Reality Steve

The Bachelorette 13 – Rachel

  • Bachelorette Rachel Spoilers

    (SPOILERS) Everything You’ll See in Monday’s Premiere of the “Bachelorette”

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Like I mentioned yesterday, no Bio Breakdown this season due to the fact that ABC waited til 5 days before the premiere to finally release them. With the podcast now, getting your episode 1 spoilers up as soon as I can, and still trying to finalize all your episode-by-episode spoilers for Monday, I just didn’t have time to get around to it this season. I’m not sure if this is a one season thing or if this is gonna become the norm for them to release everything so late. Guess we’ll find out next season. Normally it’s usually 10-14 days before the premiere. It’s ok. If you missed the bios and some of the guys’ ridiculous answers, you can check them out right … Continue reading

  • Bachelorette Rachel Spoilers

    Podcast #26 – Interview with Jaclyn Swartz, ABC Bios, & Some “Survivor” Links


    I think one thing that I’ve always cared most about when dealing with people is…just be real. Don’t be phony. I cannot stand fake people. And there are plenty of them in this franchise. There’s people you’ll see this season that are fake. Carrying on a persona that really isn’t them. Hamming it up for cameras. This isn’t news. We see this every season. There’s a certain insincerity you get with a lot of contestants that really ends up coming across when you see them on TV. Today’s Podcast #26 guest Jaclyn Swartz is definitely NOT one of those people. What you see is what you get. She was loud and outspoken on the “Bachelor,” “Bachelor Pad,” and “Bachelor in Paradise,” and she certainly doesn’t … Continue reading

  • Bachelorette Rachel Spoilers

    (SPOILER): Who Did Rachel Choose?, Ben & Lauren Break Up, Podcast Update, & the “Bachelor Winter Games” Coming to ABC

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Gonna be a few buys days in “Bachelor” land starting today and on this site. Yes, you’re right, I haven’t written as much this offseason. That’ll change come Monday. Back to the normal schedule of recaps Tuesday, “Reader Emails” Wednesday, Podcast release and “Dr. Reality Steve” on Thursdays. In addition, next week I will tell you about ANOTHER podcast that will be coming your way starting next month that I will be doing – with a co-host. And it’s someone from this franchise. I really think you’re gonna like it. That podcast is not replacing your weekly Thursday podcast. That is sticking around til, well, at least another year. More on that coming soon as well. I told you, lots of exciting things happening on … Continue reading

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