Reality Steve


  • Podcasts

    Podcast #192 – Interview with Michelle Money


    One of my favorite people in Bachelor Nation, Michelle Money, joins us this week for podcast #192. It’s been over 3 years since Michelle first joined me for podcast #15, then the following week for podcast #16, she interviewed me for over 2.5 hrs. So if you wanna go check those out, they are in the podcast library on Apple Podcasts by just going to Reality Steve Podcasts. We just saw Michelle this past Monday night on the GOAT episode and we dive a bit deeper into the edit she got. A lot has happened in her life since then including the tragic accident her daughter Brielle got into a few months ago. We discuss it all and then some (including are there wedding bells … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #191 – Interview with Former Bachelor Casting Producer Jazzy Collins, My Thoughts on the Nick Podcast, & Clare’s Guys


    Well, it’s certainly been an interesting 48 hours since my appearance on Nick Viall’s podcast dropped. You’ll get my thoughts on that in the first 10 minutes of today’s podcast, followed by early thoughts on the release of Clare’s men yesterday by ABC. It’s like a small army of men, even though we know not all of them are making it to the final cast. Then Jazzy Collins, former Bachelor casting producer, joins me to break down her experience working on the show, and you gotta hear what she has to say. Certainly when Jazzy posted on Instagram a month ago calling out the franchise for their lack of diversity in front of AND behind the camera, she did it to try and get a … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #190 – Interview with Bachelor Super Fan Brett Vergara


    Another fun time with Bachelor Super Fan Brett Vergara on today’s podcast and, batten down the hatches, because holy f**k, did I actually write 4 paragraphs today as well? Yes. Yes, I did. This is the first column I’ve written in almost two months. It’s also basically what I say in the first 10 minutes of today’s podcast, but I figured you should have it in written form today as well. So please, take the time to read below an update on Clare’s filming, on the guys, testing for COVID, and a request I have of all you readers. It’s not asking much, but I’d really appreciate it if you all could oblige. I’m sure a lot of you have seen or heard of the … Continue reading

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