Reality Steve


  • Podcasts

    Podcast #301 – Interview with Former Bachelor Bob Guiney


    You know I love going old school with contestants, and today’s podcast guest is former Bachelor (#4 to be exact), Bob Guiney. First time Bob has ever been on the podcast, and actually the first time I’ve ever spoken to him, which surprised me. Especially considering we have some of the same acquaintances in this franchise, I’m an idiot for not reaching out to Bob sooner. What a great talk with a former lead, and we covered a lot of topics in this hour long talk. Including, yes, that loooooong running urban legend that Mike Fleiss first brought about over 10 years ago during a special about the show. Bizarre. Before the podcast gets started I give you an update on where I’m at with … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    “Reader Emails,” Katie Speaks on Her Breakup with John, Tomorrow’s Podcast Guest, & Your Daily Roundup

    Photo Credit: ABC

    I’m excited about tomorrow’s podcast guest. Former Bachelor Bob Guiney will be joining me for the first time ever. Different times man when he was on. Did you know that Bob’s premiere episode in 2003 was the highest rated Bachelor premiere in history? Well, neither did I til I googled it yesterday. Still, that’s a pretty big accomplishment. To show you how different things are nowadays in terms of TV viewing, Bob’s premiere drew 12.5 million viewers. Nowadays? Premieres are drawing around 4 to 4.5 million. Yes, we’re all aware of ratings down across the board, especially with streaming now a thing which obviously wasn’t around in 2003. But that’s a giant number. Hell, all those early seasons were drawing major numbers. But network TV … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    The “Bachelorette” Gabby/Rachel – Episode 7 Recap, Jesse’s Big “Surprise” at the MTA, & Your Daily Roundup

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Keeping this in one paragraph: I’m a moron. I know my doctor told me before surgery I was looking at probably 12 weeks before I was walking again. But for whatever reason, my mind didn’t process that. I processed it as 12 weeks before I could walk without assistance. Maybe it was wishful thinking. Had my first doctors appointment yesterday. Everything looks great. It’s healing correctly. They removed the splint and now I’m in a boot. Again for whatever reason, I equated being in a boot to walking. Probably because last time I was in a boot 20 years ago for torn ankle ligaments, I was walking in it almost immediately. Yeah, not quite this time around. Still not allowed to put any pressure on … Continue reading

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