Reality Steve



  • Podcasts

    Podcast #167 – Interview with “Temptation Island” Host Mark Walberg


    For the first time in I think forever, I have about the next 5-6 podcasts set up and ready to go. I haven’t recorded them yet, but I have people lined up and scheduled. Granted, things could happen and they cancel or postpone, but I’d be surprised if that happened. Got some really good ones I’m excited about and one major exclusive upcoming, so stay tuned. But today, we wrap up “Temptation Island” season 2 with host Mark Walberg, who we have on at the beginning and end of every season. Our schedules have prevented us from getting together until this week, but Mark is about as solid of an interview as there is out there. While he’s never going to lay into the contestants … Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” Two Episodes Next Week, & Ratings

    Photo Credit: ABC

    So many theories floating around, so much speculation, and I think it gets crazier and crazier the longer there is no finale spoiler out there. First we had the golf bag Tik Tok, which proved nothing. Then we had Seed to Mountain Gate, which again, proved nothing. Then we had all the pregnancy rumors which will not die down, and as I said last week, those are garbage too. What’s the latest one? Oh yeah. “ABC is paying you off to keep quiet this season.” Yeah, that’s TOTALLY it. That’s been going on for years. Then again, anyone who thinks I’m on ABC’s payroll is completely ignorant, a total moron and doesn’t know the first thing about my business. But because it’s such low hanging … Continue reading

  • The Bachelor 24 - Peter

    The “Bachelor” Peter – Episode 4 Recap, Chase/Victoria F., the Victoria P./Alayah Relationship in Pictures, & More

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Well that was about as crushing of a weekend as you can have. I guess we all remember where we were at certain moments in life, and definitely Sunday afternoon in the 24 Hr Fitness gym for me will be one. Was in between sets, looked at my phone, saw my Twitter feed, and said out loud, “Holy shit.” A couple guys looked over at me (guess it was louder than I thought), and I basically ended my workout at that point and headed home. Growing up in Southern California, having worked in sports talk radio in LA during Kobe’s prime years, the whole thing is pretty surreal. Never interviewed him, never had any contact with him really, but having spoken and written about him … Continue reading

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