Reality Steve

Reader Emails

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” BIP Cast Announced & Info, Breakups, & More

    Photo Credit: ABC

    A lot of little Bachelor Nation stories to get to today before “Reader Emails.” Obviously the biggest news was the release of the BIP original cast yesterday. Yes, I’m well aware that I haven’t given you much BIP info. Give me a little time. The season just ended. There are some things I know and there some things I don’t know yet. When I get everything I need, then I will spill the info to you. There is a lot to gather when it comes to BIP because of so many different dates, rose ceremonies, etc. The basics of who went out with who is sometimes even hard because obviously people date multiple people. With that said, yes, I am aware of … Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” This Week’s Podcast Guest, & a Lincoln Email

    Photo Credit: ABC

    You know I love taking it back old school on occasion with my podcast guests, and this week is a perfect example of it. Inevitably when some media outlet does a countdown list of dramatic moments, or lists of show’s villains, Trish Schneider will always be a part of it. And she should. She is the original “villain” of this franchise. There had been 4 seasons of the “Bachelor” and two “Bachelorette” seasons that had aired before Jesse Palmer’s season began. In those 6 seasons there were certainly characters, but no one had ever been established as a true “villain,” like the one everyone was talking about at work the next day. That is until Trish came around. We talk about all the things that … Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails” and One of Becca’s Guys in Some Serious Legal Trouble

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Plenty of times I get tips/information on things regarding contestants on the show and I determine the severity on it and whether or not it’s worth reporting on. I’ve definitely not reported on more things than I have over the years. It’s not even close. When the social media craze first hit, it was next to impossible to not hear something about most contestants. Some stuff is more severe than others. Over the years I’ve learned that not everything is a story. Like, does someone who got eliminated on night one really need to be outed because they sent a flirty text to someone after they got home? Probably not. That’s a common one I’ve gotten. Of course, there’s always the ex who claims their … Continue reading

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