Reality Steve



  • Bachelor in Paradise 7

    “Bachelor in Paradise” – Episode 3 Recap, Ratings, IG Following, and “The OC”

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Can I just say how awesome it’s been to be on an “OC” rewatch? I remember watching all 4 seasons the early 2000s, but then I don’t think I ever watched it again. But back in May when I went to Vegas, on the flight home American Airlines wifi was down, so all I could do was watch videos on their app. “The OC” was one of the shows on there and I watched two on the flight, and ever since I basically try to watch 2 a night. Last night just finished episode 20 on season 3. There’s 25 episodes in season 3, then I think the final season only has 14. So I’m a good 75% through the series again and it’s been … Continue reading

  • Bachelor in Paradise 7

    “Bachelor in Paradise” – Episode #2 Recap, Bachelor Talk, & Michelle’s Filming

    Photo Credit: ABC

    You realize we’re only 6 days away from the grand opening of the Olive Garden on the Vegas strip? You should. Should be a national holiday if you ask me. Anyway, in case you missed my open to last Thursday’s podcast with Sarah Emig, I’ll be in Vegas this weekend, Thursday through Monday. I changed my flight Monday just so I could try and be the first customer when the Olive Garden opens at 11am on Monday. Lets see if that can happen. I would think on a non-holiday Monday at 11am, I can’t imagine there being too long a line, if any, right? It’s the Olive Garden. They’re everywhere. It’s not like this is some brand new restaurant. I hope you all can keep … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #248 – Interview with Sarah Emig of “FBoy Island”


    You know I was looking forward to this one as I’ve hyped up “FBoy Island” for the last 3 weeks. If you haven’t watched the finale, which was released last week, I suggest waiting until you watch before listening to this interview with Sarah because we talk about everything. All the questions you have for her I’m pretty sure I covered. We get into more of her backstory, how she got cast, the idea that she didn’t even know what show they were on until filming was almost over, the decision at the end to choose who she chose, what you didn’t see on camera, etc. There’s a lot to cover here. Before that, I start by giving you my Bachelor thoughts and where we … Continue reading

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