Reality Steve

Reader Emails

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #174 – Interview with Cortney Hendrix of “Married at First Sight” & Final “Reader Emails” of the Season


    Been a while since we had her on, but Cortney Hendrix from “Married at First Sight” joins the show to talk about her engagement that became public yesterday. Cortney describes how it all came about but then takes a very introspective look on her marriage to Jason that ended in 2018. You don’t usually hear someone talk about an ex-husband the way Cortney talks about Jason and what their issues were, how they were handled, and her role in all of it. Very refreshing to hear actually because, by the sound of it, Cortney realizes the mistakes she made in the marriage and is only trying to get better from it, which is really all you can ask for when moving on to a new … Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails” & The Kelley Flanagan Fan Club Has Lost Their F-in Mind

    Photo Credit: ABC

    What. A. Night. I’ll be honest, I didn’t get much work done last night working on some spoiler related stuff, so, while “Reader Emails” today is still pretty hefty, there’s so many I didn’t get to. I was all set to basically answer all the ones I received since about Monday when, well, stuff happened. I got to a few of them, but definitely not all. So the plan is in tomorrow’s podcast AND in the column, I will go over Peter’s spoiler for the season AND read the leftover “Reader Emails” I never got to today. There’s a few things to cover, kinda tell you how things came together, and just lay it all out there. Small details might be missing, but I have … Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” “Bachelorette” Talk, and Chris Harrison Speaks on Spoilers

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Guess what we’re doing tomorrow? Taking it back old school again on the podcast. I believe I’ve only had one guy on from Ashley’s season of the “Bachelorette” and that was Ben Flajnik. That is, until tomorrow. First impression rose recipient her season, Ryan Park, will be my guest on tomorrow’s podcast to talk about Ashley’s season, being somewhat of the “villain” although I use that term loosely with him as he’s genuinely one of the nicest guys ever. And that’s basically what his edit was. The guy that all the other guys thought was too nice, so they didn’t like him. Weird times back then I tell ya’. Ryan is also one of the few from this franchise I actually had the chance to … Continue reading

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