Reality Steve

Reader Emails

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” Podcast This Week, Overnights, and “Summer Games” is Official

    Photo Credit: ABC

    This week is going to be a first in my podcast history. Tomorrow is podcast #170. In 169 previous guests, I’ve never had a sports related guest on. Oh don’t worry, there will still be “Bachelor” talk this week with the lovely Jacqueline Trumbull, one of my favorites to talk to. Jacqueline and I, while I consider us to be friends even though we’ve never met, also have a differing opinion, I believe, on what I do as a job. Putting aside all the Jenna stuff from two years ago, and even though Jacqueline and I absolutely get along outside of this forum and have had some interesting text conversations over the years, I’m fully convinced she’s not a huge fan of what I do. … Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” Ratings, Madison Filming in Alabama, WTA and Finale Schedule & Some More Questions Answered

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Another crazy day yesterday in “Bachelor Nation.” My column seemed to spark a lot of chatter. Some good, some bad, some crazy. And by crazy, I mean people that still believe Peter ends up with his producer. I may not know every detail about how this all shakes out in the end this season, and I may not have 100% confirmation on who Peter is with yet (although I think it’s Madison), but one thing I do know for certain and I’ve said this going back at least a month: this is between Hannah Ann and Madison. Nobody else. Not a producer, not Hannah B., not anyone not from the franchise, and not anyone from #3 to #30 on his season. I can’t stress that … Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” Tonight’s Episode, & How Social Media is Out of Control with This Show

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Great. 2 more hrs of the “Bachelor” tonight. But I guess on the bright side, we’re that much closer to the drama ending and we’re whittling down the number of women. Because once hometowns hit, there’s really less drama between the contestants for the sole reason that they don’t spend time together. They only see each other at rose ceremonies and, for the most part, they aren’t allowed to talk and have conversations. Now, they may be changed up this season, but that’s how it normally works. Tonight’s episode I don’t believe ends with a rose ceremony. It’ll leave off with the impromptu 2-on-1 date. So if you saw my IG posts on tonight’s spoilers, you’ll see that Mykenna and Tammy are on the 2-on-1 … Continue reading

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