Reality Steve

Reader Emails

  • Bachelor in Paradise 4

    Final “Reader Emails” of the Calendar Year

    Photo Credit: Good Morning America

    So with things getting underway very shortly on filming of the “Bachelor” as girls arrive this weekend and Not Peter’s season beginning filming next Tuesday or Wednesday, lets lay out the next few months for this site. Today is the final “Reader Emails” of the season, with tomorrow being the final “Dr. Reality Steve” for the season. Once the shows are done airing, this has been the norm the last few years. The podcasts though aren’t going anywhere. Part 2 of the Desiree podcast comes at you tomorrow, and there will be a podcast released every Thursday for the remainder of the year and then some. I had told you that Kenny King is next week’s guest, but there’s a possibility that might get pushed … Continue reading

  • Dr. Reality Steve

    Podcast #42 – Interview with Desiree Siegfried (Part 1), “Reader Emails,” & “Dr. Reality Steve”


    Heading out to Vegas for the weekend so made sure to get you everything today. Podcast #42 (Part 1) with Desiree Siegfried is up first, followed by “Reader Emails” and then “Dr. Reality Steve.” No BIP recap from last night since it was only an hour and really nothing happened. If something happens to break with a “Bachelor” announcement in the next 5 days, I’ll probably chime in on Twitter briefly, but I really am trying to get away from things this weekend and just enjoy the second week of college football and the first week of NFL season. It’s an annual trip I look forward to every year and I frankly just want to keep “Bachelor” stuff out of sight/out of mind for a … Continue reading

  • Bachelor in Paradise 4

    “Reader Emails,” BIP Episode 6 Recap & Reunion Finale Taping Today

    Photo Credit: ABC

    So one correction from yesterday’s column in regards to the reunion show filming this week. I said yesterday that they were filming it tomorrow. Actually, they are filming it today. Not sure when I’ll find out exactly what happened, but I’m sure I will at some point. As I said yesterday, the only legitimate couples are Derek & Taylor and Adam and Raven. Derek and Taylor I could see getting engaged on that show. I’d be pretty surprised if Adam and Raven did, although I bet the show would like them to moreso than Derek and Taylor because, well, frankly not many people care about them. Lets just say they’d fall more into the Marcus & Lacey category and Adam & Raven would be more … Continue reading

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