Reality Steve

Reader Emails

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” Next Week’s Schedule, Ratings, & Lauren Bushnell on Tomorrow’s Podcast

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Not a huge “Reader Email” bag today, which might be a good thing. There were quite a few Garrett related emails, some of which I answered back personally, but my thoughts are I’m pretty much done talking about it. I gave my thoughts yesterday on the situation, he apologized, there isn’t really much else we can do at this point, so debating whether he’s allowed to like anything he wants or who cares what political side he’s on – yeah, I’m over it. I’m still trying to wrap my head around that’s what some people have minimized this story into, when that’s never what it’s been about. But it is what it is at this point. Hence the reason there’s really no point in continuing … Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” the Garrett Controversy Goes Mainstream, & “The Proposal”

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Quite a day yesterday, that’s for sure. There’s no other way around it: this sucks for Becca. One day after your season premieres, the Garrett situation is all anyone’s talking about. And rightfully so. It’s a big deal. And if you don’t think it is, then you might actually be part of the problem. “Roseanne,” the highest rated show on ABC right now, got cancelled yesterday because of a tweet. So yes, social media plays a HUGE role in our society today. Believe that. Nothing is private anymore, and that’s the problem. Tomorrow’s podcast with Ashley Spivey is excellent. We get into everything that happened over the weekend, why she did what she did, and why this Garrett Instagram controversy shouldn’t be treated lightly. Already … Continue reading

  • Bachelorette Becca Spoilers

    The “Bachelor” Arie Finale Thoughts, Questions Answered, & (EXCLUSIVE) Six of Becca’s Guys Confirmed For Next Season

    Photo Credit: ABC

    There hasn’t been a time in recent memory, if ever, that I can remember being this busy over a 48 hr period than these last two days have been. And honestly, 90 minutes into the ATFR last night, I thought it’d be fine. Show would end, I’d get a ton of reaction, I’d give my thoughts today, and that’d be that. But once ABC decided for the second season in a row to start their “Bachelorette” season early and give us 5 of Becca’s guys (remember, they gave us 4 last season – DeMario, Dean, Blake, and Eric), my phone, Twitter, and email was blowing up unlike anything I can remember since, well, I don’t know when. It was non f***ing stop til 1am, when … Continue reading

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