Reality Steve

The Bachelor 24 – Peter

  • The Bachelor 24 - Peter

    The “Bachelor” Peter – Episode 4 Recap, Chase/Victoria F., the Victoria P./Alayah Relationship in Pictures, & More

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Well that was about as crushing of a weekend as you can have. I guess we all remember where we were at certain moments in life, and definitely Sunday afternoon in the 24 Hr Fitness gym for me will be one. Was in between sets, looked at my phone, saw my Twitter feed, and said out loud, “Holy shit.” A couple guys looked over at me (guess it was louder than I thought), and I basically ended my workout at that point and headed home. Growing up in Southern California, having worked in sports talk radio in LA during Kobe’s prime years, the whole thing is pretty surreal. Never interviewed him, never had any contact with him really, but having spoken and written about him … Continue reading

  • The Bachelor 24 - Peter

    The “Bachelor” Peter – Episode 3 Mini Recap

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Well today will not be a full recap of last night’s episode due to the fact I’m on the road, in a hotel in NY where the people next to me have been loud as shit every night for the last 4 nights, and I’m ready to get out of here. I want to thank everyone who sent condolences to me these last few days due to my aunt’s passing last week. Been a rough couple days but I made it through, got to see all my relatives who live in NY (we were the only ones who moved west), got to see hundreds and hundreds of people flock to my aunt’s viewing and mass the last couple days, so I knew how much she … Continue reading

  • The Bachelor 24 - Peter

    The “Bachelor” Peter – Episode 2 Recap, Madison’s Week, Vegas Update & More

    Photo Credit: ABC

    We’ve got A LOT to get to before breaking down last night’s show, which amazingly enough, only got us up to one date after this week’s rose ceremony. They sure are lagging behind this season. However, if I’m judging this correctly, at the end of next week’s episode, it should be ending with rose ceremony #3. So that would fit in correctly and episode 4 would be when they begin travel in Ohio, like it should be since that’s where rose ceremony #4 takes place. I can’t imagine next week doesn’t end with rose ceremony #3. They’ll have to wrap up what happened at the end of the Revolve after party, Victoria P.’s 1-on-1, the shit show that is the pool party and all the … Continue reading

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