Reality Steve

Reader Emails

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” Two Episodes Next Week, & Ratings

    Photo Credit: ABC

    So many theories floating around, so much speculation, and I think it gets crazier and crazier the longer there is no finale spoiler out there. First we had the golf bag Tik Tok, which proved nothing. Then we had Seed to Mountain Gate, which again, proved nothing. Then we had all the pregnancy rumors which will not die down, and as I said last week, those are garbage too. What’s the latest one? Oh yeah. “ABC is paying you off to keep quiet this season.” Yeah, that’s TOTALLY it. That’s been going on for years. Then again, anyone who thinks I’m on ABC’s payroll is completely ignorant, a total moron and doesn’t know the first thing about my business. But because it’s such low hanging … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #166 – Interview with Chelsea Wanstrath, Stupid Pregnancy Stories, & “Reader Emails”


    Another fun trip down memory lane today as I talk to Chelsea Wanstrath from Matt Grant’s season of the “Bachelor” back in 2008. Chelsea was the runner up to Shayne Llamas, and boy does she have a couple good stories to share from her final week or so on the show. This interview is basically 12 years in the making because before my site became what it was, Chelsea was the first person I was ever going to interview for my site back in 2008. I’d talked to her, I promoted it, then ABC got wind of it and killed it. Told her by no means was she allowed to do an interview with me and, well, here we are now 12 years later having … Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” Ratings, & Tik Tok and Golf Bags

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Oooooohhhhh, another crazy day in Bachelor Nation with Golf Bag-Gate. We’ll get to that momentarily. A few of you have mentioned the fact that my last few podcasts have been just myself and/or it’s been a while since I’ve had a “Bachelor” contestant on. I’ve mentioned the reasons why that’s the case, but assuming my next two guests don’t postpone, the next two weeks podcast guests will be old school members of “Bachelor Nation,” but two people who definitely figured prominently during their season. Yeah, most of you johnny-come-lately fans might not remember them, but they definitely were big deals back in the day. I don’t wanna jinx anything, but I’m scheduled to record with them over the next two days. One will run tomorrow, … Continue reading

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