Reality Steve

The Bachelor 26 – Clayton

  • The Bachelor 26 - Clayton

    The “Bachelor” Clayton – Episode 3 Recap, IG Followings from @BachelorData, March Madness Upcoming, & WORDLE!

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Ok, fine. I admit it. I’m addicted. I’m literally waiting til midnight CT every night to play Wordle. Only been playing 10 days, but I’ve gotten it every time, like I’m guessing most people have. Once I got it in 3 tries, seven times I got it in 4 tries, and twice in 5 tries. And yes, Ashley Spivey is who turned me on to it and now I have to text her when I feel good about how I figured it out. With that said, is it cheating if you write stuff down? See, I’m not good with letters and words in my head. With math, yes. I can do all sorts of math in my head. But not with words. I’d say on … Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” Gossip vs News, & IG Growth

    Photo Credit: ABC

    This is answered today in “Reader Emails” but just wanna mention it off the bat again since it has to do with there not being a new “Bachelor” episode next week. The NFL hasn’t officially announced what their playoff format is going to look like moving forward in future seasons. In particular, Super Wild Card Weekend like this upcoming weekend. But I gotta believe they’re gonna stick with this format that starts this season with our first ever Monday Night playoff game. NFL Playoffs have always been on Saturday & Sunday for as long as I can remember. This is the first year they’re pushing one of the opening weekend games to Monday night, which is why there’s no “Bachelor” next Monday night. I have … Continue reading

  • The Bachelor 26 - Clayton

    The “Bachelor” Clayton – Episode 2 Recap, Cassidy Goes Off on Social Media, & Bachelor Nation Relationships

    Photo Credit: ABC

    It’s been an interesting few days since we last spoke. I have COVID. Well let me rephrase that. I HAD COVID. Tested positive last Wednesday. Took rapid at home tests and tested positive Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and yesterday. This morning was my first day testing negative since last Wednesday, so things are good. For my particular situation, it consisted of a sore throat that turned into a runny nose, a bit of congestion, and a mini fever that lasted less than 12 hrs. I’m pretty much through it although my voice is a little hoarse that I think you’ll be able to maybe hear in this weeks podcast. But possibly not since I’m not recording til tomorrow afternoon so maybe it’ll sound better. So … Continue reading

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