Reality Steve

Reader Emails

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails” & BIP Update

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Geez, almost been a week since the last post. But then again, when there wasn’t a show on Monday, no need for a recap on Tuesday. That’s now twice this season that they didn’t have a show on Monday due to scheduling. Makes this season feel a tad disjointed, no? The ratings don’t suggest otherwise since it’s doing it’s normally solid summer numbers. Compared to previous seasons, it hasn’t been any better or worse. Been pretty steady compared to other seasons, which just goes to show that their fan base is about as loyal as you can get. When you’re this far into your franchise of 15 years and 34 seasons and still pulling the numbers that they are, it’s a pretty incredible feat. There … Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails” & DeMario Tells Us Everything That Went Down in Paradise

    Photo Credit: E! Online

    Wanted to talk about the podcast really quick. First off, the Thursday one. As you know, DeAnna is tomorrow’s guest, and she’s excellent. First lead I’ve ever had on the podcast (not for lack of trying that’s for sure) and she really holds nothing back. Has some great stories from both her “Bachelor” and “Bachelorette” seasons, with my favorite being how basically her “Bachelorette” didn’t turn out at all like she wanted to or expected to. Lays out in detail what she wanted to happen and how it didn’t. As for “He Said, She Said,” that will be released next month so if you want to be a part of the show, contact me or Sharleen and let us know what your issue is and … Continue reading

  • Bachelor in Paradise 4

    “Reader Emails” & “Bachelor in Paradise” to Resume Filming

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Not an hour after my post yesterday where I said you’d be hearing that production had completed their investigation, found no wrong doing, and you’d be hearing an announcement any day now – Warner Bros. came out and basically said just that. So the only thing at that point to start discussing was “Where do they go from here?” With the statement saying that filming would resume on production, we got our answer pretty quick. I didn’t know how the logistics worked, and knowing they originally only had the resort until the 26th or 28th, could they get everybody back there so quickly, how easy it was to maybe extend their time at the resort, we didn’t really know how it was all … Continue reading

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