Reality Steve



  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” Filming Info, & When Does the “Men Tell All” Tape?


    We’ve arrived at that time of the season. Happens every year and, well, it’s happening again. And unfortunately, there’s nothing I can do to stop it, nor is there anything I can do to really ease anybody’s mind. You’ll see it in one of the “Reader Emails” today, but the inevitable “Are you sure Nayte is Michelle’s final 1” question is here. And you’ll only see it once today since I don’t like to do repeat questions in the same “Reader Email” column, but trust me, I got it more than once this week. Maybe people are bored. Maybe they think it’s too easy. I don’t know. But every season it happens. And yes, some seasons the original spoiler ended up being wronged, got changed, … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #259 – Interview with “Reality Life” Podcast Host Kate Casey & Your Final 4 for Clayton’s Season


    Another fun podcast today with a friend of the podcast, Kate Casey, who recently had a very interesting podcast interview with Jed Wyatt. We discuss that along with RHOBH drama and suggest a few amazing documentaries you could watch. But first, I start out by talking about the final 4 confirmation I posted yesterday on Clayton’s season and the response to it, mostly that turned into questions about Michelle’s final 4. Kind of a head scratcher to be honest. Then in a pure nostalgia moment, last night it was announced that Fox is re-booting “Joe Millionaire” come January, which is the show that essentially birthed Reality Steve back in 2002. So I give my thoughts on all of that before Kate comes on for a … Continue reading

  • The Bachelorette 18 - Michelle

    The “Bachelorette” Michelle – Episode 3 Recap, Villains Gonna Vill, & Toxic Bachelor Nation At It Again


    Sometimes I just have questions. And usually in the past, I was able to get those questions answered, for the most part, by directly talking to the people involved to come on my podcast. We know now that a lot of contestants are protected by this show and only go on “Bachelor approved” podcasts. Not to mention, they are basically told to stay away from mine. There’s nothing I can do really. Which is why it sucks when an interview like this comes out from Eric Bigger, and it makes me wanna talk to the guy. He really brings up some interesting points in this interview, but also, I’m a bit confused about some of the things he said and the … Continue reading

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