Reality Steve



  • Podcasts

    Podcast #254 – Interview with “Survivors” Stephen Fishbach


    “Survivor” is back on our air after almost being gone for 2 years and that can mean only one thing – our resident guru and former 2-time player Stephen Fishbach joins the podcast to talk about it being back in our lives. A lot of new changes to “Survivor” this season and we talk about each one individually. Do we like them? Do they benefit the game? Does it make the production better? Some things are blatant, some not so much. We dive into all of that and then some. As a heads up, this was recorded before last night’s episode, so there won’t be any spoilers regarding last night. And since the “Beware Advantage” was used for the first time last night, you’ll hear … Continue reading

  • Bachelor in Paradise

    “Bachelor in Paradise” – Episode 10 Thoughts, Jesse Palmer is Your New “Bachelor” Host, & Some Info on Clayton’s Women

    Photo Credit: ABC

    So I did get an update from yesterday regarding Luka and the son I didn’t even know she had. Basically, Luka, her sister (Lotus), and her son (Buster), were rescued from a backyard breeder. The person who rescued them decided to keep Buster for themselves, and gave Luka and Lotus to the Humane Society that I ended up adopting Luka from. So Buster was never put through the Humane Society system, hence the reason I never saw him or knew about him. Now it makes more sense. I’ll be meeting Buster and his adopted parents at this reunion on Sunday. Thanks to those who emailed in yesterday with your suggestions regarding Luka meeting her son that she hasn’t seen in at least 3 years. It … Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” Michelle’s Men, Clayton’s Women, & What I Found Out About Luka Over the Weekend

    Photo Credit: ABC

    So something interesting happened to me over the weekend involving my dog Luka. The woman who fostered Luka before I adopted her asked me if I’d be interested in joining a reunion picnic this upcoming Sunday for all dogs that were adopted through that Humane Society. I’m in. Of course I’ll bring Luka to that. She then told me that the family who adopted Luka’s son would be there and they wanted to meet Luka. Here’s the thing: I didn’t know Luka had a son. Was never told that. When I was scrolling through the Humane Society’s adoption page, I knew that Luka had a sister, Lotus, who was on the page but wasn’t adoptable at the time I adopted Luka because she hadn’t passed … Continue reading

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