin by talking “Survivor” in the first half, but the second half we get to her new venture. She’s the executive producer on a new show that dropped last Friday on Amazon Prime called “Forever Summer: Hamptons.” And of course, I’m hooked. It’s 8 episodes. All 8 have been released, so you can easily rip through this series in a weekend. I plan to be done by this weekend myself. If you liked “Laguna Beach,” if you liked “The Hills,” it’s the same idea. Except these are about kids who grew … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    “Reader Emails,” Misinformation Again in the Nick/Blake Feud, Jordan V.’s Exit, & Your Daily Roundup

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Some good emails this week for “Reader Emails,” but the one recurring one that I got more than any surrounded Jordan V.’s exit. Mostly people just asking why didn’t he have a chance with Gabby once Rachel didn’t want him. Short answer: she didn’t want him either. Plenty of other topics today in “Reader Emails,” so check those out. But clearly a lot will be talking about what I covered mostly in today’s Daily Roundup, and that’s the Nick/Blake feud that continued yesterday. You knew Nick wouldn’t let Blake’s IG post from last week calling Nick a hypocrite go unanswered, so Nick addressed it. Could he have let it go? Sure. But god forbid he got called a hypocrite, so he spent time on his … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    The “Bachelorette” Rachel/Gabby – Episode 2 Recap, Harassment in the Franchise, Ratings with @BachelorData, & Daily Roundup Podcast

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Before you know it, nine consecutive months of “Bachelor” related programming will be over and we’ll be clamoring for more. But we’re not there right now. We’re only two weeks in. But time flies and this season will be over before you know it. Remember to get your “Reader Emails” in for tomorrow. Have a few so far but can always use more. I’m sure you have some questions/comments on this season, or maybe even some suggestions. Whatever you have, send it on in so it can appear in tomorrow’s column. Obviously if you’re looking for specifics regarding spoilers, I’ve given you everything I know up to this point. Hopefully I’ll be hearing more soon, but I just never know when I’m gonna get info. … Continue reading

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