Reality Steve



  • Bachelor Peter Spoilers

    Podcast #163 & Column – What I Know (And Don’t Know) About Peter’s Ending


    So a lot of stuff to get to today, but right off the bat, I’m going to tell you immediately that what I know you want the answer to, I will help with it, but I have nothing definitive. I’ll go over all of that later, but I know many of you were expecting all your answers to everything about the ending this season today, and I don’t have them. But I will fill in some blanks that hopefully will clear up a couple things. I know we’re 4 days away from the premiere and you don’t know the ending yet and it’s really never happened before since I started spoiling the “Bachelor.” Even if my initial spoiler was wrong, I had always released a … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #162 – Interview with Samantha Hoffman and Dominique Price of “Temptation Island”

    Photo Credit: USA Network

    Got another good “Temptation Island” podcast for you this week with two of the singles this season, Samantha Hoffman and Dominique Price. Both were heavily involved in some of the bigger storylines this season, and yet again, we have guests that reveal stuff you didn’t see air on TV. Samantha really explains what happened in that “threesome” with David and Payton and how it came to be, plus she elaborates and goes over the whole timeline of her relationship with David post-show that he flat out denied even happened during the reunion. Dominique’s story is just as interesting because, if you watched this season, the editing made his relationship with Kate seem pretty one sided. After listening to Dominique, it doesn’t seem like it was … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #161 – Interview with Ashley Howland and Ashley Goldson of “Temptation Island”

    Photo Credit: USA Network

    Well, you saw it all go down last night, now you get to hear from some of the people directly involved. “Temptation Island” season 2’s final bonfires and reunion show were quite the spectacle, as I warned you they were. Every outcome of the final bonfires ended up being changed by the time they filmed the reunion – Ashley G. and Rick had broken up, Ashley H. and Ben were done, Esonica and Kareem weren’t together, and Dave and Toneata lasted a hot minute. Today, you will hear from both Ashley’s, who are currently roommates now in LA. And they hold nothing back. I’m sure there will be backlash as everyone wants to get their say in, but yeah, this is all just messy. Ashley … Continue reading

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