Reality Steve


  • Podcasts

    Podcast #204 – Interview with Kat Dunn


    It’s like Groundhog Day. On Monday night, Kat Dunn released our podcast on her “Conspire Away Podcast,” and now today, you get it again in case you missed it. She has her audience, I have mine, there’s a bit of a crossover but we figured we’d both use this as our podcast this week. It’s a lot of fun. Definitely the first podcast in 204 of them where I actually drink during it. There’s silliness, there’s seriousness, and we cover a lot of topics like spoiling, sources, Bachelor Nation, Big Brother world, Reddit, and plenty of others. It’s just kind of a lot of craziness all over the board and it’s two hours long. So brace yourselves. And grab your own bottle of wine. You … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #203 – Interview with @BachelorClues & Lizzy Pace from the “Game of Roses” Podcast


    We’re only 5 days away from the premiere of the “Bachelorette.” Think about that. We haven’t had any Bachelor Nation programming since March. We should’ve already seen a “Bachelorette” and BIP season. But now, we’re gonna get 6 straight months of BN programming assuming Matt’s season that begins filming this weekend goes off without a hitch. If you’ve never listened to the “Game of Roses” podcast, you should. @BachelorClues on IG and Lizzy Pace break this show down differently than basically anyone else on the internet. Today is a very fun talk as we dive into all things Bachelor related, from Clare’s season, to Matt’s upcoming season, to the release of Matt’s women on Tuesday, etc. And oh yeah, I ask them about their dynamic … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #202 – Interview with “2 Black Girls 1 Rose” Hosts, Justine Kay & Natasha Scott


    A brand new guest, or guests I should say this week, as we are joined by Justine Kay and Natasha Scott of the “2 Black Girls 1 Rose” podcast. Never had them on before, Ashley Spivey had been on theirs and told me I needed to get them on, and here they are. A fun discussion about the franchise, how they got started, their Patreon model they have set up now, and their thoughts on two black leads the next two seasons. To start, I briefly discuss yesterday’s spoilers posted here in the column. Please read yesterday if you want information on the “Bachelorette” this season. It’s not every detail or even and episode-by-episode breakdown, but it’s an overall view of things you will see … Continue reading

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