Reality Steve



  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” Ratings, IG Stats, & Why Don’t Certain Stories Get Told?

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Did this season go by fast or slow for you? Normally for me the season seems to go as it always does. I never think it goes too quick or too slow. Probably because it’s the same format and same number of episodes every season. Katie’s is only 10 episodes total, one less than the usual 11. Does that make it seem quicker? Meh, not for me really. I just think it starting later than usual threw me off. The last 7 or 8 “Bachelorette” seasons have all started in May and ended right at the end of July. Katie’s finale is August 9th, so, maybe that’s what seems off. Whatever the case, we’re only 3 weeks away and a lot of messiness still to … Continue reading

  • The Bachelorette 17 - Katie

    The “Bachelorette” Katie – Episode 7 Recap, Schedule for the Next 3 Weeks, Michelle’s Season Notes, & Fan Appreciation Party Openings

    Photo Credit: ABC

    As usual per my Tuesday column, get your “Reader Emails” in for tomorrow. Pretty low right now. Also, spots are opening up for my Annual Fan Appreciation Party in Vegas, Aug. 27th at the Rio Hotel and Casino. All I ask is that you’re vaccinated and show proof in an email to me. Party starts at 8:00pm on the 27th and it’s first come, first serve to whoever emails me to get on the confirmation list. That’s all you need to do to get on. Just email me, tell me everyone’s name in your party, prove vaccination, and you’re on the list. It’s always been a great time. Last year had to cancel because, well, COVID hit and I didn’t know Vegas was going to … Continue reading

  • Bachelorette Katie Spoilers

    What Happens Tonight & Next Week (MINOR SPOILER CHANGE)

    Photo Credit: ABC

    With this being the 3rd consecutive “bubble” season of the show (Clare/Tayshia, Matt, Katie), you’ve seen that spoilers have just been tougher to get. Been able to get a lot of spoilers, but details surrounding those spoilers have been harder to come by. Like back on May 13th, I wrote this regarding Michael A. leaving the show: “I don’t know any of the exact details regarding his departure, I just know either Katie sends him home to be with his son or he wants to leave because of it. I believe he makes it to the episode before hometowns.” So half of that is right. Michael does self-eliminate, but not until next week. So at the end of the episode tonight, your final 4 are: … Continue reading

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