Reality Steve

Reader Emails

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” “Men Tell All” Spoilers, DeMario & Britney Spears, and A Spoiler Slip Up

    Photo Credit: ABC

    So tomorrow we dip out of the Bachelor Nation for our podcast guest as Jenny McCarthy will be joining me for podcast #36. And yes, already I had at least 5 people ask me about the vaccination stuff. No, it was never brought up, nor was it ever going to be. I’m not doing an expose on her. This wasn’t an interview to challenge her on her stance about something like that. I try to keep my interviews a little more light hearted. The fact that Jenny even agreed to do it was a bonus for me, so I’m not going to have her on and start badgering her. I hope you can see Jenny as more than that. It’s a fun interview, Jenny has … Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” & Podcast Talk


    There isn’t a whole hell of a lot of news going on in the “Bachelorette” world right now as we head down the home stretch of the season. As I told you yesterday, the “Men Tell All” films this Saturday, so I’m sure you’ll be seeing a lot of the contestants posting about it on social media once they get out of the all day taping. A lot of the BIP contestants will be there as well as they like to have them in audience to introduce them to the new season that’s coming since that’s where we’ll get our first extended preview of the season. It will most certainly be another sh** show, for sure. So there’s always that to look forward to. The … Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” BIP News, Blogs, & Podcasts

    Photo Credit: ABC

    There were a couple of things that I didn’t hit on in the “Bachelor in Paradise” spoilers yesterday because, well, I don’t know the answer yet. And ABC hasn’t announced anything. One being when the premiere date is. It was set for Tuesday, August 8th, the day after Rachel’s finale. But I don’t know if that is still the working premiere date. I thought I heard it was being pushed back to Monday the 14th, but not sure. Also, still haven’t been told if there’s going to be an “After Paradise” on Tuesday nights. Hell, we don’t even know if the show is going to still be two nights a week yet. So there’s still a few scheduling things that need to be announced that … Continue reading

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