Reality Steve



  • Clares Guys

    (EXCLUSIVE) Clare’s Guys

    Photo Credit: GMA

    Woke up this morning, and whaddya’ know, ABC has released 32 who might be on Clare’s season. This is the 4th season in a row they’ve released the men early. Filming begins Friday, and in years past, in the 2 days the contestants were released before filming started, 2-3 end up getting cut and not making the list. So just assume that’ll happen again. Every guy I had on my list of 20 except for one ended up being part of this 32, so that made my job a little bit easier today. However, here’s what I’ll do. I’m giving the 19 whose bios I already had made up right now, gonna work on today’s column, and that’ll be up in … Continue reading

  • The Bachelor 24 - Peter

    The “Bachelor” Peter – Finale Part 1 Thoughts, Editing Tricks Again, & Clare’s Season

    Photo Credit: ABC

    It took all of about 3 seconds after the preview aired of tonight’s episode for the emails/tweets/DM’s to start flowing in about Madi in the preview and Chris Harrison saying, “You haven’t heard the last from Madi.” Guys, how many times does editing have to screw with you before you realize this show toys with your emotions through the editing? Surely we don’t have to go over all the editing tricks they’ve pulled countless times over the years that had everyone thinking one way, but it ended up either A) never being shown when the actual episode aired or B) completely opposite of what you thought it was. Hell, this season they already did it with the Barb crying fit of “Don’t let her go…bring … Continue reading

  • Bachelor Peter Spoilers

    Final Rose Ceremony Spoilers (UPDATED)

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Crazy ass weekend I tell ya’. One of my busier ones in recent memory. After my post on Thursday, within literally 10 minutes, I was basically told, “you need to check on a few of the things that you reported,” and lets just say that was coming from places/people that would know things, so I spent all weekend trying to get stuff together. So overall, what I reported Thursday is basically correct, but there were some things that were wrong and I will be able to fill in a few details I didn’t have yet. Immediately after my tweet Thursday that sources were coming to me with new information, that started a string of “production is trying to screw with him” emails and tweets. Let … Continue reading

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