Reality Steve

Reader Emails

  • Bachelor in Paradise 4

    “Reader Emails” & “Bachelor in Paradise” to Resume Filming

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Not an hour after my post yesterday where I said you’d be hearing that production had completed their investigation, found no wrong doing, and you’d be hearing an announcement any day now – Warner Bros. came out and basically said just that. So the only thing at that point to start discussing was “Where do they go from here?” With the statement saying that filming would resume on production, we got our answer pretty quick. I didn’t know how the logistics worked, and knowing they originally only had the resort until the 26th or 28th, could they get everybody back there so quickly, how easy it was to maybe extend their time at the resort, we didn’t really know how it was all … Continue reading

  • Bachelor in Paradise 4

    “Reader Emails,” Trivia Contest Questions and Answers, & Another “Bachelor in Paradise” Update


    Another crazy day yesterday to say the least. So many stories coming out now, and I don’t think it’s ending anytime soon. This is gonna be one of those things where I think you’re going to hear something new almost every day. Whether big or small, somebody will write something in regards to “Bachelor in Paradise” that’s a new twist/slant/made up story that’s gonna give this thing legs. Right now it’s essentially a holding pattern until ABC completes their investigation into what exactly happened and what course they’re going to take moving forward. As I discussed in the post yesterday, and in both podcast appearances I did yesterday on Juliet Litman’s “Bachelor Party” podcast and the Huffington Post’s “Here To Make Friends” podcast, I think … Continue reading

  • Bachelor in Paradise 4

    “Reader Emails” and Your “Bachelor in Paradise” Original Cast is Released

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Very interesting how Ben & Lauren are handling the break up. Ben went and started doing a podcast with Ashley, and Lauren is giving her thoughts, piece by piece to I haven’t listened to Ben’s podcast, I’ve just read the excerpts that the media is reporting, and it looks like he’s not spending too much time talking about the breakup, but I have a feeling that the reason Lauren is speaking out now is BECAUSE Ben did a podcast. If he didn’t have that medium, my guess is she would’ve stayed silent. And not that she’s trashing him because she isn’t, but she’s definitely letting people in on a few things that hadn’t really been talked about publicly. Like today’s piece where she talked … Continue reading

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