Reality Steve


  • Podcasts

    Podcast #277 – Interview with Steven McBee/Calah Jackson & Amanda Pace from “Joe Millionaire


    Even though we’re a day late with the podcast this week, there’s a reason for that. With the timing of the “Joe Millionaire” finale, it made sense to put these interviews up the next day. We’ve got Steven and Calah’s first public interview as a couple and then we’re joined by Amanda, who was chosen by Kurt in the end, but they have since ended their relationship. We dive into everything in both interviews and if you watched the season, you’ll definitely enjoy both of these I believe. And then next week, with the podcast coming on Tuesday, we’ll hear from the two women who WEREN’T chosen last night, Annie and Carolyn. So look for that on Tuesday. As always, if you’d like to respond … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #276 – Interview with PJ Henderson from Michelle’s Season


    I’ve always said that one of the reasons I enjoy doing the podcast so much is because everyone has a story. Some stories are better than others surely, but also, sometimes we don’t get to see/hear their story on the show because they don’t last long enough. That’s what happened to this weeks guest, PJ Henderson. He only lasted 2 episodes on Michelle’s season, but his story is so much more than that. In case you don’t remember when he was first announced as a cast member, PJ’s younger brother Bakari was murdered in Greece in 2017. The story is heart breaking and PJ is here to talk more about it on today’s podcast. As always, if you’d like to reply to the interview, please … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #275 – Interview with Rob Cesternino from “Rob Has a Podcast”


    Outside of a few emails about it in “Reader Emails,” haven’t talked much “Celebrity Big Brother” this season – until today. Love having our guest Rob Cesternino on. It’s his second time on the show as we discuss all things that happened on “Celebrity Big Brother” this season, with a little “Challenge” and “Survivor” mixed in as well. But this polarizing season of Celeb BB is the main focus since so much was different from what we saw on TV versus what was happening behind the scenes. And even though we all knew it was coming last night where Todrick was gonna find out what the jury really thought of him, it was still fascinating to watch play out in real time. Real time that, … Continue reading

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