Reality Steve

Reader Emails

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” BIP Episode 6 Thoughts, & DWTS Cast Announced

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Well, it’s official now as the DWTS cast was released this morning. You know what’s funny? Every season we hear producers of that show touting the fact they’re gonna have this unbelievable cast, and every season it’s basically the same type of people. Athletes, someone from a Disney show and/or child actor, a few reality show people, a pop singer, then throw a few older contestants in there, and also someone usually from the political world who is usually out early. Same thing, different season. Tell me how this season’s cast (which is rumored to being DWTS’ last season) is ANY different from any previous seasons? Athletes? Check. Former child actor? Check. Reality TV contestant? Check. Pop singer? Check. Older nostalgic contestant? … Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” Paradise Episode 4 Mini Recap, Hannah/DWTS

    Photo Credit: ABC

    We know that Paradise is changing, and I’m not sure it’s for the better. This was always the show that didn’t take itself as seriously as the “Bachelor” or “Bachelorette,” it was light hearted, it made fun of itself, and was just an easier watch. A fun summer show. With how much social media is exploding and how it’s framing storylines for Paradise, it’s just not the same show it once was. I tweeted this out last night, but I’m beginning to think BIP doesn’t know what it wants to be. A fun summer show? Well, we’ve all watched these first 4 episodes. Is anything about this season a fun summer show? I’d say no. The original concept of this show was put all the … Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” Peter’s Ex Calee Speaks Out, the Blake/Caelynn Situation Blows Up

    Photo Credit: ABC

    What was the tagline from “Jaws?” “Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water?” Yeah, a new season of Paradise starts two days ago. The Peter stuff is behind us. Jed stuff is a week old already. We sit down ready to enjoy Paradise and all hell breaks loose again last night after Blake went on the offensive vs Caelynn. Last night was just as busy, for me, as the day I posted the changed spoiler on June 18th. The amount tweets, DM’s, emails, and IG messages I got about the Blake post was overwhelming. Small rant: You guys know this is my job. This is what I’m paid to do. When I get notifications in some form (i.e. email, … Continue reading

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