Reality Steve

Reader Emails

  • Bachelor in Paradise 4

    “Reader Emails,” “Bachelor in Paradise” Episode 4 Recap & An Update on Some BIP Couples

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Man, last night was kinda all over the map, no? For those that are curious, that studio show we saw in the second hour last night with some of the BIP cast, Carly & Evan, and then the DeMario sit down, was taped back on August 5th. So is the Corinne sit down we’ll see next week. All taped on the same day even though Chris says, “and next week we’ll hear from Corinne.” No, it was all done on the same day back two Saturdays ago. Hence the reason they couldn’t mention at the time that Tanner and Jade had a baby girl because they just delivered this past weekend. And DeMario I think has done about 417 interviews saying the same exact thing … Continue reading

  • Bachelor in Paradise 4

    “Reader Emails” & “Bachelor in Paradise” Episode 2 Recap

    Photo Credit: ABC

    So there might be a change to the schedule from what I mentioned yesterday. There’s a chance that episode 3 of the “He Said, She Said” podcast with myself and Sharleen Joynt will be released tomorrow on Stitcher Premium instead of next week. You’ll know tomorrow morning once I release this week’s podcast with Lace Morris. I think there’s a good chance we can get the HSSS (that’s my short version of the title) podcast in tomorrow. At least I’m hoping to. If not, then next Thursday. But it’s a good one. Two callers, but two very different situations. Plus, we have one positive update from a previous caller and one, well, not so positive update from an episode #2 caller. It happens. But one … Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” & Peter Talks About Potentially Being the Bachelor

    Photo Credit: ABC

    So if you were following my Twitter the other day, you know tomorrow’s guest for Podcast #38 is none other than the “Real Housewives of Dallas’” Brandi Redmond. I’ve known Brandi a little over a year now and we talk about a ton of things: how we initially met (totally random), her time as a Dallas Cowboy cheerleader, her marriage and how it was portrayed on the show, the Jesus Juice parties we’ve had at her house, what we can expect for season 2 of RHOD which starts next Monday, plus a lot more. Brandi is my first podcast guest in 38 that I actually did in the comfort of my own living room, since she lives about 10 minutes from me. Definitely different to … Continue reading

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