Reality Steve

The Bachelor 24 – Peter

  • Bachelor Peter Spoilers

    “Bachelor in Paradise” Finale Recap & The Rest of Peter’s Women

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Kind of a whirlwind yesterday. It’s been a while since I spent that many consecutive hours behind my computer screen. Getting woken up at 6am by Luka, to immediately seeing that the Bachelor FB page had posted 33 women as possibilities to be on Peters season at 3AM PACIFIC TIME which was incredibly odd, turned yesterday into madness for me. Yeah, I’m not sure what ABC’s thinking behind that was to release the women at 3am PST when they could’ve waited for a more opportune time like, I don’t know, when half the country was at least awake. I’ll never understand why they do some of the things they do. Good thing I had 15 profiles ready to go or yesterday could’ve been even longer … Continue reading

  • Bachelor Peter Spoilers

    (EXCLUSIVE) Peter’s Women & Where Are They Headed This Season?

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Man, I spent all weekend putting together bios ready to give you 15 of the women I expect to be on Peter’s season today, then ABC went out and did what they did last season by releasing 33 women on their Bachelor Facebook Page. Not all of these women will make it on. I expect about 30 to make it on. So some of these women will end up getting cut. But I guess this is their way of having the public vet out their women for them like they did for Hannah’s season. So what I’m gonna do is give you the 15 bios I put together over the weekend here on the site and on IG today. Then tomorrow I’ll … Continue reading

  • Bachelor in Paradise 6

    “Reader Emails,” Peter’s Early Season Filming Schedule & Notes on the Women

    Photo Credit: ABC

    You might be wondering why there was no column yesterday. Two reasons actually. 1) I’m pretty much over Paradise. There’s nothing remotely interesting going on anymore, the pre-planned storylines and horribly scripted scenes are insulting our intelligence Derek and I was basically half paying attention to the show while the Saints/Texans was on. And 2) I was still recovering from 4 days in Vegas. But not like you would think. I didn’t drink much, I wasn’t out in clubs at all, nor was I even out late. But 4 days in Vegas is my max, and just being there for that long, pretty much inside the whole time, totally on sensory overload, it just usually takes me a couple days to get back into the … Continue reading

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