Reality Steve

Reader Emails

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” “12 Dates of Christmas,” & Tayshia and Zac Breakup

    Photo Credit: ABC

    So I’m running a little bit behind this morning. Why? I don’t really know why to be honest. I had a bunch of stuff I wanted to talk about before we got to “Reader Emails” but I’ll probably push that back to tomorrow before the recap. Oh, I know what might have been some of the reason. I recorded two podcasts yesterday with two women on “12 Dates of Christmas” that premieres this Thursday on HBO Max. It’s a 9 episode season and they all drop on Thanksgiving. A great binge watch, and you’ll have a week to watch it before you hear from two of the main women involved this season. I had never watched season 1, but when they came to me about … Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails” & How You Can Be a Part of This Weeks Podcast


    Well, I know it’s short notice but you have a chance to be on this week’s podcast. There are two ways actually. First, send in an email questions you have and I will read them in the podcast. Send those to But also, you can send in an audio question as well. At the bottom of this page before the comments section, you can create a Yappa account and record an audio question up to :45 seconds. Do NOT record a video question because the audio doesn’t transfer over. It’s very simple, very easy, painless, and you get to hear your own voice on the podcast! Don’t you just love that! We’ve done this about 3 or 4 times in the past so I … Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” Filming Info, & When Does the “Men Tell All” Tape?


    We’ve arrived at that time of the season. Happens every year and, well, it’s happening again. And unfortunately, there’s nothing I can do to stop it, nor is there anything I can do to really ease anybody’s mind. You’ll see it in one of the “Reader Emails” today, but the inevitable “Are you sure Nayte is Michelle’s final 1” question is here. And you’ll only see it once today since I don’t like to do repeat questions in the same “Reader Email” column, but trust me, I got it more than once this week. Maybe people are bored. Maybe they think it’s too easy. I don’t know. But every season it happens. And yes, some seasons the original spoiler ended up being wronged, got changed, … Continue reading

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